Flashback: Joe Biden warned America before the 2020 election that Trump "is going to get us to war in Iran."


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
Joe Biden warned America before the 2020 election that Trump "is going to get us to war in Iran."

Remember that Obama warned us, "Don't underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up."
Three years of the presidenvy of Joe Biden and we’re not just at war with the world...we’re at war with ourselves...the border, trannys in sports, trannies in bathrooms...killing babies...don’t say a bad word. Santa was to jail for saying Ho Ho Ho...
Remember, Joe has his finger on the nuke button. Personnaly I don't trust him.
Trump best President ever!:clap:

Is Biden going to take back the $100 billion Iran appeasement bribe he gave them? Or did Iran already spend the money on weapons and terrorists attacks?
Like Biden himself, this didn’t age well…


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How’s that “diplomacy” going, Joe?
Joe Biden, okay lets be honest even his own Dem colleges and Obama say Joe is a blithering idiot. And here we are, wars breaking out everywhere because of Joe's WRONG AGAIN policies and projected weakness.

What's amazing is, Joe Biden has screwed up every damn aspect of being POTUS, foreign and domestic. God you would think the retard would get something right.
Trump and his minions' have carried out his desires: we are in war.
Unfortunately Trump and his MAGA allies have beem harrassed and persecuted by the Stasi FBI amd Lawfare DoJ since Jan 6th to be involved in foreign affairs and wars.
Ii'sx solely been Joey XiBaiDung's weakness and false ideas of grandeur that have caused the Afgahn debacle, Ukraine War Hamas attack on Israel and of course the masssive illegal immigration into America.
Thankfully the voters flushed the turd on November third.

I will say this though...Trump turned out to be a complete pacifist when it came to military use. He doesn't have the stomach to make the phone calls to the families and he's clearly intimidated by generals and admirals--women and men who made something of themselves. They know a dilettante when they see one and spotted him a mile away. To his credit, he recognized he was out of his element and stayed away from military use. Not because the nation suddenly found itself free from having to use it but because he couldn't stand to be outclassed so publicly so often.

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