First year after Roe v Wade overturned: Abortions reach a 10 year HIGH.

I’m not talking about polite or celebrities. I’m talking about the average people who, now that this has become a State level issue (and many states are acting on it, one way or another) are being forced into conversations they would rather avoid.

They were able to avoid them for years by simply saying “it’s a settled issue”, but now they can’t hide behind Roe v Wade anymore.

What difference has it made? It appears the ramifications have been negative.
What difference has it made? It appears the ramifications have been negative
It has broken up families, caused tensions between neighbors and in at least one case I’m aware of, caused two women to be arrested for battery.

If the results of the SCOTUS decision mean more abortions occur, so be it. Sending it back to the Ststes was the proper decision. I don’t like seeing those numbers but at least people are being honest about purchasing their express ticket to Hell.
It has broken up families, caused tensions between neighbors and in at least one case I’m aware of, caused two women to be arrested for battery.

If the results of the SCOTUS decision mean more abortions occur, so be it. Sending it back to the Ststes was the proper decision. I don’t like seeing those numbers but at least people are being honest about purchasing their express ticket to Hell.

And as we see, it never was about the fetus.
And as we see, it never was about the fetus
It’s about ideology, just like everything else in life is. People believe different, incompatible things and when brought close together that tends to lead to conflict and violence. It’s just that simple.
Where are all the caterwauling abortionists who ran out into the streets when Roe v Wade was overturned?
It was the end of "Reproductive Rights" and an assault on women! Well how do explain that the first year after Roe v Wade was overturned abortions hit a decade HIGH? Could it be you were all duped by the manipulative and false narrative pushed by the Democrats? Nah that can't be it.......or could it? :dunno:

Yes. God bless those that died because they had the right to life sucked out of their brains. It was a human rights disgrace. May life rights that were removed never darken our doors ever again. Thanks be to God.
So you want helpless human beings denied their human rights? Meh.
I believe that they are all in his memory. Man can interrupt the physical body but not the actual right to life. Those that refuse to respect life will eventually be reckoned with. Those who have been interrupted will be restored. Some people are in both categories. Some only in the one.
Yeah the only thing the supreme Court did was rid itself of a morals and ethics decision that it had no business making in the first.
place. Life ethics such as they are strictly a local policy jurisdiction. If you ask me even the states shouldn't have statewide policies but leave it up to each county to decide whether or not they will be vested in pro-life or pro-abortion efforts.

The screamers were a large groups of people had grown fat
and happy on government handouts provided by legislation that was founded on the original roe v Wade decision. An entire illegitimate industry was formed around it.
Murdering a little person is murder even if it's a human being in its earliest stage of human life. States that allow infanticide are grossly mistaken. God will bless the courage of states that abide by the rule of law that was overlooked for the century that denied human babies their right to life. God bless America for this Supreme Court that made the right to life for the unborn the right thing to do. I think that abortion reeks of human cowardice.
Murdering a little person is murder even if it's a human being in its earliest stage of human life. States that allow infanticide are grossly mistaken. God will bless the courage of states that abide by the rule of law that was overlooked for the century that denied human babies their right to life. God bless America for this Supreme Court that made the right to life for the unborn the right thing to do. I think that abortion reeks of human cowardice.
Oh I agree....but there is no way to humanly intervene.
If the results of the SCOTUS decision mean more abortions occur, so be it.
More abortions occurring is now pro-life?
Christ Jesus resides in our hearts when we let him come in.
In Judaism (Genesis 2:7), the fetus is not considered to have a human soul until it is safely outside of the woman, is viable, and has taken its first breath.[185][186][187] The fetus is considered valuable property of the woman and not a human life while in the womb (Exodus 21:22–23). While Judaism encourages people to be fruitful and multiply by having children, abortion is allowed and is deemed necessary when a pregnant woman's life is in danger.[188][189] Several religions, including Judaism, which disagree that human life begins at conception, support the legality of abortion on religious freedom grounds.[190]

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