Donald Trump praises Kristi Noem

The dog was 14 months old. It was a puppy. Until she blew it away.
The dog was over 1 year old. It was full grown. I am really sorry that she felt it necessary to shoot the animal but the way this is being blown out of proportion is absurd.

You got that right.

She took the puppy to a gravel pit and murdered it. What is being blown out of proportion?
What is the murder statute that she violated? I has to be the same statute that classifies abortion as murder. If it's murder have her arrested.

You just need something Republican clutch your pearls over.
What is the murder statute that she violated? I has to be the same statute that classifies abortion as murder. If it's murder have her arrested.

You just need something Republican clutch your pearls over.
It was a murder but not a crime apparently. By any standard its barbaric and wrong. But you'll excuse get off on cruelty in all forms. It's a mental defect you have.
It was a murder but not a crime apparently. By any standard its barbaric and wrong. But you'll excuse get off on cruelty in all forms. It's a mental defect you have.
I cannot abide cruelty to animals. However, this phony and expanded horror over this particular dog is patently because Governor Noem is a republican and no other reason. I do not recall your protestations when Anthony Fauci experimented on Beagle puppies, actual babies, and had insects eating the poor babies alive. It took days for those tiny puppies to die. Where was your outrage? Why is Fauci not behind bars for extended animal cruelty? So spare us all the ersatz outrage this time.
I knew that he would find this to be a positive thing to do, to kill her puppy. He is so messed up.

She put down an out of control, untrainable, vicious and therefore dangerous dog. That is something any responsible dog owner would do. Conversely Biden allowed his dog to bite people, including his Secret Service detail and White House personnel multiple times. That is not what a responsible dog owner does.

And if you believe that is real video of Donald Trump and he is actually saying those repulsive things about Kristi Noem, I still have a lovely assortment of bridges to sell you.
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