DeSantis signs controversial bill banning kids under 14 from opening social media accounts

Do they? If the state makes it illegal for a child to have a FaceBook account, can the parents override it?
Parents have the right and power to restrict their minor children's ability to have Facebook accounts right now in any state without a state law. Parents don't need a state law to do that.
Parents have the right and power to restrict their minor children's ability to have Facebook accounts right now in any state without a state law. Parents don't need a state law to do that.

If this law goes through, do the parents have the "right and power" to ignore the law is they disagree with it?
Yes it is. What does that have to do with our discussion? None of those three things apply
The objection to protecting children is your idea not mine

I’m ok with not allowing children to smoke cigarettes or fool around on social media but you arent
Smoking and drinking aren't 1st Amendment issues.
The 1st Amendment does not apply to minors

Or if it does in some small way its not as broad for minors as it is for adults
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The objection to protecting children is your idea not mine

I’m ok with not allowing children to smoke cigarettes or fool around on social media but you arent
You objected to protecting them against sugary drinks so I guess we are both children haters huh?
Should we keep them away from church for the same reason?

You know it's sad when I have to agree with you, not too long ago I wouldn't have though and from what I'm seeing in my area I personally wouldn't take a chance with taking my children to church.

Crap, I’m agreeing with winterborn…what is this world coming to??? Cats and dogs, living together…mass hysteria!!!!

Ikr? I lost track of how many democrats I have already agreed with in this thread. Winter is okay to me though although we don't always agree.

The objection to protecting children is your idea not mine

I’m ok with not allowing children to smoke cigarettes or fool around on social media but you arent

Apparently you aren't listening because that's not at all what he said. Neither of us have said that even though you keep claiming we have.

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