Eight Years

No mandate...Obunglescare is dying on the vine.
And yet the Republicans have no replacement. ObamaCare is still the law of the land.

After eight years.

You must be so pleased at being hoaxed by Trump! :lol:

Fine by me....I've always said keep the government out of it
You can't get government out of it without legislation to replace ObamaCare.

You've been hoaxed.

You're not listening, toad. I don't want the government involved at all. Need insurance? Buy a policy, I don't like paying for yours
No mandate...Obunglescare is dying on the vine.
And yet the Republicans have no replacement. ObamaCare is still the law of the land.

After eight years.

You must be so pleased at being hoaxed by Trump! :lol:

Funny, I didn't think Trump had a congressional vote, who knew.

Trump Vows To Immediately Repeal, Replace 'Imploding' Obamacare

In his first press conference since the election, President-Elect Donald Trump called “Obamacare” a “total disaster” and vowed to repeal and replace it immediately.

Trump said a replacement for “Obamacare” will be offered with the confirmation of his health secretary.

Would you mind pointing us to the replacement for ObamaCare which Trump promised he would provide when his HHS secretary was confirmed a year ago?

Thank you.

And fagots in congress couldn't deliver a bill, politicians lie, go figure.


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