Good advice to young women be a good wife and mother

You have to take all that goes with that. And that is a declining nation with IQ's lower than the past...
MAGATS worrying about IQ decline.
I tell you folks it doesn't get any weirder than that.

My experience is that working woman tend to shame those who stay at home to raise a family.

If you want to

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.

My experience is that stay at home moms tend to shame those who want a career.

If you do not want to work.... do not work.

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
My experience is that stay at home moms tend to shame those who want a career.

If you do not want to work.... do not work.

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
While that has not been my experience, I can see where it would exist.

And I agree with your 2nd and 3rd.

Now, there is an issue where women feel they have to work in order to make ends meet.

And, of course, there is the very present problem of divorce which generally takes that choice away.

More than once, women who found my wife was a stay-at-home mom, have said..."I wish I could do that".

I also have some acquaintances where I know the wife would go nuts if she stayed at home.
There is as much wrong with telling women to have a career instead of a family as there is in telling women to have a family instead of a career.
With all the crazy athletes out there, it's good to find one with morals. Hopefully the young women listening will take his advice. More of this will be good for America.

---He went on to tell the women that he "would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."---

I whole heartedly agreed with his message. I don't know ANY young women as excited about their career as they are in planning their wedding or the birth of their first child.

But the main point is that those women who want a career are completely free to have one, and that is a good thing. I have been one of those women.

And those women who want to be a wife, mother, homemaker are completely free to do that if they marry a man who doesn't need her to help provide the income. I have been one of those women too.

And nobody, but nobody should see wife, mother, homemaker's vocation as somehow inferior or demeaning to her or lesser than those women who want careers outside the home. In my opinion, that mentality is one of the huge reasons our culture and society is as messed up as it is.
I whole heartedly agreed with his message. I don't know ANY young women as excited about their career as they are in planning their wedding.

But the main point is that those women who want a career are completely free to have one, and that is a good thing. I am one of those women.

And those women who want to be a wife, mother, homemaker are completely free to do that if they marry a man who doesn't need her to help provide the income. I have been one of those women too.

And nobody, but nobody should see wife, mother, homemaker's vocation as somehow inferior or demeaning to her or lesser than those women who want careers outside the home. In my opinion, that mentality is one of the huge reasons our culture and society is as messed up as it is.
Same with men. If they are the homemaker and stay at home father, that should also be encouraged.

The problem is that the speech made it sound like having a career was inferior to being a stay at home mom.
Same with men. If they are the homemaker and stay at home father, that should also be encouraged.

The problem is that the speech made it sound like having a career was inferior to being a stay at home mom.
I don't know of any successful stay at home fathers when the wife goes out to earn the living. It just doesn't feel right but I'm sure some have made it work. I actually had that for a short time. Hombre retired from a paying job before I did--we were working at the same place--and he would be the house husband taking care of things at home while I worked very long hours. It was great for me. For while. But it didn't feel right to either of us, and he eventually went back to work.

I think God naturally wired us for men to be the hunter gatherers and head of the household while women are the heart of the home making it a place of refuge and reinforcement and regeneration. That doesn't mean at all they can't at times competently trade off responsibilities and help each other.

I don't think he demeaned working women/wives/mothers in any way. But he emphasized the ideal situation that produces the strongest families, strongest most secure most safe communities and children who grow up with fewer problems and issues and better prepared to competently and productively take over the world as the next generation.

I hope he started a whole new trend in which the 'stay at home' wife and mother is as admired and revered as the successful career woman. That is the way it should be so that women do not feel they HAVE to have some kind of outside career in order to be 'real women' or some other nonsense.
My experience is that stay at home moms tend to shame those who want a career.

If you do not want to work.... do not work.

But don't look down your oversized nose at those who chose otherwise.
You are full of shit as usual. Stay at home moms do not shame working women.
You are full of shit as usual. Stay at home moms do not shame working women.

Do you spend a lot of time in Southern Baptist churches?

Because I can assure you it does happen.

The fact that some teenager that works as Wendy's does not know about it is not really surprising.
Do you spend a lot of time in Southern Baptist churches?

Because I can assure you it does happen.

The fact that some teenager that works as Wendy's does not know about it is not really surprising.
Oh just shut your pie-hole. You are one of the most clueless people posting at this site.
I don't know of any successful stay at home fathers when the wife goes out to earn the living. It just doesn't feel right but I'm sure some have made it work. I actually had that for a short time. Hombre retired from a paying job before I did--we were working at the same place--and he would be the house husband taking care of things at home while I worked very long hours. It was great for me. For while. But it didn't feel right to either of us, and he eventually went back to work.

I think God naturally wired us for men to be the hunter gatherers and head of the household while women are the heart of the home making it a place of refuge and reinforcement and regeneration. That doesn't mean at all they can't at times competently trade off responsibilities and help each other.

I don't think he demeaned working women/wives/mothers in any way. But he emphasized the ideal situation that produces the strongest families, strongest most secure most safe communities and children who grow up with fewer problems and issues and better prepared to competently and productively take over the world as the next generation.

I hope he started a whole new trend in which the 'stay at home' wife and mother is as admired and revered as the successful career woman. That is the way it should be so that women do not feel they HAVE to have some kind of outside career in order to be 'real women' or some other nonsense.
Society wires us. If you grow up with the expectation that men’s only value is in providing income for a family, they develop significant mental health problems when they’re unable to do so.

Likewise this speech demonstrates that society is programming women to think their true purpose in life is to raise kids and if they choose career they’re causing harm to their families.

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