Don't want Trump for another term? CNN's Fareed Zakaria has some bad news for you


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2011
Most of what comes out of CNN is fake news, as far as I'm concerned. But this guy seems to have read the tea leaves, and he doesn't like what he sees.

Fareed breaks down Trump's chances of retaking the White House
CNN's Fareed Zakaria examines the race between Biden and Trump ahead of the 2024 election.

Most of what comes out of CNN is fake news, as far as I'm concerned. But this guy seems to have read the tea leaves, and he doesn't like what he sees.

Fareed breaks down Trump's chances of retaking the White House
CNN's Fareed Zakaria examines the race between Biden and Trump ahead of the 2024 election.

well, fuck. If CNN said it, it just as to be true, they have never, ever, been wrong in all of their history.
Your border and I.R.A were disasterous decisions. Couple that with a weak economy and various other unhappy citizens, what should have been an easy layup against Trump is anything but now. All he had to do was keep what was good and replace what was not. Instead, he went scorched earth. It makes no sense.

Worse from a global perspective, many in Europe are supporting the far-right because they are sick of allowing endless streams of unskilled workers, most who can't even speak the language into their country. They constantly point to the U.S and say "do we want THAT here, where are sovereignty is at risk"?

America has it easier as most of the illegals are from Mexico and Central America so many of them share the same religion and have an understanding of U.S culture, but this has been changing of late.
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and he picked Hillary to win in a landslide in 2016

This isn't 2016, nor is it 2020. You're doing the same thing most Democrats are doing: Underestimating the power of Trump, the utter incompetence of Biden, how disgusted normal Americans are becoming after seeing their wealth dissolve, their lifestyles becoming unaffordable, their streets rampant with crime, drug use, and homelessness, and wars breaking out everywhere across the world.
This isn't 2016, nor is it 2020. You're doing the same thing most Democrats are doing: Underestimating the power of Trump, the utter incompetence of Biden, how disgusted normal Americans are becoming after seeing their wealth dissolve, their lifestyles becoming unaffordable, their streets rampant with crime, drug use, and homelessness, and wars breaking out everywhere across the world.

Dude, I do not give a fuck which one wins, but damn if it is not endlessly entertaining to watch both sides latch on to every thing that tells them what they want to hear as if it is the gospel.
Dude, I do not give a fuck which one wins, but damn if it is not endlessly entertaining to watch both sides latch on to every thing that tells them what they want to hear as if it is the gospel.

Well good for you, but some of us do care very much which one wins. Apparently you're so out of the loop that you're not aware of what's been happening in this country over the last four years.
Well good for you, but some of us do care very much which one wins. Apparently you're so out of the loop that you're not aware of what's been happening in this country over the last four years.

Same shit that has been happening for this century, same shit that will be happening no matter who wins in Nov.

You are choosing between being shot or being stabbed and you pretend there is a winning choice
Same shit that has been happening for this century, same shit that will be happening no matter who wins in Nov.

You are choosing between being shot or being stabbed and you pretend there is a winning choice

At least between a Republican and a Democrat, we have a chance to win. You on the other hand, will continue voting for someone who's guaranteed to lose, no matter what.

Why do you even bother voting? Nobody will even notice that you took the time.
At least between a Republican and a Democrat, we have a chance to win. You on the other hand, will continue voting for someone who's guaranteed to lose, no matter what.

Why do you even bother voting? Nobody will even notice that you took the time.

Only if you think that getting stabbed instead of being shot is a "win"
Only if you think that getting stabbed instead of being shot is a "win"

I have no idea what you're talking about. President Trump did not stab or shoot me, nor did he lie to me, grift me, con me out of anything, or take anything away from me. As a matter of fact, I don't know a single person who voted for him before and is disillusioned with him now. Every Trump-voter I know is voting for him again.

He delivered far more than he promised, and I will be voting for him again in November.
I have no idea what you're talking about. President Trump did not stab or shoot me, nor did he lie to me, grift me, con me out of anything, or take anything away from me.

In fact, he delivered far more than he promised, and I will be voting for him again in November.

It is called an analogy, look it up, educate yourself.

That aside, I am truly glad for you that you found someone that makes you so happy to vote for. Hell I am even a little envious as life would be so much easier to feel that way about someone.

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