Gun registration...yes, the democrats want it, yes, they want to use it to ban and confiscate guns....

"The privilege in question exists apart from state authority. It is guaranteed the people by the federal constitution." The state does not have the power to license or tax a right guaranteed to the people.

Religions are not entirely free from facing financial burdens from the government. It is one thing to impose a tax on the income or property of a preacher. It is quite another thing to exact a tax from him for the privilege of delivering a sermon. If the exercise can be taxed, the government is capable of making it prohibitively expensive and could be done only by the wealthy.

The case also established the preferred position doctrine, which states that "[f]reedom of press, freedom of speech, [and] freedom of religion are in a preferred position", indicating that certain fundamental human rights have prerogative.

v Bruen, in elevating the right to keep and bear arms to the same level of all the other enumerated rights, adds the right to keep and bear arms to this list.
In my county you can't bring a gun onto school grounds. Is this constitutional?
As I proved your assertion false, there's no need for me to answer the question.
Sure you did.

Did you just try to move the goalpost? Why yes, yes you did.

You do not have the right to use public property,. Apples/oranges.
The permit you speak of is not for the basic exercise of the right, but for the use of public property.
Your concession, again, accepted.
If you look you'll see the goal posts were moved by you. I was not the one who talked about events on public property needing permits. I noted that events on private property can effect public property (the road to Woodstock as I recall).

But, to your point
There;'s no state law or local ordinance that requires me to get a permit to have a picnic on my property, regardless of the number of people I invite. Feel free to prove otherwise.
You sure? I assume you don't live here:

A permit is required on private and public property if any of the following apply to your event:
  • The total number of people reasonably expected to attend on private property exceeds 500.
I would register them if there was a law but unfortunately they were all lost in a tragic boating accident.
Sure you did.
I'm sorry you don't like the truth, but there's nothing I can do about it.
The USSC says you;re wrong. You can believe otherwise, but that means you -choose- to be wrong.
If you look you'll see the goal posts were moved by you. I was not the one who talked about events on public property needing permits.
Yes. And as we know, this has nothing to do with the basic exercise of a right because you do not have a right to use public property - the permit is for the use of that property, not the exercise of the right.
Your example is apples and orange - and thus, inapplicable
You sure?
Completely. Feel free to demonstrate otherwise.
Oh I didn't realize you were just another idiot foreigner who doesn't know anything about the US.

FYI no American cares what foreigners think about the US.
I hope you realized I wrote 'county' NOT 'country' and are just being humorous. Otherwise that would make you an illiterate, idiot American, and no one cares what they think about anything.
I hope you realized I wrote 'county' NOT 'country' and are just being humorous. Otherwise that would make you an illiterate, idiot American, and no one cares what they think about anything.
That's what I get for trying to read my phone without my glasses

No one is allowed to walk into any school with a gun so your county is no different than any other
How is that NOT an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights?
2. Like most rights, the Second Amendment right is not unlimited. It is not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose: For example, concealed weapons prohibitions have been upheld under the Amendment or state analogues. The Court’s opinion should not be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings,
v Heller

To be clear, even if a modern-day regulation is not a dead ringer for historical precursors, it still may be analogous enough to pass constitutional muster. For example, courts can use analogies to “longstanding” “laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings” to determine whether modern regulations are constitutionally permissible. Id., at 626. That said, respondents’ attempt to characterize New York’s proper-cause requirement as a “sensitive-place” law lacks merit because there is no historical basis for New York to effectively declare the island of Manhattan a “sensitive place” simply because it is crowded and protected generally by the New York City Police Department
v Bruen
Been there, done that.

How is that NOT an infringement on our 2nd amendment rights?
Why would it be?

There is no Constitutionally protected right that you have access to a public school building if you are not a student or do not work there.

What is an infringement is requiring people to pay for classes and permits
That's not true, of course.
Some schools allow teacher/faculty/staff to carry.
Some schools have "guardian" programs where people carry in schools.
And, of course, police/resource officers can carry in schools.
The general public by law cannot bring firearms into a public school of course state laws may vary which is why talking about state laws here is a waste of time. Teachers and cops are agents of the state and thus have other privileges granted by the state

The general public cannot bring firearms into any federal building
Why would it be?

There is no Constitutionally protected right that you have access to a public school building if you are not a student or do not work there.

What is an infringement is requiring people to pay for classes and permits
I must be confusing you with someone else. I thought you were the one who claimed rights cannot be infringed upon.

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