For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

Biden’s horrible betrayal of Israel, in obstructing her determination to exterminate the HAMAS savages (done of course to win over Muslim votes), has some Jews who had sworn “Never Trump!” rethinking their position.

Why? Because if there‘s anything that scares never-Trump Jews more than the prospect of another Trump term, it’s the prospect of another Holocaust - or something approaching that. With antisemitic protests tolerated, if not outright supported, by leftists on college campuses, and Biden’s unwillingness to condemn the nightmarish treatment of Jews, Jews who were “never Trumpers” are considering a vote for Trump.

(Or, at least, “Never Biden!”)

How many remains to be seen, but if it’s even 10% in swing states, or even blue states!, it can spell the difference in the election.

Still blaming Biden for Israel's choices?
Israel's founding was predicated on the idea that Jews from around the world would flock to the promised land and finally have a safe place to live.
Jews for thousands of years have been praying to return to Jerusalem, and now their prayers have been answered..
Yet, even today, more Jews live outside of Israel that in Israel.
So why don't all Jews relocate to Israel ?
Moving to Israel requires a bunch of things that aren't always easy for people. Relocating, learning a new national culture and often, learning a new language are tough. Getting a job when one doesn't speak the language, inflation and taxes are high and housing is tough to come by are also challenges.

36000 people have moved to Israel over the last 12 or so months (though the first 5 months had 24,000 and the next 5 had 12,000) but there is fear that, especially during a war, things might be dangerous.
Again, their politics trump their heritage. You are implying that the destruction of Israel wouldn’t actually affect them and maybe that is the case for the secular Jews. My issue is that many act as if they support Israel but they vote for Democrats, which is hypocritical. The same could be said about those claiming to be Christian but voting for Democrats that do everything in their power to promote secular lifestyles. Jewish people voting for Democrats should just come out and admit that they don’t really care about Israel or that their support for Israel is a distant second to their liberalism. At least be honest and stop riding the fence.

I see you have bought into the false narrative that the Arab world doesn’t want to remove Israel. If the world turns against Israel, the Arabs will destroy Israel. If you can’t see this, you are blind.
So the idea of “America first” doesn’t apply to Jews?
Moving to Israel requires a bunch of things that aren't always easy for people. Relocating, learning a new national culture and often, learning a new language are tough. Getting a job when one doesn't speak the language, inflation and taxes are high and housing is tough to come by are also challenges.
I understand there will be many difficulties transitioning to another culture.
But isn't performing "Aliyah" (returning to Israel) a religious obligation for all Jews?
It is to me, when Jews support those who would like to see Jews eliminated.
How many did they kill in operation cast lead?

A decade ago today, Israel launched “Operation Cast Lead” against the Gaza Strip. The military campaign took the lives of some 1,400 Palestinians, including more than three hundred children.
So the idea of “America first” doesn’t apply to Jews?
It does apply to suckers who support Israel and left-wing Jews who do not stand up for the same. The transition of the United States to become anti-Israel is a real possibility over the coming years. Convincing people to do so will not be really difficult especially with Christianity reduced massively the last half century. Perhaps Jewish men and women feel confident this will not happen.
I understand there will be many difficulties transitioning to another culture.
But isn't performing "Aliyah" (returning to Israel) a religious obligation for all Jews?
there is serious debate about the nature of moving to Israel as a commandment or not. Some feel it is an obligation, others say it isn't. Some even say that one should NOT move yet. The theological approaches are very disparate.

And many Jews are less connected to the ritual/observance parts of Judaism so they are less connected to any law (or ritual practice) requiring moving to israel.
Biden’s horrible betrayal of Israel, in obstructing her determination to exterminate the HAMAS savages (done of course to win over Muslim votes), has some Jews who had sworn “Never Trump!” rethinking their position.

Why? Because if there‘s anything that scares never-Trump Jews more than the prospect of another Trump term, it’s the prospect of another Holocaust - or something approaching that. With antisemitic protests tolerated, if not outright supported, by leftists on college campuses, and Biden’s unwillingness to condemn the nightmarish treatment of Jews, Jews who were “never Trumpers” are considering a vote for Trump.

(Or, at least, “Never Biden!”)

How many remains to be seen, but if it’s even 10% in swing states, or even blue states!, it can spell the difference in the election.

Never again until next time.

there is serious debate about the nature of moving to Israel as a commandment or not. Some feel it is an obligation, others say it isn't. Some even say that one should NOT move yet. The theological approaches are very disparate.
Reminds me of an old saying.
"Ask 3 Jews a question, and you will get 5 answers".
I just find it so strange that conservatives have decided that most Jews are antisemites and not actually Jewish.
I find it strange that you can’t comprehend that many Jews are secular, have a Jewish heritage but are not practicing Jews, and thus they prioritize their “liberalism” over concerns about antisemitism.
I find it strange that you can’t comprehend that many Jews are secular, have a Jewish heritage but are not practicing Jews, and thus they prioritize their “liberalism” over concerns about antisemitism.
And you stated that they aren’t really Jewish.

And also disagreeing with how Benji is prosecuting this war is antisemitic and siding with terrorists who want to kill children.

Trump supporters chant America first, but apparently they don’t think that’s true for Jews?

This makes no sense and is little more than attempts to evade criticism.
And you stated that they aren’t really Jewish.

I said they were of Jewish heritage but don’t identify strongly with being Jewish. They identify strongly with being liberal. That explains why they vote for liberals, even though the Left is now tolerating and oftentimes advancing hate for Jews.
And also disagreeing with how Benji is prosecuting this war is antisemitic and siding with terrorists who want to kill children.
1) I hear little about Bibi in these protests. I hear broad condemnation for Israel and genocidal threats to Jews.

2) Your anti-Jew bias just kicked in again. The only terrorists who wanted to kill children were those who sought them out and killed them - torturing them to death - were the Muslims, against the Jews.
Trump supporters chant America first, but apparently they don’t think that’s true for Jews?

We want what is best for America, and for Americans. As an American Jew, I want us to support our ally in its fight against an enemy who seeks to destroy it. That is to the benefit of American Jews.
This makes no sense and is little more than attempts to evade criticism.
Wrong. Your refusal to see what is really going on is a symptom of your leftism.
Except that the anti-Israel protests have the antisemites yelling “Death to Jews!,” “go back to to ovens!” and bullying and assaulting Jews and blocking them on their way to class.

And tell me….were the Vice-principals of the middle school who took their sixth-graders out of class to go over to the Jewish Community Center and scream “Death to Jews!” -to preschoolers there - just about Israel policy?

Let’s not pretend that all this Israel hate is not driven by antisemitism.

Gaza has a long history.. it wasn't Jewish.

In other words, in your warped world, kids have now become bastions of truth and wisdom. There is no time in human history where this has EVER been the case or ever will be. Yes, you and your kind side with the least wise and the least experience people in our society. That should be enlightening, but only humble and wise people are able to except truths that are counter to their previously held beliefs.

Funny, I seem to remember when young people protested the unjust war in Vietnam and worked for civil rights... They were right and the old people were wrong.

Sadly, those people got old and cynical.

Again, their politics trump their heritage. You are implying that the destruction of Israel wouldn’t actually affect them and maybe that is the case for the secular Jews. My issue is that many act as if they support Israel but they vote for Democrats, which is hypocritical. The same could be said about those claiming to be Christian but voting for Democrats that do everything in their power to promote secular lifestyles. Jewish people voting for Democrats should just come out and admit that they don’t really care about Israel or that their support for Israel is a distant second to their liberalism. At least be honest and stop riding the fence.
Or they realize that supporting an apartheid state committing genocide against an indigenous population isn't acceptable in any moral universe. Let's be blunt, Bronze Age Fairy Tales aside, the Palestinians have lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. The Israelis are mostly white Europeans who only moved to Palestine because other white Europeans couldn't stand living with them and tried to do a dead on them.

Now, if you are the kind of Christian or Jew who votes Republican because God hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do, you probably don't have a moral problem with any of the above. But if you have a conscience, that probably bothers you just a little bit.

I see you have bought into the false narrative that the Arab world doesn’t want to remove Israel. If the world turns against Israel, the Arabs will destroy Israel. If you can’t see this, you are blind.
You say that like it would be a bad thing.
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Funny, I seem to remember when young people protested the unjust war in Vietnam and worked for civil rights... They were right and the old people were wrong.

Sadly, those people got old and cynical.

Or they realize that supporting an apartheid state committing genocide against an indigenous population isn't acceptable in any moral universe. Let's be blunt, Bronze Age Fairy Tales aside, the Palestinians have lived in Palestine for hundreds of years. The Israelis are mostly white Europeans who only moved to Palestine because other white Europeans couldn't stand living with them and tried to do a dead on them.

Now, if you are the kind of Christian or Jew who votes Republican because God hates gays and Mexicans, just like you do, you probably don't have a moral problem with any of the above. But if you have a conscience, that probably bothers you just a little bit.

You say that like it would be a bad thing.

The Arabs aren't going to destroy Israel.

The problem is that they have taken over East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank.

They even took the Golan heights.

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