Geezus spare me the overblown BS pahleese


Diamond Member
Jun 29, 2013
Are you Effing kidding me right now? Never have I seen the disconnect between Wall Street and Main street stretch so far, so fast and so deliberately. Read this pile of flotsam.....

Totally ignored in the article is the encroaching cost of living. This coward never once mentions it. Fxxk the official definition of inflation. REAL INFLATION is what most of the masses deal with not the OFFICAL version of it.

Total Disclosure so that I don't look like a hypocrite. I invested long ago in real I am doing well but NOT BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.....the ECONOMY SUCKS......WHY? Two words...Algebraic sum. It should be a simple concept for a schooled economist but apparently not.

Blame whoever you want to doesn't matter to the median income family...they don't sit around the kitchen table and parse the Core Inflation rate against the Corporate Gouging rate while having coffee and cinnamon toast ( Now 4 bucks a loaf ) and decide...." Oh yeah! Biden is doing a great job! " That is not what happens. What happens is they look at the bills for the week which are 100x and then they look at the spendable cash for the week which at this point is about 60Xl and wonder what in the hell they are going to do. ANNNNND THEN......ANNNND THEN.......they listen to the condescending voices from DC telling them they are too stupid.

What they will do is blame whomever is sitting in the White House without any real thought involved, it is the default position for people in our country.

Then in a few years when nothing has changed they will wonder why nothing ever gets better.
What they will do is blame whomever is sitting in the White House without any real thought involved, it is the default position for people in our country.

Then in a few years when nothing has changed they will wonder why nothing ever gets better.

it ain’t rocket science you dumb OX. Policy affects day to day living eventually fo all. Everything was much better for all in 2019 now a loaf of Oro-wheat cost $5.Frosted Flakes big box $5. Kids have to eat. Mom sees prices. You spin.
Are you Effing kidding me right now? Never have I seen the disconnect between Wall Street and Main street stretch so far, so fast and so deliberately. Read this pile of flotsam.....

Totally ignored in the article is the encroaching cost of living. This coward never once mentions it. Fxxk the official definition of inflation. REAL INFLATION is what most of the masses deal with not the OFFICAL version of it.

Total Disclosure so that I don't look like a hypocrite. I invested long ago in real I am doing well but NOT BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.....the ECONOMY SUCKS......WHY? Two words...Algebraic sum. It should be a simple concept for a schooled economist but apparently not.

Blame whoever you want to doesn't matter to the median income family...they don't sit around the kitchen table and parse the Core Inflation rate against the Corporate Gouging rate while having coffee and cinnamon toast ( Now 4 bucks a loaf ) and decide...." Oh yeah! Biden is doing a great job! " That is not what happens. What happens is they look at the bills for the week which are 100x and then they look at the spendable cash for the week which at this point is about 60Xl and wonder what in the hell they are going to do. ANNNNND THEN......ANNNND THEN.......they listen to the condescending voices from DC telling them they are too stupid.

You are in real estate? Maybe
NO mention of Biden's two disastrous real estate moves. Why did you leave that out?
He is now punishing good credit scores and rewarding the bad
And he is pushing UP house prices by that godawful stupid $10 000 bucks scheme.

SO if you have bad credit and can you use that to buy a home that is jacked up beyond street price , why would you not?????

We know that Biden has inflated college costs, yes INFLATED

A 2017 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the average tuition increase associated with expansion of student loans is as much as 60 cents per dollar. That is, more federal aid to students enables colleges to raise tuition more.Jul 28, 2021

Are you Effing kidding me right now? Never have I seen the disconnect between Wall Street and Main street stretch so far, so fast and so deliberately. Read this pile of flotsam.....

Totally ignored in the article is the encroaching cost of living. This coward never once mentions it. Fxxk the official definition of inflation. REAL INFLATION is what most of the masses deal with not the OFFICAL version of it.

Total Disclosure so that I don't look like a hypocrite. I invested long ago in real I am doing well but NOT BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.....the ECONOMY SUCKS......WHY? Two words...Algebraic sum. It should be a simple concept for a schooled economist but apparently not.

Blame whoever you want to doesn't matter to the median income family...they don't sit around the kitchen table and parse the Core Inflation rate against the Corporate Gouging rate while having coffee and cinnamon toast ( Now 4 bucks a loaf ) and decide...." Oh yeah! Biden is doing a great job! " That is not what happens. What happens is they look at the bills for the week which are 100x and then they look at the spendable cash for the week which at this point is about 60Xl and wonder what in the hell they are going to do. ANNNNND THEN......ANNNND THEN.......they listen to the condescending voices from DC telling them they are too stupid.

First, I am impressed that you even bother ed to read the linked article. I have to ask, how did you come across it?

There are lots of things I could post to support the contentions in the linked article. But one thing jumped out at me, in a hyperlink in the article.

The modern Democratic Party, and liberalism itself, is to a substantial extent a bastion of college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals, people for whom Biden-era inflation is unpleasant but rarely calamitous. Poor, working-class, and lower-middle-class people experience a different reality.
"College-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". When in the hell did that become a bad thing? Hell, I spent most of my adult life in an effort to insure my children became " college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". I thought that was a group to aspire to, not look at with contempt.

You are in real estate? Maybe
NO mention of Biden's two disastrous real estate moves. Why did you leave that out?
He is now punishing good credit scores and rewarding the bad
And he is pushing UP house prices by that godawful stupid $10 000 bucks scheme.

SO if you have bad credit and can you use that to buy a home that is jacked up beyond street price , why would you not?????

We know that Biden has inflated college costs, yes INFLATED

A 2017 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the average tuition increase associated with expansion of student loans is as much as 60 cents per dollar. That is, more federal aid to students enables colleges to raise tuition more.Jul 28, 2021

I made money in real estate. However, I bought in a down market and sold in a down market. In between I banked every dollar for my retirement.
First, I am impressed that you even bother ed to read the linked article. I have to ask, how did you come across it?

There are lots of things I could post to support the contentions in the linked article. But one thing jumped out at me, in a hyperlink in the article.

The modern Democratic Party, and liberalism itself, is to a substantial extent a bastion of college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals, people for whom Biden-era inflation is unpleasant but rarely calamitous. Poor, working-class, and lower-middle-class people experience a different reality.
"College-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". When in the hell did that become a bad thing? Hell, I spent most of my adult life in an effort to insure my children became " college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". I thought that was a group to aspire to, not look at with contempt.

It's the college educated, upper middle-class folks that look down on the working class, who they consider to be failures.
First, I am impressed that you even bother ed to read the linked article. I have to ask, how did you come across it?

There are lots of things I could post to support the contentions in the linked article. But one thing jumped out at me, in a hyperlink in the article.

The modern Democratic Party, and liberalism itself, is to a substantial extent a bastion of college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals, people for whom Biden-era inflation is unpleasant but rarely calamitous. Poor, working-class, and lower-middle-class people experience a different reality.
"College-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". When in the hell did that become a bad thing? Hell, I spent most of my adult life in an effort to insure my children became " college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". I thought that was a group to aspire to, not look at with contempt.

They have all been brainwashed into thinking an education is a bad thing.
What they will do is blame whomever is sitting in the White House without any real thought involved, it is the default position for people in our country.

Then in a few years when nothing has changed they will wonder why nothing ever gets better.

I have to agree with you here. Too much is expected of the guy who sits in that chair....he is the POTUS not a miracle worker and what many people don't realize is that the Fed doesn't necessarily have to listen to him.

They have all been brainwashed into thinking an education is a bad thing.
I think that particular article is a free subscription to my inbox.....pretty good source of info....what impresses me the most though is the complete lack of understanding that the author has about what it actually means to lead a median income life.....they don't know a fucking thing about it. I can't talk to much.....I don't lead one either but I did for many, many years including working two full time jobs for five years when all the kids were at home.

You are in real estate? Maybe
NO mention of Biden's two disastrous real estate moves. Why did you leave that out?
He is now punishing good credit scores and rewarding the bad
And he is pushing UP house prices by that godawful stupid $10 000 bucks scheme.

SO if you have bad credit and can you use that to buy a home that is jacked up beyond street price , why would you not?????

We know that Biden has inflated college costs, yes INFLATED

A 2017 study from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York found that the average tuition increase associated with expansion of student loans is as much as 60 cents per dollar. That is, more federal aid to students enables colleges to raise tuition more.Jul 28, 2021


I'm not actually IN real estate.... I just bought up a whole bunch of it when it was cheap. Worked out for me.
First, I am impressed that you even bother ed to read the linked article. I have to ask, how did you come across it?

There are lots of things I could post to support the contentions in the linked article. But one thing jumped out at me, in a hyperlink in the article.

The modern Democratic Party, and liberalism itself, is to a substantial extent a bastion of college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals, people for whom Biden-era inflation is unpleasant but rarely calamitous. Poor, working-class, and lower-middle-class people experience a different reality.
"College-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". When in the hell did that become a bad thing? Hell, I spent most of my adult life in an effort to insure my children became " college-educated, upper-middle-class professionals". I thought that was a group to aspire to, not look at with contempt.

There's nothing bad with college education as long as you don't expect to make a living with a PHD in Viking Poetry. I have always supported the effort of those who had the stick-to-itiveness to see it through.

It represents a lot of hard work....especially for a science degree. God help anyone going through college physics these's a beast.

I think what we are seeing here is the widening gap in class realities, almost as real as the caste system in India. Until the author of the article ( Prolly 300-400k/year) accepts a forty hour per week job at 25 bucks an hour and then tries to actually live a life based on that income......he's just talking out of his ass.

Are you Effing kidding me right now? Never have I seen the disconnect between Wall Street and Main street stretch so far, so fast and so deliberately. Read this pile of flotsam.....

Totally ignored in the article is the encroaching cost of living. This coward never once mentions it. Fxxk the official definition of inflation. REAL INFLATION is what most of the masses deal with not the OFFICAL version of it.

Total Disclosure so that I don't look like a hypocrite. I invested long ago in real I am doing well but NOT BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.....the ECONOMY SUCKS......WHY? Two words...Algebraic sum. It should be a simple concept for a schooled economist but apparently not.

Blame whoever you want to doesn't matter to the median income family...they don't sit around the kitchen table and parse the Core Inflation rate against the Corporate Gouging rate while having coffee and cinnamon toast ( Now 4 bucks a loaf ) and decide...." Oh yeah! Biden is doing a great job! " That is not what happens. What happens is they look at the bills for the week which are 100x and then they look at the spendable cash for the week which at this point is about 60Xl and wonder what in the hell they are going to do. ANNNNND THEN......ANNNND THEN.......they listen to the condescending voices from DC telling them they are too stupid.

The ECONOMY IS GREAT by all historical standards. People are doing well compared to history.

Here is the PROBLEM: While people are doing well compared to history it hasn’t solved what is essentially a structural problem with our economy, good economies are good for the wealthy and no one else.

The GOP usually ignores the inequity issue but now, out of power, they are all over it and the Dems aren’t going to lie, they know inequity is a problem too. Here is the deal. The GOP will point it out then do their damndest to keep it that way.

If you like the good economy VOTE Democrats. If you want a better equity situation VOTE Democrats. The GOP will continue to whisper in your ear that you are broke while reaching in your back pocket to steal your money. F them. Don’t vote GOP.
The ECONOMY IS GREAT by all historical standards. People are doing well compared to history.

Here is the PROBLEM: While people are doing well compared to history it hasn’t solved what is essentially a structural problem with our economy, good economies are good for the wealthy and no one else.

The GOP usually ignores the inequity issue but now, out of power, they are all over it and the Dems aren’t going to lie, they know inequity is a problem too. Here is the deal. The GOP will point it out then do their damndest to keep it that way.

If you like the good economy VOTE Democrats. If you want a better equity situation VOTE Democrats. The GOP will continue to whisper in your ear that you are broke while reaching in your back pocket to steal your money. F them. Don’t vote GOP.

95% of the votes are not doing well.
Problem: 100% of GOP policies make the middle class and poor worse.

As long as Wall Street is doing well Main Street is going to die.

That's the case no matter who holds the White House. One thing that will not help the middle class and poor is to flood the country with needy illegals, all of whom cost approximately 20k to 30k a year in tax payer money to feed, shelter and medicate. I think that's being very conservative in the estimate.

That's the big issue right now.
The unfortunate reality here is that good corporate bottom lines depend on the oppression of the median income family.
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it ain’t rocket science you dumb OX. Policy affects day to day living eventually fo all. Everything was much better for all in 2019 now a loaf of Oro-wheat ckost $5.Frosted Flakes big box $5. Kids have to eat. Mom sees prices. You spin.
The economy is doing much better than you suggest. I have money on wall street and main street, and I am doing fine Then Trump mismanaged the covid response, world wide inflation hit with war and shut down shipping routes, and blockages.

Things are better.
As long as Wall Street is doing well Main Street is going to die.

That's the case no matter who holds the White House. One thing that will not help the middle class and poor is to flood the country with needy illegals, all of whom cost approximately 20k to 30k a year in tax payer money to feed, shelter and medicate. I think that's being very conservative in the estimate.

That's the big issue right now.
The unfortunate reality here is that good corporate bottom lines depend on the oppression of the median income family.
Immigrants dont hurt the economy. We already have a labor shortage. Supporting unions for instance helps middle and working class. GOP isnt doing that. Providing affordable healthcare to middle class and working poor isnt happening either with the GOP either. The GOP is really really good and making up a boogeyman for people to chase - right now its immigrants. The biggest thing you can do for people in this country is to put more power into the worker and take power from the employers but that is a non-starter for the GOP.

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