Dollar General store staff all quit at the same time leaving sign saying 'overworked and underpaid'

Why does the blame for high prices always go to those who make the least and struggle to survive?

Corporate America…..If we don’t have a low cost workforce, we cannot pay our exorbitant executive salaries
Why does one blame the experience level and available resources for low-paying jobs (that anyone can perform) as the problem? Why would an entry level position pay the same as an experienced IT professional?
Considering slavery is illegal, employees have every right to walk out of an undesirable employment situation.
I do wonder what some people's reaction would be if the script was flipped, and the employer fired all the employees for similar workplace issues.
Considering slavery is illegal, employees have every right to walk out of an undesirable employment situation.
I do wonder what some people's reaction would be if the script was flipped, and the employer fired all the employees for similar workplace issues.
It wouldn't be on here. DG and another retailer announced they are closing a thousand stores and not a peep.
Exploited? They volunteer to accept these roles with the agreed wages .. these are roles that anyone can do .. Key words are "they volunteer" to accept it.

They have no choice but to accept the low wages offered

What happens when a low wage employee can’t afford local housing, food, transportation, healthcare?

The taxpayer pays
Shouldnt the employer be expected to pay?
Why is it that Leftist have the delusion that all businesses have infinite cash resources and are selfishly holding back on compensation to their employees ???

Why is it that Leftist fail to grasp that private and common stock companies owe compensation to their stock holders/investors ???

Why is that Leftist fail to grasp that stocks and bonds, etc. of private, for-profit businesses is what pension funds, IRAs, and 401Ks, etc. are invested in, and growth of these retirement investment funds depend upon profitable operations and growth of what they invest in ???
You can start working off the clock at your work anytime to help the bottom line.
They have no choice but to accept the low wages offered

What happens when a low wage employee can’t afford local housing, food, transportation, healthcare?

The taxpayer pays
Shouldnt the employer be expected to pay?
So individuals, you've identified as "they," have no other opportunities to grow in their career path? Why should an employer be expected to pay an unrealistic wage because some entry-level individual chose this path based on their life situation? Why is it the employer's problem, instead of the individual volunteering to accept the role at the agreed wage?
So individuals, you've identified as "they," have no other opportunities to grow in their career path? Why should an employer be expected to pay an unrealistic wage because some entry-level individual chose this path based on their life situation? Why is it the employer's problem, instead of the individual volunteering to accept the role at the agreed wage?
Your “everyone can be a Rocket Scientist” claim doesn’t cut it

Median IQ is 100 meaning half will be less than 100. A significant portion will be 80 and below.
These people tend to be limited to menial jobs.

What about the College Student with high IQ who will eventually qualify for high wage positions. Should that person be exploited while he is forced to accept menial jobs?
So individuals, you've identified as "they," have no other opportunities to grow in their career path?
Pay attention:

Nobody is saying that. This is an idiotic right wing strawman that has been useless since the first time it was attempted.

The fact is that people WILL work those jobs. No matter how many right wing dummies point at everyone and tell everyone "just try harder".

The when they do... and organize, and demand better wages, and form unions, and get legislation passed....

... suddenly the right wingers don't want them trying so hard.
The great irony is taxpayers subsidize these low income workers with housing allowances and nutritional assistance so these corporations can continue to rake in huge profits without paying their workers, and you have poor whites who are more than happy to carry water for these corporations.
What a bizarre lie.
No more a bizarre lie than this;
Higher prices should result in higher wages
That is the way it has always worked "

Where the operative lying term is "always".

There is a yin-yang to the process, but higher wages for lower skill/knowledge labor tends to fuel higher prices to pay the cost of the higher wages.

But then, Komrade, one needs to have experience in the for profit part of the economy, not a lifetime spent as a parasite.
The great irony is taxpayers subsidize these low income workers with housing allowances and nutritional assistance so these corporations can continue to rake in huge profits without paying their workers, and you have poor whites who are more than happy to carry water for these corporations.
Well Komrade, the greater irony is that so much ignorance and misinformation still exists in this so-called modern age when one would think that public education should have erased such stupidity! It is closely followed by how so much ignorance, distortion, and misinformation can be expressed in so few words encompassing such a wealth stupidity and inaccurate concepts.

For a start, ever since humans began to establish some form of civil order, and eventual civilization, there has always existed an elite or upper class/caste who have directed activity and reaped a larger share per capita of the rewards/profits from the efforts of the whole. For centuries this was one form or another of "royalty" (kings and queens), the "elite" who by favor and power of "the gawds" were "entitled" to rule and reap a larger share of the rewards/profits. Were you to study and understand history over the millennia this would be known to you.

It was only a few centuries ago, with the rise of the mercantile and banking factions within society that the access and possession of wealth began to shift to those not always of royal birth/genetics/heritage. The new "irony" was that now the "elite" was expanding and gradually shifting to a larger class of human society, one based more on "merit"-"effort"-"ingenuity" than right of birth heritage. The result is that the origins of the "modern elite" are more varied and diverse among those within a society. One example is how within the socialist/communist social-economic structures, the wealthy owners of the elite have been replaced by the "commissaries" of "the people" (along with the 'czars' of the ever present "underground economy" based on graft).

The "taxpayers" you refer to are by number(volume) a majority, yet their financial contribution is a minority of total tax revenues. The majority of tax revenues come from the upper elite(wealthy) minority and those "corporations*". That portion of subsidized "low income housing allowances and nutritional assistance" goes mostly to non-workers! The non-productive "welfare class". A tour of any "public housing" site/facility will show how well they take care of what has been given to them by others (irony and satire implicit).

A majority of "low income workers" that provide the most in goods, and some services, tend to be in other nations. The so-called developing or 'third world' countries and largely CCP China based upon how much USA imports from that country. It is there across the oceans upon foreign shores where you will find the larger portion of poor, mostly non-whites, that "carry water for the corporations"(often State owned).

To varying degrees, the profits, huge and otherwise, will not go into "coffee cans buried in backyards of the 'Wealthy' ". In Western nations, where forms of free enterprise are still operative somewhat, those profits will go for expansion costs for growing the corporations (more facilities and jobs), paying off loans used for capital(investment growth), and also as dividends to the stockholders. In the USA a majority of those "stockholders" tend to be union pension funds, and citizen IRAs and 401Ks = private efforts for retirement funds meant to be separate from Guv'mint aid like Social Security, etc.

Finally, another key element that you and other parasitic deadwood socialist/communist members of the non-productive, non-profitable Left fail to grasp~understand is that all costs and expenses of corporations or similar providers of services and/or goods get included into the costs of what they provide to the market and hence are paid by the consumer in the final tally.

To put it blunt and basic-simple language, anything you expect those "corporations" with "huge profits" to provide will be paid for by their customers. The taxpayers and general public.

BTW, the majority of "corporations" in the USA tend to be LLC - Limited Liability Corporation - often a handful of persons who put up their savings and collateral (like their homes) to invest in and start a business venture. Such business ventures have no guarantee of success and more often then not, will fail within a few years and the investors/starters will lose their investments.

I rarely hear you parasitic free-loading socialist/communist Leftists whine or care about those whom had guts and resource to try and start for profit ventures, which are the source of most jobs, when their efforts aren't successful and they lose their investments.

No surprise given the ignorance, arrogance, and stupidity common to your sort of bottom-dwellers of society!
No more a bizarre lie than this;
Higher prices should result in higher wages
That is the way it has always worked "

Where the operative lying term is "always".

There is a yin-yang to the process, but higher wages for lower skill/knowledge labor tends to fuel higher prices to pay the cost of the higher wages.

But then, Komrade, one needs to have experience in the for profit part of the economy, not a lifetime spent as a parasite.
If that is the case stryder then Costco shouldn't be able to out compete Walmart.
If that is the case stryder then Costco shouldn't be able to out compete Walmart.
1) Please define how Costco out competes Walmart. Also document the numbers for such.
2) Note that each targets different demographics of the consumer market for their customer base.
3) Each offers a different range of product quality, and sometimes types.
4) Each offers different quality range and corresponding price range in what they stock/sell.
5) Wages are part of the formula for costs that include overhead, wholesale costs, operating costs, transportation/inventory costs and marketing coasts as well. After all these cost factors have been met, then one has amount/percentage of profit, gross and net that results. If no net profit than the business folds, closes it's doors and the workers are out of jobs.

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