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Geezus spare me the overblown BS pahleese

There's nothing bad with college education I have always supported the effort of those who had the stick-to-itiveness to see it through.

It represents a lot of hard work....especially for a science degree. God help anyone going through college physics these days.....it's a beast.

I think what we are seeing here is the widening gap in class realities, almost as real as the caste system in India. Until the author of the article ( Prolly 300-400k/year) accepts a forty hour per week job at 25 bucks an hour and then tries to actually live a life based on that income......he's just talking out of his ass.

Give the Talented What the Preppies Get or Else

It's for teenagers who are afraid to grow up. The reward isn't worth the sacrifice mandated by plutocratic parasites.

Showing how unnatural and unAmerican this indentured servitude is, my generation of young people had to be threatened with death in the jungle if they didn't run away to college.
The economy is doing much better than you suggest. I have money on wall street and main street, and I am doing fine Then Trump mismanaged the covid response, world wide inflation hit with war and shut down shipping routes, and blockages.

Things are better.

Nobody mismanaged shit. The first response to COVID was Pelosi trying to hang Trump for restricting travel. Short memory eh?

There wasn't a single management plan done anywhere that did fuck-all anything whatsoever to even slow down the pandemic. The only one making the decisions was the Virus.

Immigrants dont hurt the economy. We already have a labor shortage. Supporting unions for instance helps middle and working class. GOP isnt doing that. Providing affordable healthcare to middle class and working poor isnt happening either with the GOP either. The GOP is really really good and making up a boogeyman for people to chase - right now its immigrants. The biggest thing you can do for people in this country is to put more power into the worker and take power from the employers but that is a non-starter for the GOP.
Totally untrue....
They are a net negative even when they work. However there is some validity to that point.
Having unfilled jobs may actually be more damaging in the final analysis. Hmmm
Gonna have to do some number crunching here.

Nobody mismanaged shit. The first response to COVID was Pelosi trying to hang Trump for restricting travel. Short memory eh?

There wasn't a single management plan done anywhere that did fuck-all anything whatsoever to even slow down the pandemic. The only one making the decisions was the Virus.

justoffal is a piece of offal. Trump was a failure, was, and always will be.
Are you Effing kidding me right now? Never have I seen the disconnect between Wall Street and Main street stretch so far, so fast and so deliberately. Read this pile of flotsam.....

Totally ignored in the article is the encroaching cost of living. This coward never once mentions it. Fxxk the official definition of inflation. REAL INFLATION is what most of the masses deal with not the OFFICAL version of it.

Total Disclosure so that I don't look like a hypocrite. I invested long ago in real estate...so I am doing well but NOT BECAUSE THE ECONOMY IS GOOD.....the ECONOMY SUCKS......WHY? Two words...Algebraic sum. It should be a simple concept for a schooled economist but apparently not.

Blame whoever you want to blame...it doesn't matter to the median income family...they don't sit around the kitchen table and parse the Core Inflation rate against the Corporate Gouging rate while having coffee and cinnamon toast ( Now 4 bucks a loaf ) and decide...." Oh yeah! Biden is doing a great job! " ......no...... That is not what happens. What happens is they look at the bills for the week which are 100x and then they look at the spendable cash for the week which at this point is about 60Xl and wonder what in the hell they are going to do. ANNNNND THEN......ANNNND THEN.......they listen to the condescending voices from DC telling them they are too stupid.

B-B-B-But look at all those jobs Joe "created"! Now Mom and Pop citizen can go get them a 3rd or 4th job and the kids can be raised by Tik Tok! A Democrat Dream!
B-B-B-But look at all those jobs Joe "created"! Now Mom and Pop citizen can go get them a 3rd or 4th job and the kids can be raised by Tik Tok! A Democrat Dream!
Yeah..... Some people actually lose money going to work.
Totally untrue....
They are a net negative even when they work. However there is some validity to that point.
Having unfilled jobs may actually be more damaging in the final analysis. Hmmm
Gonna have to do some number crunching here.

Resident immigrants send $60-$80 billion to families in their home countries as it is. How much more money will the new arrivals drain the country of once employed?
There wasn't a single management plan done anywhere that did fuck-all anything whatsoever to even slow down the pandemic. The only one making the decisions was the Virus.

Trump downplayed the danger, this is mismanagement. He knew how bad it was and lied to the American people.

The Trump administration knew how bad it was and kept ti to themselves.

The local VA closed their PCU and did a retrofit construction job in Mid-February to turn it into a negative pressure area for the specific use of dealing with COVID patients. They were doing this the same time the POTUS told us it would be gone in a week. I remember laughing at how stupid the VA was because COVID would be gone before they were done.

Turns out they knew more than they were telling we the people.

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