Disinformation is enemy #1.

There is a reason that Democratic ballot harvesters spend their time in the projects and not at the country club. Don't be silly, everyone knows that the poorest of the poor vote for Democrats. Isn't that just common sense?

In my state, ultra-elites and ultra-poor are heavily Democrat. The poor to get on the dole and the ultra-rich to appease their guilt, as long as it doesn't affect their lavish lifestyles.
THAT was not my question, your reply is OPINION not FACT.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

They love the pootin
you keep talking about Black people

I never said anything about black people, though, now that you bring it up, they do collect a higher percentage of welfare per capita and they vote heavily Democratic.

not sure what point you are trying to make?

My only point was that the more successful you are, the more likely you are to vote Republican. This stands true for working wealthy,(making up to a several million/yr) but tends to go the opposite direction when talking about the ultra-wealthy, who vote more heavily Democratic.
Remember when Trump said he would self fund his own campaign?

Trump hasn’t contributed any of his own money to his presidential campaigns since 2016. He had floated in 2020 that he’d personally spend what it took to win re-election, but did not do so.

In 2016 he loaned $10.8M to his campaign, went on to solicit contributions, and then paid himself back for the $10.8M he put in.

Grifters gonna grift.
the kind of things would like to see prof positive of, Not because I don't believe it, but because I am looking for honesty from all the political party's, instead of keep getting caught up in all the anger.
The pandemic was in full swing when Biden took over.

The pandemic is over now, why is Biden about to add more to the debt than Trump?

I still haven't gotten an answer as to why someone who put 7.5 trillion on the national debt is somehow a better than Biden, who has spent nearly as much himself.

Biden is spending more, despite inheriting a roaring economy and no pandemic.

So this is all about having our feelings hurt because countries can't reach 3% GDP for their military defense?

Russia is a huge threat, defend yourself already. We're tired of carrying you, we have $34 trillion in debt. The gravy train is over.
Poor Biden, he couldn't do anything to stop the flood of illegal aliens.
So why did he spend 3 years saying there was no border crisis before trying to pass legislation?

He should say that in a campaign ad.

Furthermore, how would a lowly migrant in some foreign land know something so utterly secretive,

Secretive? Biden told them to rush the border. Then he let millions of them come in without even trying to stop them. It doesn't take long for word to spread that the Potato is letting everyone enter.

The surge started happening immediately into 2021.

Yeah, no kidding.

So you admit the GOP won’t lift a finger to fix the border, thank you.

I admit, they aren't going to help Joe pretend he wants to fix the border. You're welcome.

Precisely what evidence do you have the Biden isn’t enforcing laws? That’s on border patrol, not the president.

Joe wants the border to be secured, but the border patrol refuses to do it? Poor Joe.

I guess if you’re going to blame Biden for immigration

Not just me, a large majority of Americans.

If the crisis isn't Biden's fault, who gets the blame?
You know what enemy number one really is? I'll tell you. It's the purveyors of the status quo.

It's why such empty, lazy phrases as left and right are so meaningless.

Trump voters tell NBC Reporter that ‘Russia is not our enemy’​

I, along with I'm sure many others, have made the point our self governance relies on an informed, engaged electorate.

If someone would like to explain to me how these MAGAists came to believe the things they said if not for RWM disinformation I'd like to hear it.

Again, nobody has forced them to take these silly positions; they do that to themselves. When the media reports these idiotic statements, they then say the media is against them--for reporting the positions they took.

Its is truly remarkable that people who know better have sacrificed independent thought so willfully. When they finally have to face the truth...they will have a very hard time explaining the last 10 years or so.

A very close friend of mine asked her parents (they were from the south) about segregation. Here parents had seen the light and were no longer segregationists. You could tell that they had a very hard time explaining to their daughter what they were thinking. “Times were different” was what was brought up time and again.

You really can’t say that “times are different” between 2015 and 2024... The only explanation that is going to pass any muster will be the harsh reality that they will have to admit to....”we were lied to, we knew it was all phony and we didn’t care.”

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