For many Jews, “Never Again!” trumps “Never Trump!”

And they’re deluded! Since when is it good for the country to have anti-Israel Arabs buy their way into universities and promote antisemitism? With lies about the Jews committing “genocide”?

And don’t give me the lie that siding with the Muslim terrorists and against Israel has nothing to do with hate for Jews. We’ve seen on university campuses that they overlap. Even the presidents of liberal universities refuse to condemn the calls to genocide the Jews.

yeah, it's called "Free Speech". It's why the ACLU fought for the Nazis to have the right to march in Skokie, not because they agreed with the Nazis, but because freedom of speech is essential.

Here's the real problem. Young, idealistic kids see through the bullshit oldsters tell ourselves about why genocide being committed by the Zionists is okay.
yeah, it's called "Free Speech". It's why the ACLU fought for the Nazis to have the right to march in Skokie, not because they agreed with the Nazis, but because freedom of speech is essential.

Here's the real problem. Young, idealistic kids see through the bullshit oldsters tell ourselves about why genocide being committed by the Zionists is okay.
And the K.C. Chiefs kicker?
A better question is: Why don’t those chanting “Death to Jews” relocate to a country with fewer Jews and where such slogans are not generally viewed as morally reprehensible?
I haven't seen anyone say "Death to Jews".

It seems like you guys want to use the most extreme comments to try to discount the valid points being made by protestors.

Kind of like when fans criticized Disney Star Wars, they focused on the few people who made racist comments about Kelly Marie Trahn to ignore the fact that Disney utterly butchered the franchise.
Neither party and neither nominee is, across the board, a good choice (IMHO, for Jews and others). I'm not a fan of either one. Historically, Jews have aligned with the democratic party not because of the presidential candidate but because the party platform has been accepting of the "other" and has endorsed the kinds of social welfare approach that resonates with Judaism. Within the last 20 or so years, the presidential nominee or president has been seen as an essential platform creator for the party so instead of looking at, for instance, a Jewish affinity for the democatic party, we start questioning Jewish alignment with the specific democratic politician and local policies. So the issue isn't "never again" vs. any party, but how much we invest the president with the identity of the party and vice versa.
In other words, their liberalism trumps their support for Israel and their people. That is exactly what I thought. BTW, they didn’t just start supporting Democrats when Trump came into office, they have done so for years.

This doesn’t have anything to do with them voting for Democrats in this country. On this note, if Israel elects a feckless liberal they will be destroyed rather quickly. The ME is no place for Western liberal ideals of peace and love. For example, if Biden was the leader of Israel, they would be in serious trouble.

The problem is, for most decent people, supporting Israel isn't morally justifiable. You have a bunch of white people from Europe who invaded a third-world country, and set up their own apartheid state, that are committing slow-motion genocide against the indigenous people. So congrats, Jews, you have proven yourselves just as awful as the rest of the white people, but for the ones with a conscience, it's kind of hard to complain about what Hitler did 80 years ago when your coreligionists are engaging in the same behavior.

I agree, there is no place in the Middle East for a European Colony. Why we are insisting on supporting one is the mystery.
Neither party and neither nominee is, across the board, a good choice (IMHO, for Jews and others). I'm not a fan of either one. Historically, Jews have aligned with the democratic party not because of the presidential candidate but because the party platform has been accepting of the "other" and has endorsed the kinds of social welfare approach that resonates with Judaism. Within the last 20 or so years, the presidential nominee or president has been seen as an essential platform creator for the party so instead of looking at, for instance, a Jewish affinity for the democatic party, we start questioning Jewish alignment with the specific democratic politician and local policies. So the issue isn't "never again" vs. any party, but how much we invest the president with the identity of the party and vice versa.

Oh, both parties are completely in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby. But Americans are starting to question why we are expending blood and treasure to prop up the religious fantasies of an apartheid state.
Oh, both parties are completely in the pocket of the Zionist Lobby. But Americans are starting to question why we are expending blood and treasure to prop up the religious fantasies of an apartheid state.
so you are a conspiracy theorist who doesn't understand the meaning of the word "apartheid." Thanks for playing.
Yet people like you want to make Israeli politics a centerpiece of American elections.

Benji was asleep at the wheel when Hamas invaded. Yet you think Biden is the one that should pay the price.

They have a unity government over there right now, which happens in Parliamentary systems when a country thinks their livelihood is at risk.

They will figure out blame for the attacks by Hamas when Hamas is gone.

Biden is trying to walk down the middle of the road on the double yellow line. Great way to get hit by traffic going both ways.
They will figure out blame for the attacks by Hamas when Hamas is gone.
Since Hamas is never going to be “gone”, I guess Benji will be able to evade accountability forever.

Just like he’s evading his criminal charges.
Since Hamas is never going to be “gone”, I guess Benji will be able to evade accountability forever.

Just like he’s evading his criminal charges.

They will be shortly if they don't surrender in Rafah.

We got rid of the Nazis and Japanese militarists after WWII, the whole goal is to make sure the other side understands it has lost.
Except that the anti-Israel protests have the antisemites yelling “Death to Jews!,” “go back to to ovens!” and bullying and assaulting Jews and blocking them on their way to class.

And tell me….were the Vice-principals of the middle school who took their sixth-graders out of class to go over to the Jewish Community Center and scream “Death to Jews!” -to preschoolers there - just about Israel policy?

Let’s not pretend that all this Israel hate is not driven by antisemitism.

Hate is wrong and should be dealt with. Protecting the innocent should also be given consideration.
They will be shortly if they don't surrender in Rafah.

We got rid of the Nazis and Japanese militarists after WWII, the whole goal is to make sure the other side understands it has lost
Don't forget how we got rid of the Taliban too.

You can't bomb your way out of this. If you could, this would have been over long ago.
They have a unity government over there right now, which happens in Parliamentary systems when a country thinks their livelihood is at risk.

They will figure out blame for the attacks by Hamas when Hamas is gone.

Biden is trying to walk down the middle of the road on the double yellow line. Great way to get hit by traffic going both ways.
Exactly. He is trying to appease the Muslim antisemites by allowing the anti-Jew protests to rage on without saying a word, and make a big show about delaying weapons to Israel, in order to win their votes in Minnesota. Then he doesn’t want to alienate the moderate Jews, so he makes a big show speaking against antisemitism at the Holocaust Museum.

He’ll end up alienating both, and lose votes from both sides.

Go Trump!
In other words, their liberalism trumps their support for Israel and their people. That is exactly what I thought. BTW, they didn’t just start supporting Democrats when Trump came into office, they have done so for years.

This doesn’t have anything to do with them voting for Democrats in this country. On this note, if Israel elects a feckless liberal they will be destroyed rather quickly. The ME is no place for Western liberal ideals of peace and love. For example, if Biden was the leader of Israel, they would be in serious trouble.
In other words, Americans have no influence on Israeli politics so their votes in America are about American issues that actually affect them. It's quite rational.

Israel won't be destroyed. Don't be such a drama queen. If rock ribbed conservative leadership were so great, why did so many Israeli's die at the hands of Hamas?
Young, idealistic kids see through the bullshit oldsters tell ourselves about why genocide being committed by the Zionists is okay.

In other words, in your warped world, kids have now become bastions of truth and wisdom. There is no time in human history where this has EVER been the case or ever will be. Yes, you and your kind side with the least wise and the least experience people in our society. That should be enlightening, but only humble and wise people are able to except truths that are counter to their previously held beliefs.

The problem is, for most decent people, supporting Israel isn't morally justifiable.

I guess most people in the US are not decent, because the vast majority support Israel.
The problem is that most Jews are secular, often JINOs, and their liberalism trumps their Judaism. So really, they’re liberals who happen to be of Jewish heritage.

Observant Jews are mostly conservative, and vote Republican.
So not real Jews then? I guess that solves the the debate though about whether jews are a race or a religion then, huh? :dunno:
In other words, Americans have no influence on Israeli politics so their votes in America are about American issues that actually affect them. It's quite rational.

Again, their politics trump their heritage. You are implying that the destruction of Israel wouldn’t actually affect them and maybe that is the case for the secular Jews. My issue is that many act as if they support Israel but they vote for Democrats, which is hypocritical. The same could be said about those claiming to be Christian but voting for Democrats that do everything in their power to promote secular lifestyles. Jewish people voting for Democrats should just come out and admit that they don’t really care about Israel or that their support for Israel is a distant second to their liberalism. At least be honest and stop riding the fence.

Israel won't be destroyed. Don't be such a drama queen. If rock ribbed conservative leadership were so great, why did so many Israeli's die at the hands of Hamas?

I see you have bought into the false narrative that the Arab world doesn’t want to remove Israel. If the world turns against Israel, the Arabs will destroy Israel. If you can’t see this, you are blind.
We didn't get rid of the Taliban. That's the point.

Tell that to the 8th Air Force and the Enola Gay.
Yes. We didn’t get rid of the Taliban. That’s the point.

Apparently you think we didn’t bomb Afghanistan enough.
A better question is: Why don’t those chanting “Death to Jews” relocate to a country with fewer Jews and where such slogans are not generally viewed as morally reprehensible?
Israel's founding was predicated on the idea that Jews from around the world would flock to the promised land and finally have a safe place to live.
Jews for thousands of years have been praying to return to Jerusalem, and now their prayers have been answered..
Yet, even today, more Jews live outside of Israel that in Israel.
So why don't all Jews relocate to Israel ?

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