Democrats Hold the Senate, as Cortez Masto Ekes Out a Victory in Nevada

Which of course is total fucking bullshit, but that does not stop you from parroting your talking points.
HA HA HA. Maybe you forgot that Donald Trump labeled the liberal media as the enemy of the people. And Trump followers (which is the great majority of Republicans) agree with that assessment.

And since almost all the polls are from exactly these same liberal entities (liberal media, universities, think tanks), you think for one second that Republicans are going to trust them and play ball with them, or have anything to do with them ? Are you nuts ?

Your problem is that you are living within a conciousness created by those same liberal entities, and thus your perception sees only trees, no forest.

Try putting the jigsaw puzzle pieces together. Hillary Clinton had the polls proclaiming her the winner just before the 2016 election. Got any idea why that was the case ? Think hard. :rolleyes:
HA HA HA. Maybe you forgot that Donald Trump labeled the liberal media as the enemy of the people. And Trump followers (which is the great majority of Republicans) agree with that assessment.

Yes, I know that you agree with whatever Trump tells you to believe. The fact that you are proud of this says a great deal about you.

And since almost all the polls are from exactly these same liberal entities (liberal media, universities, think tanks), you think for one second that Republicans are going to trust them and play ball with them, or have anything to do with them ? Are you nuts ?

Your problem is that you are living within a conciousness created by those same liberal entities, and thus your perception sees only trees, no forest.

I am a data geek, I go by the data not by my feelz like you all. Show me the data or be dismissed as a mindless partisan drone

Hillary Clinton had the polls proclaiming her the winner just before the 2016 election. Got any idea why that was the case ? Think hard.

Because the polls are done on a national level and only reflect the popular vote and not the EC.
Yes, I know that you agree with whatever Trump tells you to believe. The fact that you are proud of this says a great deal about you.

I am a data geek, I go by the data not by my feelz like you all. Show me the data or be dismissed as a mindless partisan drone

Because the polls are done on a national level and only reflect the popular vote and not the EC.
But we're talking about who thepolls predict to win the ELECTION, and in 2016, that was Hillary - because they are generated primarily by Democrat responders. Ho hum.

Yes, I trust what Trump says. He's a multibillionaire, who doesn't need politics, He does it because he loves America. The fact that you don't know that, or about his long list of accomplishments, says a great deal about you.
But we're talking about who thepolls predict to win the ELECTION, and in 2016, that was Hillary - because they are generated primarily by Democrat responders. Ho hum.

And she did what the polls said she would do, win the popular vote.
Well, here we are – some three weeks after the 2022 GOP midterm disaster and Republicans are still lying about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating’ – even after the defeat of GOP election deniers.
Re[ublicans have won governorships all over the country. Republicans flipped 4 long-time Democrat seats in New York.

Texas & Florida were a sweep by Republicans, with DeSantis flipping 3 longtime Democrat counties, and Republican majorities in both the Florida House & Senate were increased and strengthened. In Florida, we feel bad for the people of Nevada & Arizona, and Democrat cities, but here in Florida, we are free from their lawlessness, their idiotic panderings to tran perverts, etc

Last but not east, Republicans took over the US House. Not exactly a "disaster" for them.
Democrats sealed control of the Senate on Saturday as Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada narrowly defeated Adam Laxalt, a Republican former state attorney general, a decisive moment in an extraordinary midterm election in which Democrats defied historical patterns and predictions of major losses.

The Georgia runoff between Walker and Warnoff will determine if the Democrats come out with a bigger majority than they had before the election.
But they didn't hold the House. So they LOST ground.

Yep, none of those things prove a damn fucking thing. All you have are your feelings that there was fraud.

And still, far and away the funniest part is you think that polls being wrong prove election fraud, but only when they are wrong about Repubs.
This is known as DUPE DENIAL. And a LOTTTT more than polls prove election fraud. Watch out, there could be a QUIZ. Ho hum
YOU provided the comeback, by avoiding the challenge of a quiz, which you would FLUNK miserably, since you have no idea of the CONTENT of the evidences posted, which you are laughably lying, as "not proving a damn fucking thing"

Democrats sealed control of the Senate on Saturday as Senator Catherine Cortez Masto of Nevada narrowly defeated Adam Laxalt, a Republican former state attorney general, a decisive moment in an extraordinary midterm election in which Democrats defied historical patterns and predictions of major losses.

The Georgia runoff between Walker and Warnoff will determine if the Democrats come out with a bigger majority than they had before the election.
Democrats 'won' a close election at the last minute? Well knock me over with a feather.

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