Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State’s Attorney Race

24 Mar 2024

Chicago announces the existence of an additional 10,000 mail-in ballots that were “mistakenly” not mentioned until now.
Currently, Eileen O’Neill Burke is leading the radical neo-Marxist candidate Clayton Harris III by just under 4,800 votes.
Look for Eileen’s lead to disappear by morning.
What a complete shock!

ABC News Channel 7 reported this stunning development in the Democrat Primary Race for Cook County State’s Attorney race..
The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.​


What a lucky coincidence! They "found" just enough ballots to eek out a victory.
We'll see the same thing happening in November where Trump is winning then a pause and suddenly areas go 184% for Biden, more than the number of adult population listed as living there.
Remember in Wisconsin's election where 9,800 votes were found in a trunk of a car giving a broken down has-been comic the Senate seat. Democrats do it every time. and it must be stopped.

Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State’s Attorney Race

24 Mar 2024

Chicago announces the existence of an additional 10,000 mail-in ballots that were “mistakenly” not mentioned until now.
Currently, Eileen O’Neill Burke is leading the radical neo-Marxist candidate Clayton Harris III by just under 4,800 votes.
Look for Eileen’s lead to disappear by morning.
What a complete shock!

ABC News Channel 7 reported this stunning development in the Democrat Primary Race for Cook County State’s Attorney race..
The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.​


What a lucky coincidence! They "found" just enough ballots to eek out a victory.
We'll see the same thing happening in November where Trump is winning then a pause and suddenly areas go 184% for Biden, more than the number of adult population listed as living there.
Remember in Wisconsin's election where 9,800 votes were found in a trunk of a car giving a broken down has-been comic the Senate seat. Democrats do it every time. and it must be stopped.

Democrats have been cheating all the way back to Tammany Hall and Al Capones Chicago.

Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State’s Attorney Race

24 Mar 2024

Chicago announces the existence of an additional 10,000 mail-in ballots that were “mistakenly” not mentioned until now.
Currently, Eileen O’Neill Burke is leading the radical neo-Marxist candidate Clayton Harris III by just under 4,800 votes.
Look for Eileen’s lead to disappear by morning.
What a complete shock!

ABC News Channel 7 reported this stunning development in the Democrat Primary Race for Cook County State’s Attorney race..
The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.​


What a lucky coincidence! They "found" just enough ballots to eek out a victory.
We'll see the same thing happening in November where Trump is winning then a pause and suddenly areas go 184% for Biden, more than the number of adult population listed as living there.
Remember in Wisconsin's election where 9,800 votes were found in a trunk of a car giving a broken down has-been comic the Senate seat. Democrats do it every time. and it must be stopped.

There is no election fraud when it comes to Republicans but for Democrats, yes, there can be election fraud.
FFS. They still haven't finished counting the ballots in C[r]ook County.

Black Democrats strutting their stuff.

And the Harris campaign may challenge results if they lose. On noes! Election interference. Civil rights violation.

While her votes have dwindled, O’Neill Burke has expressed optimism that when the vote counting is concluded on April 2 she would emerge victorious and face Republican Bob Fioretti and Libertarian Andrew Charles Kopinski in the November general election.​
Harris’ campaign, however, is keeping all its options on the table, including “a potential recount,” campaign manager Alaina Hampton said in a statement Tuesday.​
“We will determine the path forward at the appropriate time,” Hampton said, reiterating a phrase she’s repeated for several days.​

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Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State’s Attorney Race

24 Mar 2024

Chicago announces the existence of an additional 10,000 mail-in ballots that were “mistakenly” not mentioned until now.
Currently, Eileen O’Neill Burke is leading the radical neo-Marxist candidate Clayton Harris III by just under 4,800 votes.
Look for Eileen’s lead to disappear by morning.
What a complete shock!

ABC News Channel 7 reported this stunning development in the Democrat Primary Race for Cook County State’s Attorney race..
The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.​


What a lucky coincidence! They "found" just enough ballots to eek out a victory.
We'll see the same thing happening in November where Trump is winning then a pause and suddenly areas go 184% for Biden, more than the number of adult population listed as living there.
Remember in Wisconsin's election where 9,800 votes were found in a trunk of a car giving a broken down has-been comic the Senate seat. Democrats do it every time. and it must be stopped.

It's Gateway Pundit. I wouldn't put too much stock in their claims.

Not a Conapiracy Theory​


A Proven Fact Axxording to Media​


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