Finally! Supreme Court rules in favor of First Amendment rights for Christians etc.

The collective good is best served by not interfering in self determination.

One cannot be a social animal and have anarchy. The call for srrving the collective good is nothing more than an excuse to rule over others.

Not at all.

It seems to me that it's a pretty reasonable exchange.

The Baker gets police and fire protection for his business, infrastructure to support it, government services to ensure the products he buys are safe, and a format for enforcing contracts through the courts.


They occasionally have to bake cakes for people they don't like because they are a different color skin or stick their dicks in a different hole.
The Baker gets police and fire protection for his business, infrastructure to support it, government services to ensure the products he buys are safe, and a format for enforcing contracts through the courts.


They occasionally have to bake cakes for people they don't like because they are a different color skin or stick their dicks in a different hole.
This is exactly why it's so important to keep government minimized. Sniveling statists will use anything the government "gives" us an excuse to do some bullying.
This is exactly why it's so important to keep government minimized. Sniveling statists will use anything the government "gives" us an excuse to do some bullying.

I often have this dream of a Libertarian paradise where there's no government or law, and everyone just resolves their own problems with guns.

Oh, wait, we have that. It's called Somalia.

I often have this dream of a Libertarian paradise where there's no government or law, and everyone just resolves their own problems with guns.

Oh, wait, we have that. It's called Somalia.

I have this recurring nightmare of the Stalinist / Leninist paradise envisioned by the Dems. The 20th century showed very clearly the oppression, starvation, slaughter and retrogression such political ideologies have inflicted on humanity.

Yet, here we are with the Dem / Leninist hacks telling us that life will be full of date palms and camel’s milk when their ideology of hate and destruction is forced in people.
I have this recurring nightmare of the Stalinist / Leninist paradise envisioned by the Dems. The 20th century showed very clearly the oppression, starvation, slaughter and retrogression such political ideologies have inflicted on humanity.

Actually, the 20th Century was a shit-show no matter what ideology was practiced. War, Plagues, Famines, it must have seem like the Wrath of God was hitting the Earth.

Funny, you'll blame the Famine on the Ukraine on Stalin (and he deserves a lot of the blame) but will pretend the famine in Bengal was totally not Churchill's fault.

Or the mass slaughter of natives in the Congo.

Actually, the 20th Century was a shit-show no matter what ideology was practiced. War, Plagues, Famines, it must have seem like the Wrath of God was hitting the Earth.

Funny, you'll blame the Famine on the Ukraine on Stalin (and he deserves a lot of the blame) but will pretend the famine in Bengal was totally not Churchill's fault.

Or the mass slaughter of natives in the Congo.

Actually, the 20th century was a remarkable time for much of planet and especially the Great Satan you so love to despise. An entire swath of the globe abandoned communism / Socialism. You never recovered from that. You’re still angry and bitter.

Science and technology made great strides. The science of medicine brought new drugs to the market which helped to increase lifespans.

So, far be it from me to shatter your Dem / Socialist religious fundamentalism but the whiny grievances of a retrograde leftist hardly does justice to a remarkable decade in time of this nation, the 1960’s. While I didn’t live it, the '60's represented a decade of enormous social change and the widest possible expression of music, the arts snd public involvement in politics by young people. During the awakening social conciseness of U.S. in the 1960’s, young people in huge numbers joined the Peace Corps and went overseas to assist in under-developed nations. The Peace Corps had a draw and it appealed to that 60’s era, post John F. Kennedy’s theme of unselfish, altruistic behavior.

As Tom Hayden wrote in March 1962, "Three out of every four students believe 'that what the nation needs is a strong leader in whom we can have faith.'" The embryonic youth movement hoped that [John F.] Kennedy might prove to be that leader. The Peace Corps, and later VISTA, drew volunteers from the same wellspring of youthful activism....When the Student Peace Union, or SPU, protested in front of the White House in February 1962, Kennedy ordered his kitchen to send the picketers coffee while the SPU proudly distributed copies of a New York Times article which claimed that the president was "listening" to them.

Rather than try and pump up your your Stalinist / Leninist gods and the Party of Slavery, the Dem party which enabled and abetted segregation, maybe learn a bit of history.
Actually, the 20th Century was a shit-show no matter what ideology was practiced. War, Plagues, Famines, it must have seem like the Wrath of God was hitting the Earth.

Funny, you'll blame the Famine on the Ukraine on Stalin (and he deserves a lot of the blame) but will pretend the famine in Bengal was totally not Churchill's fault.

Or the mass slaughter of natives in the Congo.

Here’s some wondrous wiki’dom for you.

Crimes against humanity under communist regimes occurred during the 20th century, including forced deportations, massacres, torture, forced disappearances, extrajudicial killings, terror,[1] ethnic cleansing, and enslavement, as well as deliberate starvation of people (during the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward). Additional events included the use of genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, and complicity in genocide. Such events have been described as crimes against humanity.[2][3][4]

Sounds like a party.

Mao was green with jealousy.
This will happen.

Not at all.

It seems to me that it's a pretty reasonable exchange.

The Baker gets police and fire protection for his business, infrastructure to support it, government services to ensure the products he buys are safe, and a format for enforcing contracts through the courts.


They occasionally have to bake cakes for people they don't like because they are a different color skin or stick their dicks in a different hole.
It is not the least bit reasonable and it violates the princiiple of equality under the law.

Anti discrimination laws are discriminatory against the minority. The majority may discriminate in business for any reason they wish. As in if you do not like the person running a business because of their race or religion or sexuality or whatever you can openly REFUSE to do business with them even though you ALSO get fire protection blah blah blah.

The business owner is the minority who is being persecuted and forbidding from exercising the same choice.

It is nothing more than elistist effort to engage in thought control
Actually, the 20th century was a remarkable time for much of planet and especially the Great Satan you so love to despise. An entire swath of the globe abandoned communism / Socialism.

Far more of the Globe embraced it.... which is why we have Social Security, Medicare, an extensive safety net of entitlements, unionization. The Europeans and Japanese went even further. If anything got rejected in the 20th century, it was laissez-faire capitalism. Or as Herbert Hoover once observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy.

as well as deliberate starvation of people (during the Holodomor and the Great Leap Forward).

Okay, except the "Great Leap Forward" wasn't "deliberate" starvation. It was more a combination of incompetence and natural events. So the only way you get to the kinds of numbers you like is including natural disasters, you really don't have much of a case.

Here's the thing. For all it's awfulness as a regime, China is currently eating our lunch. Advice for the future, learn to speak Mandarin.
I often have this dream of a Libertarian paradise where there's no government or law, and everyone just resolves their own problems with guns.

Oh, wait, we have that. It's called Somalia.

minimized government does not equal no government
Far more of the Globe embraced it.... which is why we have Social Security, Medicare, an extensive safety net of entitlements, unionization. The Europeans and Japanese went even further. If anything got rejected in the 20th century, it was laissez-faire capitalism. Or as Herbert Hoover once observed, "The problem with Capitalism is Capitalists... they're too damned greedy.

Okay, except the "Great Leap Forward" wasn't "deliberate" starvation. It was more a combination of incompetence and natural events. So the only way you get to the kinds of numbers you like is including natural disasters, you really don't have much of a case.

Here's the thing. For all it's awfulness as a regime, China is currently eating our lunch. Advice for the future, learn to speak Mandarin.
CHina is beset with problems it cannot resolve and it is not the future. People predicting their rise to dominate the world aawre fools. China has massive resource problems space problems and demographic problems. None of which the US has, They are temporarily posing as leaders of asia.

Yes the great eap forward was deliberate mass murder as was the cultural revolution
minimized government does not equal no government

I agree.

The problem with the Libertarian Children is that they think government is there to comfort the comfortable and afflict the afflicted.

So they are fine with all these resources to protect Homophobic Bakers to stay in business, but not to protect their customers from abuse.
So they are fine with all these resources to protect Homophobic Bakers to stay in business, but not to protect their customers from abuse.

You have no clue what we think or are fine with. We think the Govt should not use resources for either the baker to stay in business or to protect their customers. Why would anyone give their money to a business the abuses them? That is just stupid

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