Despite Mueller handing 45 a gift of no collusion and 45's crony watering it down, there is a catch

As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors.

Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor.
amazing that over the course of the investigation, no one brought that evidence to Muellers attention.
As a independent counsel, Mueller was given the liberty to do his own investigation and based on his own findings. Congress was not obligated to interfere with what Mueller and his team compiled.
As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors. Also is some black eye ball attached to comments and facts I post suppose to be intimidating because I am hardly intimidated?
There is a reason Trump and the Republicans put Russia "first".

It won't be a secret forever.

They'll figure it out.
As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors.

Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor.
amazing that over the course of the investigation, no one brought that evidence to Muellers attention.
As a independent counsel, Mueller was given the liberty to do his own investigation and based on his own findings. Congress was not obligated to interfere with what Mueller and his team compiled.

Doesn't really address my response, does it?

Congress has all this evidence, that would confirm Trump to be as guilty as you believe he is....

yet in over 2 years of investigation, Mueller never saw it?
I will let the known fact speak for itself:

"Barr’s note is clear that Mueller did not uncover evidence Trump and his gang were in direct cahoots with Russia’s covert operation to interfere with the US election and boost Trump’s odds. But the hyper-focus on this sort of collusion—as if Trump instructed Russian hackers on how to penetrate the computer network of the Democratic National Committee—has always diverted attention from a basic and important element of the scandal that was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy. They aided and abetted Moscow’s attempt to cover up its assault on the United States (which aimed to help Trump win the White House). And they lied about all this.

And, yes, there were instances of collusion—not on the specifics of the attack, but secret scheming between Trumpworld and Russia." Trump aided and abetted Russia's attack. That was treachery. Full stop.
All the top Intelligence and Security executives under both Obama & Trump agree with this:

was proven long before Mueller drafted his final report: Trump and his lieutenants interacted with Russia while Putin was attacking the 2016 election and provided encouraging signals to the Kremlin as it sought to subvert American democracy.
Wrong....but keep up with those fantasies. There are russian boogeymen in your yard looking in your windows.
How are YOUR fantasies in that hole you stick your head in? Here’s a reminder in case you missed it:

Daniel Coats, the director of national intelligence, said there is no dissent inside U.S. intelligence agencies about the conclusion that Russia used hacking and fake news to interfere in the 2016 presidential election.

"I am confident that the Russians meddled in this election, as is the entire intelligence community," CIA Director Mike Pompeo said.

Thomas Bossert, Trump’s counterterrorism and cyber adviser: "There is a pretty clear and easy answer to that and that is yes.”

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly, also at the Aspen gathering, said Wednesday that he, too, saw it that way.

Intelligence director says agencies agree on Russian meddling

Of course russia tried to interfere. Nobody disputes that. O even tried to interfere in Israeli election. The US tries to interfere all over the world.
So, now we wait for the full report.

You Trump cultists do want to see the full report released, right? If you don't, that's like an admission of guilt on your part
Prepare your apology to Trump.

So, Weatherman definitely wants the report buried. That is a fair conclusion, being that he evaded the simple question.

Is there even one Trump cultist who doesn't want the full report buried? Bueller? Bueller? Apparently not. All of the Trump cultists seem to think that DearLeader is guilty. Why else would they want the report buried?
So, now we wait for the full report.

You Trump cultists do want to see the full report released, right? If you don't, that's like an admission of guilt on your part
Prepare your apology to Trump.

So, Weatherman definitely wants the report buried. That is a fair conclusion, being that he evaded the simple question.

Is there even one Trump cultist who doesn't want the full report buried? Bueller? Bueller? Apparently not. All of the Trump cultists seem to think that DearLeader is guilty. Why else would they want the report buried?
I’m shoving the entire report down your Goddamn anti-American throats from here until doomsday, Dufus.
So, Weatherman definitely wants the report buried. That is a fair conclusion, being that he evaded the simple question.

Is there even one Trump cultist who doesn't want the full report buried? Bueller? Bueller? Apparently not. All of the Trump cultists seem to think that DearLeader is guilty. Why else would they want the report buried?

Oh no, my good friend mamooth. I so want the full report made public. I just have a mean streak after all the abuse and lies put forth by who is really the cult, the Never Trumpers. I hope to see Republicans "block" the publication of the report until after say the second Democrat Debate. Let them go on record AGAIN charging President Donald Trump with COLLUSION.

Then "reluctantly" release the report AGAIN embarrassing and humiliating the Democrats. Then watch them scream again in agony as they are again proven to be wrong. I love it!

Once again my Progressive/Liberal/Democrat good friends are....

Then watch them scream again in agony as they are again proven to be wrong. I love it!

But we haven't been proven wrong even once. Anyone saying Trump has been vindicated is lying outright.

We've been correct about everything so far. Not that this was a difficult prediction. Trump appointed Barr specifically to shield Trump from legal trouble, and that's exactly what Barr did.

If you're wondering, we liberals don't ever tire of being proven right. Yes, it always happens, but it doesn't get old.
So, Weatherman definitely wants the report buried. That is a fair conclusion, being that he evaded the simple question.

Is there even one Trump cultist who doesn't want the full report buried? Bueller? Bueller? Apparently not. All of the Trump cultists seem to think that DearLeader is guilty. Why else would they want the report buried?


"For those of us who are Iran-Contra obsessives—and you know who you are out there—this summary carries a similar aroma. A lot of important people are going to pass the buck around to each other, over and over again, until the country forgets what all the fuss was in the first place.

"This should be no surprise, again, because, back in 1992, when he was George H.W. Bush's AG, Barr advised that president to pardon all of the people convicted in Iran-Contra—people who, unsurprisingly, all could have testified that Bush's non-involvement was a self-serving lie. Maybe he'll give this president* the same advice. Who knows?"

Mueller Report Summary Shows William Barr Did What Trump Hired Him to Do

Are you still mad that Reagan beat the Commies?
Why do you lie to yourself like this, truther?

So why are you lying about Trump supposedly being vindicated?

You won. Stop blubbering about it, will you? You Trump cultists were much happier as losers. In those happy carefree days, it was only suspected that you were corrupt incompetent Stalinists. Now that's been confirmed, and you're not happy. You should thank us for returning you to your natural state of loserdom.
Why do you lie to yourself like this, truther?
So why are you lying about Trump supposedly being vindicated?
Did you watch the news last night?
The only people who do not understand Mueller vindicated Trump are those who will never believe Trump did not collude with the Russians and obstruct justice.

Trump will remain your President until at least January 2021 and there's nothing you can do about it.

Eat it and smile.
Then watch them scream again in agony as they are again proven to be wrong. I love it!

But we haven't been proven wrong even once. Anyone saying Trump has been vindicated is lying outright.

We've been correct about everything so far. Not that this was a difficult prediction. Trump appointed Barr specifically to shield Trump from legal trouble, and that's exactly what Barr did.

If you're wondering, we liberals don't ever tire of being proven right. Yes, it always happens, but it doesn't get old.

You were wrong about everything in this case. Trump is not going to be indicted, neither will his son, neither will his son-in-law, there was no Russian collision, there was no obstruction.

Unless you're now going to claim you've said Trump will beat this bad rap and it was nothing but made up from the beginning, you were wrong.
So, now we wait for the full report.

You Trump cultists do want to see the full report released, right? If you don't, that's like an admission of guilt on your part
Prepare your apology to Trump.

So, Weatherman definitely wants the report buried. That is a fair conclusion, being that he evaded the simple question.

Is there even one Trump cultist who doesn't want the full report buried? Bueller? Bueller? Apparently not. All of the Trump cultists seem to think that DearLeader is guilty. Why else would they want the report buried?

Because as long as Trump keeps that report next to his tax returns in a locked drawer, it makes you on the left suicidal. :auiqs.jpg:
As 45, his cronies and brainwashed cult followers do their victory lap with all that winning from hell, apparently the morons forgot the fact that this is hardly over, and despite Mueller's report, Congress already has evidence of 45 conspiring directly and indirectly with Russians to hack the election in his favor. There is also they SDNY legal dilemma hovering over the 45 tyrant. After all, if there were no conspiracy, why have numerous 45 cronies, including Russians been indicted, jailed and charged in relation to 45's pyramid of crimes against humanity to lawlessly corrupt the 2016 election? Obviously this is not over, although 45 and his fool's might think so because Mueller's investigation was not the only method used to obtain unobstructed details regarding 45's treasonous ways that his idiot follows thinks is so innocent. Also it might not bode well with 45's hand picked fellow crook Barr at obstructing the entire report against public knowledge that paid the $40 million as taxpayers for the investigation, watering down or minimizing a otherwise explosive matter of 45's high crimes and misdemeanors. Also is some black eye ball attached to comments and facts I post suppose to be intimidating because I am hardly intimidated?
There is a reason Trump and the Republicans put Russia "first".

It won't be a secret forever.

They'll figure it out.

They already have.

Russian  dressing.jpeg

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