Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 y/o disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts Wednesday night came to the U.S. via the Biden admin’s ...

Are you some kind of a retard? No one was defending the rapist. I just stated ... and wait for it because you are a little slow... is that the other 138,000 Haitians who have come over seeking asylum DIDN'T RAPE ANYONE.

Why is being raped by an illegal so much worse than being raped by a citizen? It doesn't seem to be the rape you are fixated on, it was the illegal.

"I was raped by a citizen"
Bill: "Thank God he wasn't a dirty, stinking illegal!!!!"
Sure, except you don’t see the problem with rape because you are well
A dickhead
I grab woman by the pussy every chance I can get away with it. If he thought it was Marla, so what? Obviously he didn't know who it was. Joe, I have got to be honest, you are a very disturbing individual. Have you been this way all your life? Did this start when Trump was elected?


Nope, I've been pretty much like this, I've never tried to hide racism or transphobia behind a fake concern for women.

Just because you're a racist douchenoodle doesn't mean I have to fall for your fake panics. I doubt you cared all this much for this mentally disabled woman living in a halfway house before this happened.
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No, I don't see a problem with this one because the guy was caught and will be punished, unlike 97% of other rapes where the perp will never see the inside of a jail cell.
Yes its well established rape is of no concern to you.
Nope. Not really. We've decided it's acceptable as a society. Heck, you can commit a rape, and at least 47% of the country will support you as President.
First you claim you don’t care the. You claim you do and now you’re back to you don’t. Why so uncaring about rape? Do you have a special connection to the crime?
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First you claim you don’t care the. You claim you do and now you’re back to you don’t. Why so uncaring about rape? Do you have a special connection to the crime?
that is how the democrat's roll. they don't care about rape, abortion, murder etc.
First you claim you don’t care the. You claim you do and now you’re back to you don’t. Why so uncaring about rape? Do you have a special connection to the crime?

I think I've made my position pretty clear, but because you seem to have a learning disability, let me make it clear for you.

It's wrong to demonize ALL immigrants for what one guy did. It's wrong to demonize all Police Officers for what one guy did.

I don't care that a few people do bad things. If you really want to prevent that, then reform the system to do better background check than making someone wait 4 years for an asylum hearing. And even that won't prevent all of them, just like all the police reform BLM wants will still not prevent a single cop from making a mistake.
I think I've made my position pretty clear, but because you seem to have a learning disability, let me make it clear for you.

It's wrong to demonize ALL immigrants for what one guy did. It's wrong to demonize all Police Officers for what one guy did.

I don't care that a few people do bad things. If you really want to prevent that, then reform the system to do better background check than making someone wait 4 years for an asylum hearing. And even that won't prevent all of them, just like all the police reform BLM wants will still not prevent a single cop from making a mistake.

On the other hand, the rapes, murders and lawlessness is a direct result of the Dems / Socialists open borders. Your side has imported millions of illegals from the most lawless, violent, third world backwaters on the planet. The results are precisely what one would expect.

It's predictable you would flail your pom poms for BLM. What BLM achieved was a money making fraud syndicate that preyed on self-loathing white Dems / Socialists who were eager to virtue signal as they dumped boatloads of cash on BLM crooks and charlatans who enriched themselves.

BLM is a complete clown show but you Dems / Socialists couldn't help yourselves. You rewarded a crime syndicate.
On the other hand, the rapes, murders and lawlessness is a direct result of the Dems / Socialists open borders. Your side has imported millions of illegals from the most lawless, violent, third world backwaters on the planet. The results are precisely what one would expect.

It's predictable you would flail your pom poms for BLM. What BLM achieved was a money making fraud syndicate that preyed on self-loathing white Dems / Socialists who were eager to virtue signal as they dumped boatloads of cash on BLM crooks and charlatans who enriched themselves.

BLM is a complete clown show but you Dems / Socialists couldn't help yourselves. You rewarded a crime syndicate.
Liberals simply dont care how many violent crimes migrants commit

They want to bring in as many as possible no matter what
I think I've made my position pretty clear, but because you seem to have a learning disability, let me make it clear for you.

It's wrong to demonize ALL immigrants for what one guy did. It's wrong to demonize all Police Officers for what one guy did.

I don't care that a few people do bad things. If you really want to prevent that, then reform the system to do better background check than making someone wait 4 years for an asylum hearing. And even that won't prevent all of them, just like all the police reform BLM wants will still not prevent a single cop from making a mistake.
Vetting is key, but with a broken system that exist in the countries these people are supposedly coming from, and you couple that with dumb ace excuse making Democrat's, then you have created a serious national security issue for the citizen's of the United States.
Liberals simply dont care how many violent crimes migrants commit

They want to bring in as many as possible no matter what

Yep. And dead Americans, crime and an economic stranglehold on the taxpayer is the result of Biden's anticipated future voting base.
Nothing but the best for America under Biden.

So far, Biden has had 138,000+ Haitians alone flown here. We don't need any Haitians.

BREAKING: Per DHS sources to me & @GriffJenkins, the Haitian man arrested for raping a 15 y/o disabled girl at a migrant hotel in Massachusetts Wednesday night came to the U.S. via the Biden admin’s parole program for Haitians, which allowed him to fly into JFK airport in NYC direct from Haiti in June 2023 w/ a 2 year parole grant. We’re told that ICE has now filed a detainer on 26-year-old Cory B. Alvarez with local authorities, & that he had a sponsor listed in New Jersey as part of his parole.
The Biden admin’s controversial CHNV parole program allows up to 30,000 Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans to fly into the U.S. after they’ve supposedly been vetted and have a sponsor in the U.S.
The recipients typically receive two year “humanitarian parole” grants, which allow them to apply for work authorization and live in the U.S.
According to CBP data, at least 138,000 Haitians have been brought to the U.S. since the start of the Biden admin’s program in January 2023.
The Biden admin considers this program a “lawful pathway”, and the recipients bypass the border entirely, flying over it instead. The program is an effort to cut down on high numbers of illegal crossings at the border.
I reached out to CBP & DHS for comment yesterday, and have not heard back yet.

Have you documented every case like this during every American presidency? Or just when a Democrat is president?
Vetting is key, but with a broken system that exist in the countries these people are supposedly coming from, and you couple that with dumb ace excuse making Democrat's, then you have created a serious national security issue for the citizen's of the United States.
The only system that is broken is the one in this country, and Trump intentionally broke it to pander to the anti-immigrant right.

There are only 1500 case workers to vet millions of asylum seekers. My wife has been waiting for her asylum hearing for seven years.

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