Facts and Questions About The Israeli Attack


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
Seeing how we send Israel 4 billion a year and have 30 Americans dead and 15 more missing, I've uncovered a few interesting facts that I think the American people deserve answers to.
  1. The day before the Hamas attack, Israel had intelligence that an attack was looming.
  2. The Egyptians may have sent intelligence to them three days before.
  3. The day before, Israel had several high-level meetings on a possible attack by Hamas.
  4. The attack on Israel occurred on a Holy holiday, exactly 50 years to the day of the attack on Israel and war of 1973.
  5. Arabs like to attack on holidays and recurring dates and events.
  6. The decision at these meetings was to do nothing. Not to call out the IDF to man the border.
  7. Who made that decision?
  8. In 1973, Golda Meir made a similar decision not to attack first to prevent being attacked in order to stave off international criticism.
  9. Border guards in Israel who have been interviewed prior to the attack of last week stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.
  10. After the attack, despite there being IDF everywhere in the country and military gear everywhere, help to the Israeli victims took between 8 to 20 hours to arrive. Why?
  11. If the IDF invade Gaza now after all these days, the entire place is likely to be booby-trapped everywhere.
I think these are all important points and questions that ought to be addressed and answered, both by Israel and our US intelligence. Perhaps others know of other facts and questions.
Finally! Someone asking questions instead of parroting the mainstream news and being led by emotion. Thank you.
All of this suggests that there is good evidence that this is essentially a False Flag , something quite a few commentators dared to hazard almost immediately after the initial Hamas attack .And subsequent events have given credence to it -- see your summary of events , OP .
I believe ther are so many red flags that this is a reasonable proposition which , if correct , leads to the questions of who exactly set it up and for what reasons .
To simply suggest that this is only an oblique way of getting Hezbollah and then Iran involved seems far fetched .
More likely , imho , it serves as a deflection from the Ukraine situation which is moving from bad to horrific for the US and Kyiv, and it hopes to stretch Russia by pushing them to get more actively involved ( movement of troops but not necessarily their use )therebye spreading Russian total resources more thinly and at least postponing the takeover of western Ukraine by Moscow . .
An additional factor which should never be totally discounted are the Oil and Gas reserves lying off the Gaza sea strip . Worth a lot of money .
All of this suggests that there is good evidence that this is essentially a False Flag

I haven't concluded anything, still looking into it, but i'm definitely leaning in that direction. I've learned to trust my gut, and that's my gut feeling.

The thing that many people are unaware of is that many of our major wars were started based on lies or false flags. I want to look into that more.
All of this suggests that there is good evidence that this is essentially a False Flag

Well, I can't say what it means, but it suggests that Israel MAY have known about the attack in advance and SHOULD have been able to stop it cold, but COULD have been motivated by any of two possible things:
  1. Do nothing and let Hamas attack first so there is no doubt who the aggressor is there because no matter what Israel does, they are the ones always criticized!
  2. Let Hamas do their worst despite the means of stopping it to then justify going in there and wiping Hamas out.
None of that changes the facts that:
  1. Hamas attacked first.
  2. Hamas was particularly ruthless and inhuman in their barbaric acts.
  3. The UN had a pretty reasonable solution to all of this for peace back in 1947 that would have benefited all and left the Palestinians infinitely better off that everyone agreed to EXCEPT the Palestinians.
  4. The Palestinians are apparently more interested in killing Jews than they are developing their country and living well. They train children starting in grade school to hate and kill Jews.
  5. Israel is justified now and has every right to take some sort of military action against Hamas now and Palestinians will be killed as collateral and unavoidable damage despite the best efforts to minimize them.
  6. The USA and other countries are getting thousands of people out of there out of harm's way to Greece/Turkey and Germany.
I haven't concluded anything, still looking into it, but i'm definitely leaning in that direction. I've learned to trust my gut, and that's my gut feeling.

The thing that many people are unaware of is that many of our major wars were started based on lies or false flags. I want to look into that more.
You sound ripe for Miles Mathis -- put in a search on Updates and his name .

WW1 and 2 , Pearl Harbour , Vietnam , Iraq are all obvious candidates .
He and separately James Corbett -- Corbett Report -- are more than great commentators and pundits . Both are very erudite and scholarly and always give full links to source material .
Seeing how we send Israel 4 billion a year and have 30 Americans dead and 15 more missing, I've uncovered a few interesting facts that I think the American people deserve answers to.
  1. The day before the Hamas attack, Israel had intelligence that an attack was looming.
  2. The Egyptians may have sent intelligence to them three days before.
  3. The day before, Israel had several high-level meetings on a possible attack by Hamas.
  4. The attack on Israel occurred on a Holy holiday, exactly 50 years to the day of the attack on Israel and war of 1973.
  5. Arabs like to attack on holidays and recurring dates and events.
  6. The decision at these meetings was to do nothing. Not to call out the IDF to man the border.
  7. Who made that decision?
  8. In 1973, Golda Meir made a similar decision not to attack first to prevent being attacked in order to stave off international criticism.
  9. Border guards in Israel who have been interviewed prior to the attack of last week stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.
  10. After the attack, despite there being IDF everywhere in the country and military gear everywhere, help to the Israeli victims took between 8 to 20 hours to arrive. Why?
  11. If the IDF invade Gaza now after all these days, the entire place is likely to be booby-trapped everywhere.
I think these are all important points and questions that ought to be addressed and answered, both by Israel and our US intelligence. Perhaps others know of other facts and questions.
Egypt: "Something is going to happen soon"

Israel: "We are always told something is going to happen. The threats never stop."

Egypt: "Something is going to happen though"

Israel: "Ok, well, Israel is a big place and that warning is super vague, so im going to guess that we should put soldiers at the concert and in that one Kibbutz."

Is that how you were expecting them to react? :laugh:
All of this suggests that there is good evidence that this is essentially a False Flag
No it doesnt. What a stupid thing to say. Egypt gives them some vague as fuck warning and Israel was supposed to do what about it exactly? You people are dumb as fuck.
No it doesnt. What a stupid thing to say. Egypt gives them some vague as fuck warning and Israel was supposed to do what about it exactly? You people are dumb as fuck.

On the contrary. What's dumb is to automatically believe the mainstream narrative when they have lied to us over and over again. And when there are numerous red flags all over this thing. And when you have former IDF soldiers publicly stating that there's no way they could have not known. And when you consider that most of our major wars were started based on lies or false flags.

One would have to be willfully blind or a fool to not question anything and just continue to swallow up what the controlled MSM is feeding you.

But do go on! I'm confident that eventually time will tell who was right.
You sound ripe for Miles Mathis -- put in a search on Updates and his name .

WW1 and 2 , Pearl Harbour , Vietnam , Iraq are all obvious candidates .
He and separately James Corbett -- Corbett Report -- are more than great commentators and pundits . Both are very erudite and scholarly and always give full links to source material .

I love James Corbett. It's a shame he's no longer on YouTube, but I follow him on Odysee.com

I'll look up that other person, thanks!
Seeing how we send Israel 4 billion a year and have 30 Americans dead and 15 more missing, I've uncovered a few interesting facts that I think the American people deserve answers to.
  1. The day before the Hamas attack, Israel had intelligence that an attack was looming.
  2. The Egyptians may have sent intelligence to them three days before.
  3. The day before, Israel had several high-level meetings on a possible attack by Hamas.
  4. The attack on Israel occurred on a Holy holiday, exactly 50 years to the day of the attack on Israel and war of 1973.
  5. Arabs like to attack on holidays and recurring dates and events.
  6. The decision at these meetings was to do nothing. Not to call out the IDF to man the border.
  7. Who made that decision?
  8. In 1973, Golda Meir made a similar decision not to attack first to prevent being attacked in order to stave off international criticism.
  9. Border guards in Israel who have been interviewed prior to the attack of last week stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.
  10. After the attack, despite there being IDF everywhere in the country and military gear everywhere, help to the Israeli victims took between 8 to 20 hours to arrive. Why?
  11. If the IDF invade Gaza now after all these days, the entire place is likely to be booby-trapped everywhere.
I think these are all important points and questions that ought to be addressed and answered, both by Israel and our US intelligence. Perhaps others know of other facts and questions.

How many other warnings do they get every week, day, month?

This is the same as trying to say the US knew 9/11 was going to happen before it happened.
Seeing how we send Israel 4 billion a year and have 30 Americans dead and 15 more missing, I've uncovered a few interesting facts that I think the American people deserve answers to.
  1. The day before the Hamas attack, Israel had intelligence that an attack was looming.
  2. The Egyptians may have sent intelligence to them three days before.
  3. The day before, Israel had several high-level meetings on a possible attack by Hamas.
  4. The attack on Israel occurred on a Holy holiday, exactly 50 years to the day of the attack on Israel and war of 1973.
  5. Arabs like to attack on holidays and recurring dates and events.
  6. The decision at these meetings was to do nothing. Not to call out the IDF to man the border.
  7. Who made that decision?
  8. In 1973, Golda Meir made a similar decision not to attack first to prevent being attacked in order to stave off international criticism.
  9. Border guards in Israel who have been interviewed prior to the attack of last week stressed that they had all kinds of monitoring equipment of every type watching the Israeli border 24/7 day and night and a bug couldn't move out there without their knowing about it.
  10. After the attack, despite there being IDF everywhere in the country and military gear everywhere, help to the Israeli victims took between 8 to 20 hours to arrive. Why?
  11. If the IDF invade Gaza now after all these days, the entire place is likely to be booby-trapped everywhere.
I think these are all important points and questions that ought to be addressed and answered, both by Israel and our US intelligence. Perhaps others know of other facts and questions.

Excellent observations,

I've always had a strong feeling that that Hamas could never have defeated Israel's high technology "Security Fence" without the complicity of individuals in the Israeli government.
The hysterical and genocidal supporters of the Israeli False Flag are silent here .
In their disgusting Topics there are thousands of blood curdling cries for violence and so called revenge ..

But they hide from critical questioning . They skulk elsewhere baying at the moon for blood .
How deep have they fallen . What sort of humans are they ?

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