Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals Insurance Documents Showing Doctors Were Paid to Push COVID Vaccines

Not this one. It’s not a vaccine.
Your blob's CDC called it a vaccine:


Let me guess...your blob isn't responsible for what his agencies did. Right?
So what you're saying is that your blob fast-tracked a useless vaccine? Wow...what a fuck-up he was huh?

Here is the part where you tell us your blob is not responsible for it.

I'm sure your response will be vile and hilarious.
So the worst person in history is responsible for the democrats firing people for not getting the shots. You think he’s horrible and an idiot but damn, you sure pushed the shit out of these shots even when he said they should be optional and voluntary. You democrats made them mandatory and caused a lot of people their jobs because of it.

I guess my question for you is if Trump is so bad then why did you demand everyone take the shot?
So the worst person in history is responsible for the democrats firing people for not getting the shots.
Well, if you're calling your blob the "worst person in history"...you're correct for once.

Can you tell me who the "democrats" fired though?

I guess my question for you is if Trump is so bad then why did you demand everyone take the shot?
The scientists he hired developed a safe and effective vaccine. That he's a whoremonger and pedophile doesn't really come into play in that equation.
Again, he never wanted it mandated. Bidumb and the democrats did that.
Make sure you lift with your legs when you move the goal posts like that.

You said it wasn't a vaccine. I can rub your nose in that now or later if you like

But your Blob's CDC says it is a vaccine.

Was your blob lying then or are you lying now?

Your choice.

C'mon...threaten to kill me again.... you know you want to.
A quarter million is a nice piece of change even for a doctor. They got bribed to poison you pure and simple. Didn't matter that they knew better than trust an only 6-months clinical trials, toxic drug. Average drug development time is 10 - 15 years. The real question is always long-term effects. Lots of drugs look good coming out of the starting blocks. But 90% of biotechs go bust. https://matchtrial.health/en/how-lon...op-a-new-drug/

Dr. McCullough was one of the doctors trying to save lives with Ivermectin while hypocritical bastards like Chris Cuomo were trashing it but taking it secretly, knowing that it worked.

Totality Of Evidence page Dr. Peter McCullough Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence



Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors were Bribed to Push COVID Vaccines – And Leaked Insurance Documents Back Him Up (VIDEO)

"World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures about the immense earnings doctors received for pushing the COVID-19 injections.

On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.


Read more at Vigilant Fox.

Dr. McCullough shared this information with the Tommy T podcast."

So health insurance companies incentivized keeping people from ending up in an ICU for a fraction of the fraction of the cost. That isn't a smoking gun. It is business as usual. No different than those "free" annual flu shots they push every year--cheaper than ER visits.
Well, if you're calling your blob the "worst person in history"...you're correct for once.

Can you tell me who the "democrats" fired though?

The scientists he hired developed a safe and effective vaccine. That he's a whoremonger and pedophile doesn't really come into play in that equation.

A quarter million is a nice piece of change even for a doctor. They got bribed to poison you pure and simple. Didn't matter that they knew better than trust an only 6-months clinical trials, toxic drug. Average drug development time is 10 - 15 years. The real question is always long-term effects. Lots of drugs look good coming out of the starting blocks. But 90% of biotechs go bust. https://matchtrial.health/en/how-lon...op-a-new-drug/

Dr. McCullough was one of the doctors trying to save lives with Ivermectin while hypocritical bastards like Chris Cuomo were trashing it but taking it secretly, knowing that it worked.

Totality Of Evidence page Dr. Peter McCullough Dr Peter McCullough | Totality of Evidence



Dr. Peter McCullough Reveals How Much Doctors were Bribed to Push COVID Vaccines – And Leaked Insurance Documents Back Him Up (VIDEO)

"World-famous cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough recently revealed startling figures about the immense earnings doctors received for pushing the COVID-19 injections.

On the Tommy T Podcast, Dr. McCullough claimed that a typical doctor could make an extra $250,000 if they injected a substantial portion of their patients.

More specifically, if a doctor injected 75% of his or her patients at $250 per newly-injected person, that would end up being around $250,000.


Read more at Vigilant Fox.

Dr. McCullough shared this information with the Tommy T podcast."

I knew a doctor once, many moons ago, who was paid 50K to use his name to promote some kind of supplement. He knew absolutely nothing about the supplement, other than cashing his check and letting them use his name. I think he actually had a twinge of regret over it but, hey, 50K is 50K.
Imagine that, a doctor pushing a life saving vaccine.


What was more shocking is that there were people who just didn’t go down to the tens of thousands of vax sites set up by PHAs and get one for free.
Well doctors have done this before. Many of them (not all) pushed Oxy Contin for the Sackler families money and trinkets. Doctors are only human you know.

Most humans in any profession will say what they are paid to say, write what they are paid to write, and prescribe what they are paid to prescribe.
Still don’t see where the democrats fire them.

Maybe this will help jog your failing memory.

Amazing! Me too! Everything I’ve posted is a home run! Way over your head.
Like when you swore your city has no homeless persons...but strangely will never name the city? Yeah...you struck out on that one.

We aren’t talking about where I live. We have restrooms here, no homeless drug addicts and everyone knows what bathrooms are for women and which are for men and nobody fucks that up.
I do like how you seem to know what goes on in public restrooms. I know there isn’t a lot to do in Misery but perhaps you should take up a hobby that doesn’t involve being a pervert.
Maybe this will help jog your failing memory.

Didn’t quite do it...

Try again with some actual proof next time.
Like when you swore your city has no homeless persons...but strangely will never name the city? Yeah...you struck out on that one.

I do like how you seem to know what goes on in public restrooms. I know there isn’t a lot to do in Misery but perhaps you should take up a hobby that doesn’t involve being a pervert.
Holy fuck, we aren’t just moving goal posts we’re changing stadiums!

How is this even related to vaccines?
Didn’t quite do it...

Try again with some actual proof next time.
I didn’t think it would. Even from the horses mouth you are unable to comprehend the English language. I give you the democrat presidents actual transcripted speech from the White House official site and you ask for actual proof.

What a fucking clown you are.

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