Good Article on Germany

Merkel screwed up Germany ...

The honorable former chancellor Angela Merkel - one of the greatest chancellors of our federal republic - is still one of the most respected persons here in Germany (and also respected worldwide as far as I know) and if I translate verbally "screwed up" into the German language then this means "hochschrauben" (raise). "Hochschrauben" is what the Mohawks once did do in New York when they builded your skyscrapers by screwing them from a deeper level step by step to a higher level.

And what the former president Donald Trump did do with the political communication between the USA and Germany is what you can see in the following video:

PS: If Donald Trump will become next time president of the USA then I hope he made meanwhile an international drivers license for the USS-USA.
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Think l might get to live in the White House? :p

No - for Donald Trump you are only the dirt under his shoes. Remember John McCain. Everyone is only dirt under the shoes of Donald Trump. This is his a common element with Putin, slave of Putin (=dirt under the shoes of Putin).
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The tl;dr version has a not unfamiliar premise many Americans can relate to - populist and extremist parties have been rising as a reaction against the elites who have pushed policies that are very unpopular amongst a good chunk of its voters, causing the center to get narrower and narrower.


Thing is, they won't get anywhere.

The far right in Germany is the NPD or "Die Heimat" as they like to be known now, never does anything in any election. 0.14% in 2021.

If you mean the AfD, well, they're not really "far right" they're more "comedy right", like the Tea Party, like UKIP etc.

The AfD lost 11 seats. In Germany you need a coalition to get into power, and people don't want to be in coalition with the AfD anyway, so...
If you mean the AfD, well, they're not really "far right" they're more "comedy right"

Sure - Hitler was funny. That's why everyone who laughed at him survived. Und übrigens: Wie gut sprichst Du deutsch und liest auch die Stellungnahmen des Bundesverfassungsschutzes, der aus einem sehr guten Grund heraus gegründet worden war, während du gerade eben das erste mal den Begriff "Bundesverfassungsschutz" überhaupt gehört hast und ihn ebensowenig verstanden hast wie den Rest dieses deutschen Satzes hier? (=And by the way: How well do you speak German and also read the statements of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, which was founded for a very good reason, while you have just heard the term "Bundesverfassungsschutz" for the first time ever and understood it just as little as the rest of this German sentence here?)
For example: Why do you defend the political party AfD in Germany although you know nothing about Germany?

I don't reply to another 'highlights' of your speculative and very intellectual guesswork treatise, just wanna say a little bit to your statement.
Germany is a communist tyranny (SCAMdemic CONvid-1984, green insanity, migration policy, end of nuclear energy etc. proved it) and a true opposition in the country impossible.
AFD plays the same role in your political system as similar 'opposition' parties in another dictatorships.
Even if AFD riches 100% in all elections (in the worst for you case) happens nothing because all departments, offices, ministries, presstitutes etc. etc. etc. completely infiltrated by commies and satanists who will sabotage legislature.
You have no one politician whom can be trusted to, the last one - Helmut Schmidt - is dead since many decades

In my opinion you have more terrible current problems as AFD.

1. Demography
2. Dechristianization
3. Coming death of manufacturing
4. The highest energy prices in the world.

Your country was the best one until 1991, now it's slowly dying and nothing can stop the process.
The skilled workers leave your country, instead of you receive millions over millions new welfare recipients

Communism has devastated all countries, DDR 2.0 (former Germany) and Venezuela are the last examples.
expat500, The Duke, Baron



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