General Problem with the American Charter System


Platinum Member
Jan 13, 2020
“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. There is a complex experiment in the organizing of a commerce union of different states of cultures that are all using the same government model that is inherently flawed. In general, the output of the experiment has been favorable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world. However, the increasingly vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable malfunction and symptom of the inaccurate experiment over-run.

The Preamble to the United States Constitution is not just a pretty introduction, it is a parameter list for analyzing the American Experiment. Contrary to popular legal rhetoric, all preambles have tremendous legal bearing in sovereignty and administration law.

It should be obvious to the responsible citizens that the approach to domestic tranquility is skewed, and that the other parameters for the American Experiment; justice, defense, general welfare, and posterity, are all at risk, as well. The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to reach enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, is a delusion rooted in the inaccurate Experiment.
It is not true that the Founders did not expect political parties to form. The founders did the best that they could with what little information they had. Partisanship is probably inevitable in legislative assemblies, and the Founders had to have experienced the phenomenon in their colonial legislatures; besides that, the legends of the Electoral College and the infamous Three-fifths clause explain an effort to balance a couple of obvious state alliances – big states versus the small states, and slave states versus free states. The problem is political science still has not figured out what to do about the partisanship problem that remains, and that is why the legend about the Founders not expecting political parties remains in circulation.

From some of the Founders’ points of view, their experiment with a bicameral legislature was doing what it is we are anticipating to happen; political parties were being (formed and) abandoned in the early stages of the political system. Seemingly, the bicameral legislature was filtering out the “bad parties,” and therefore, seemingly approaching whatever it is a good political party is supposed to be. As we know, that cannot be what happened, because we have been endowed with a political system that has a “dirty tricks” approach to domestic tranquility and the rest of the Experiment parameters.
The Founders designed a beautiful system of checks and balances and government agencies that would operate INDEPENDENTLY. They also did not envision Congressmen who do nothing but work in government their entire lives. We have an absolute corruption of the original design brought about largely by the Democratic Party that has broken down the independent wings of government. Add to that the death of Free and Independent Press and you are left with the mess we have today.
You were most powerful post WWI when you had strong state powrs domesticslly and the worlds economy.was slowly opening up. Division of power was adventageous to Americas Republic and economic engine. Centralized power is not.
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“The American Experiment” is not just a euphemism for the difficulty in self-governing a free society. There is a complex experiment in the organizing of a commerce union of different states of cultures that are all using the same government model that is inherently flawed. In general, the output of the experiment has been favorable, and the accomplishments of American society have been tremendously beneficial to the modern world. However, the increasingly vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring should be the noticeable malfunction and symptom of the inaccurate experiment over-run.

The Preamble to the United States Constitution is not just a pretty introduction, it is a parameter list for analyzing the American Experiment. Contrary to popular legal rhetoric, all preambles have tremendous legal bearing in sovereignty and administration law.

It should be obvious to the responsible citizens that the approach to domestic tranquility is skewed, and that the other parameters for the American Experiment; justice, defense, general welfare, and posterity, are all at risk, as well. The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to reach enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, is a delusion rooted in the inaccurate Experiment.
"...the increasingly vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness that we are enduring..."

Media generated pro rasslin'....If you actually go talk to your neighbors, you'll find that next to none of them, regardless of party, are as loony as portrayed by the hacks who are really behind the "vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness".
The Founders designed a beautiful system of checks and balances and government agencies that would operate INDEPENDENTLY.
It is nowhere near the level of sophistication that we need.

They also did not envision Congressmen who do nothing but work in government their entire lives.
Okay, so they did not envision that - what's the problem, and what's the solution and how does that work to prevent the problem created by the long-term congressmen?

We have an absolute corruption of the original design brought about largely by the Democratic Party that has broken down the independent wings of government.
The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to reach enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, is a delusion rooted in the inaccurate Experiment.

Add to that the death of Free and Independent Press and you are left with the mess we have today.
What do you think is going to happen with an imperfect constitution?
Media generated pro rasslin'....If you actually go talk to your neighbors, you'll find that next to none of them, regardless of party, are as loony as portrayed by the hacks who are really behind the "vitriolic partisan discourse and persistent social disorderliness".
The partisan strategies and bickering can be confused and amplified by the news media, and the information chaos causes some to fear for their sense of being. The frustration leads some to believe that they can be a hero by shocking the public to adjust the social order by their execution of horrendous violence. Perpetual social disorderliness and cellular rebellion is what we are enduring.

Whatever it is, it should not be considered the correct path to domestic tranquility. The approach to domestic tranquility should have a more orderly, reasoned, and peaceful route. Some political scientists are suggesting that we are approaching another civil war! And, if that is not bad enough, they are neglecting to explain the inevitable peace truces that will be called before any organized war.
It is nowhere near the level of sophistication that we need.

Okay, so they did not envision that - what's the problem, and what's the solution and how does that work to prevent the problem created by the long-term congressmen?

The belief that the political party that is causing all of the problems is going to reach enlightenment, cease their opposition to progress, and then all will be good, is a delusion rooted in the inaccurate Experiment.

What do you think is going to happen with an imperfect constitution?
We don't need any more sophistication. We need to adhere to the fundamental design that worked beautifully for over two centuries before the current Democratic Party destroyed the fundamentals and otherwise made a mockery of the content.

Lifetime politicians become engrossed in enriching themselves and under serve the people they are supposed to support. That is why we need 3 term limits in Congress AND a requirement that Congressmen have years of experience in the private sector and/or the military.

I have no belief that the Democrats are going to reach enlightenment. They are for perpetual One Party Rule which is why they want to flood the country with millions of illegal aliens.

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