FBI tampering with Mar A Lago evidence?

You don't know that. You're assuming the entire government would submit to an insurrection. That is usually a wrong assumption.
I doubt not having control of the military would be a successful insurrection.

That would be an unsuccessful insurrection.
Who is this Tom Fitton guy you are sharing a tweet from and why is his opinion on anything worth sharing as "proof" of anything? Not everything you read on the internet is factual DellDud.
Google makes your life easier. Took me less than 5 seconds to find this. …

So you're saying there isn't any chance a successful insurrection would happen.
No. That isn't what I'm saying.

What I am saying is, if an insurrection is successful, the victors would not allow insurrection convictions of their own people.
You're dreaming.
Yes. I can see it now. The losing candidate plots to overturn the election using various and multiple illegal means, including force, and after successfully stealing and establishing power from the rightful winner, addresses the nation...

Ladies and gentlemen, yada yada yada, (shameless Seinfeld reference)...while I appreciate your tactics we now must hold those who helped me usurp power accountable for insurrection. Please step forward to be arrested. Thank you very much.

Is the above the dream? :)
You can't say that until you have actually bothered to watch the hearings and read the report. Because when you do you see the actual evidence proving it was an insurrection.
Then quote the applicable part to support your claim..
Thank you. Finally.

So that leads me to my point.

Claiming it was not an insurrection because nobody was charged is failed logic since we both agree the leader of a successful insurrection would not order the arrest of people who helped him with insurrection.
Claiming it was not an insurrection because nobody was charged is failed logic since we both agree the leader of a successful insurrection would not order the arrest of people who helped him with insurrection.
Attempting to stop the vote count isn't an insurrection as the media has lead you to believe.

Roll another one.
Is no point, only your pipe dream.

This idiocy has been previously hashed ad nauseam.

Slow day?
Slow day? Yeah, I suppose. Not working. Playing Last Epoch. Fixing lunch for the spouse. Grilled cheese and shrimp corn chowder from the local grocer. Don't underestimate the soup pots in the deli section. Pretty tasty usually. A little laundry. Spoil the cats. Heading to Chipotle to grab some dinner to take home this evening.

Pro tip: Get a burrito bowl at chipotle, bring home. Fry up some tortillas and make tacos with the burrito bowl. You would be surprised how many tacos you can get from 1 bowl...although admittedly we sometimes I double the protein.

What idiocy was hashed out? Can you link that please? I want to see how it went.

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