Essential Obama-Care


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
It should be understood that the fundamental concern of the American people should be the public HEALTH. How long to we live? How many of us get cancer, and how does that work out? What about infant mortality? HEALTH.

A Secondary consideration is HEALTH CARE. Do we have enough doctors, nurses, technicians, caregivers, and facilities? Do people die or get worse due to a lack of trained people and/or facilities? But remember, the primary concern is public health.

At a lower level, we consider HEALTH INSURANCE. Health insurance is possibly related to health care and health, but it is a secondary factor. If health is good, or health care is available, the presence of health insurance is superfluous.

Which brings us to OBAMACARE.

OBAMACARE has divorced millions of us from our favored doctors, hospitals, and insurance carriers. It has cost us thousands of out-of-pocket dollars (collectively BILLIONS).

And yet...I have yet to see ANY MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of a single HEALTH benefit resulting from Obamacare. Infant mortality? Nothing. Cancer survival rates? Nothing. Savings at Emergency Rooms? Nothing. Better diagnosis and treatment of disease? Nada.

You can't even speak in terms of a "tradeoff," because there is no positive on that side of the ledger. All they can talk about is more people being insured. But so what? HEALTH is the issue, not insurance.

Look up the word, Boondoggle.
It should be understood that the fundamental concern of the American people should be the public HEALTH. How long to we live? How many of us get cancer, and how does that work out? What about infant mortality? HEALTH.

A Secondary consideration is HEALTH CARE. Do we have enough doctors, nurses, technicians, caregivers, and facilities? Do people die or get worse due to a lack of trained people and/or facilities? But remember, the primary concern is public health.

At a lower level, we consider HEALTH INSURANCE. Health insurance is possibly related to health care and health, but it is a secondary factor. If health is good, or health care is available, the presence of health insurance is superfluous.

Which brings us to OBAMACARE.

OBAMACARE has divorced millions of us from our favored doctors, hospitals, and insurance carriers. It has cost us thousands of out-of-pocket dollars (collectively BILLIONS).

And yet...I have yet to see ANY MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of a single HEALTH benefit resulting from Obamacare. Infant mortality? Nothing. Cancer survival rates? Nothing. Savings at Emergency Rooms? Nothing. Better diagnosis and treatment of disease? Nada.

You can't even speak in terms of a "tradeoff," because there is no positive on that side of the ledger. All they can talk about is more people being insured. But so what? HEALTH is the issue, not insurance.

Look up the word, Boondoggle.
On the bright side, you can always just hurry up and die in support of the GOP's plan for healthcare reform.
On the bright side, you can always just hurry up and die in support of the GOP's plan for healthcare reform.

The GOP are no more interested in reforming health care than Democrats. Or, rather, they're in just as deep with the insurance industry as the Dems. In any case, if you think the government is going to save you from dying, you're setting yourself up for disappointment.
And yet...I have yet to see ANY MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of a single HEALTH benefit resulting from Obamacare.

Sounds like you've looked really hard.

Baby Survival Rates Improved in States With Affordable Care Act, Data Show
Published in the American Journal of Public Health, new data shows that infant mortality rates decreased in states that expanded Medicaid.

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests fell under the Affordable Care Act
In Oregon, the rate of cardiac arrests happening outside of hospitals fell significantly after implementation of the Affordable Care Act and its expansion of health insurance coverage, researchers report.

Medical care, health have improved for low-income adults under ACA
Boston, MA - The Affordable Care Act's health coverage expansions have produced major improvements in medical care and health for low-income adults, including reduced out-of-pocket spending, better access to primary care and preventive services, improved self-reported health, and improved care for those with chronic conditions, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Affordable Care Act Increased Rate of Early Cancer Diagnoses
The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 and subsequent Medicaid expansion correlate with earlier diagnosis of breast, colorectal, and lung cancer, according to a study being presented at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Uninsured cancer patients saw increased coverage for care following Medicaid expansion
A new study finds that Medicaid expansion enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) improved coverage for care for cancer patients receiving radiation therapy and potentially decreased health care disparities. Analysis of more than 197,000 patient records from one of the nation’s largest cancer registries, which found that the uninsured rate for these vulnerable patients dropped by half in states that fully expanded their Medicaid programs, will be presented today at the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s (ASTRO’s) 59th Annual Meeting.

Fewer Patients Have Been Dying From Hospital Errors Since Obamacare Started
Hospitals have cut down on deadly medical errors, saving around 87,000 lives since 2010, according to a new government report.
And yet...I have yet to see ANY MEASURABLE EVIDENCE of a single HEALTH benefit resulting from Obamacare.

Sounds like you've looked really hard.

Baby Survival Rates Improved in States With Affordable Care Act, Data Show
Published in the American Journal of Public Health, new data shows that infant mortality rates decreased in states that expanded Medicaid.

Out-of-hospital cardiac arrests fell under the Affordable Care Act
In Oregon, the rate of cardiac arrests happening outside of hospitals fell significantly after implementation of the Affordable Care Act and its expansion of health insurance coverage, researchers report.

Medical care, health have improved for low-income adults under ACA
Boston, MA - The Affordable Care Act's health coverage expansions have produced major improvements in medical care and health for low-income adults, including reduced out-of-pocket spending, better access to primary care and preventive services, improved self-reported health, and improved care for those with chronic conditions, according to a new study from Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.

Affordable Care Act Increased Rate of Early Cancer Diagnoses
The implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) in 2014 and subsequent Medicaid expansion correlate with earlier diagnosis of breast, colorectal, and lung cancer, according to a study being presented at the 2017 American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) Annual Meeting in Chicago.

Uninsured cancer patients saw increased coverage for care following Medicaid expansion
A new study finds that Medicaid expansion enacted as part of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) improved coverage for care for cancer patients receiving radiation therapy and potentially decreased health care disparities. Analysis of more than 197,000 patient records from one of the nation’s largest cancer registries, which found that the uninsured rate for these vulnerable patients dropped by half in states that fully expanded their Medicaid programs, will be presented today at the American Society for Radiation Oncology’s (ASTRO’s) 59th Annual Meeting.

Fewer Patients Have Been Dying From Hospital Errors Since Obamacare Started
Hospitals have cut down on deadly medical errors, saving around 87,000 lives since 2010, according to a new government report.

I have no reason to doubt things have improved for some people.

It's hard to imagine providing subsidies to people and not seeing an improvement.

But, we are now spending over 10,000 per person per year.

Obamacare has done nothing to help that.

BTW: "Government studies" on a "Government program" from the reigning administration have ZERO credibility.

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