Democrat Leadership believes abortion rights will swing 2024 election their way.

It certainly was an act of judicial tyranny, intentionally ignoring the Tenth Amendment and federalism, our Constitution's big tent system under which the States, and people therein, get to make decisions on all those objects, ". . . which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State." See Federalist Paper 45 and get educated.

What is it with the 9th amendment that the right wants to pretend it doesn't exist.

Need I remind you...

It has been objected also against a bill of rights, that, by enumerating particular exceptions to the grant of power, it would disparage those rights which were not placed in that enumeration, and it might follow by implication, that those rights which were not singled out, were intended to be assigned into the hands of the general government, and were consequently insecure. This is one of the most plausible arguments I have ever heard urged against the admission of a bill of rights into this system; but, I conceive, that may be guarded against.

Remember. It was the federalists idea...

In response, supporters of the Constitution (“Federalists”) such as James Wilson argued that a bill of rights would be dangerous. Enumerating any rights, Wilson argued, might imply that all those not listed were surrendered. And, because it was impossible to enumerate all the rights of the people, a bill of rights might actually be construed to justify the government’s power to limit any liberties of the people that were not enumerated. Nevertheless, because the Anti-Federalist demand for a bill of rights resonated with the public, Federalists like James Madison countered with a pledge to offer amendments after the Constitution’s ratification.

The unfortunate truth is, our extremist Democrat Leadership detests people being free in each state to determine their own destiny.

Actually the truth is it is terrifying that the right seems to believe that unenumerated rights should be up to the whims of the state leaving exposure to the revocation of the right to marriage, the right to travel, and presumption of innocence among others.

How do you feel? Do you want states to be able to cancel those unenumerated rights like they are abortion?


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!
Define "right wing".

? You don't know?


Pro tip: Dems are the left.

Are those who support and defend the text of our constitution, and its documented legislative intent, which gives context to its text, "right wing"?

Not in this case it appears.


"The Constitution is the act of the people, speaking in their original character, and defining the permanent conditions of the social alliance; and there can be no doubt on the point with us, that every act of the legislative power contrary to the true intent and meaning of the Constitution, is absolutely null and void. ___ Chancellor James Kent, in his Commentaries on American Law , 1858.
The logic of that escapes me

Why would that cause more abortions?
Getting rid of Roe v Wade didn't outlaw abortions like Democrats try to say. The court rightfully put states in charge of abortion. That's all. They didn't outlaw anything. So, all the bullshit you hear on the MSM or by Democrat politicians is all jive. There have been more abortions so far this year than last year at this time. It's not logic. It's a fact, and it totally disproves the Democrat assertion of "they're outlawing abortions". MAGA
Getting rid of Roe v Wade didn't outlaw abortions like Democrats try to say. The court rightfully put states in charge of abortion. That's all. They didn't outlaw anything. So, all the bullshit you hear on the MSM or by Democrat politicians is all jive. There have been more abortions so far this year than last year at this time. It's not logic. It's a fact. MAGA
My question is why did abortions increase?
My question is why did abortions increase?
They increased simply because people chose to have more abortions so far this year. In other words, the overturning of Roe v Wade had absolutely no effect on a womans ability to have an abortion if they wanted one.
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

Somewhere along the line they dropped the "rare" part.
I see you have failed to recognize I am not your personal dictionary.

I'll let you off easy...

Have a nice day.
I see you use terminology which you can't elaborate on or define.


When terrorist attacks begin on American soil, let us not forget it was the current Democrat Party Leadership _ voted into office by your neighbors - who encouraged and invited millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and unvetted terrorist foreign nationals, into our country.
See: Democrats are counting on abortion rights to win this battleground state


Of course, when our big media constantly misrepresents what most Republicans support, and falsely pretend there is a massive movement among Republicans to ban abortions, the issue could certainly be a deciding factor in the coming election.

But the truth is, most Republicans agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Additionally, most Americans who support and defend our Constitution, also believe in our big tent system call federalism, and that the regulation for safe abortions ought to be set by the people’s approval in each of the various States as the Tenth Amendment commands.

Unfortunately, we have learned that our corrupted big media, which is in bed with the Democrat Party Leadership, will paint voters who intend to vote Republican as evil doers, and intent on interfering with a women’s right to an abortion.

But simply because someone votes for a Congressional candidate who wants to regulate abortion - a subject matter which has no real bearing on national issues such as those which concern the common defense and general welfare of the United States - does not mean that voter supports the candidate’s regulatory view on abortion or is the reason for voting for that Republican candidate.

In fact, that Republican voter is more than likely supporting the candidate’s strong views on promoting the common defense and general welfare of the United States, which is far more important than a local concern about abortion.

So, let us keep in mind, only an extremist and a thoughtless person would base their Congressional and Presidential vote on the abortion issue when the very survival of the United States is currently a real concern, considering there is an ongoing invasion of our border by millions of illegal entrant foreign nationals, the cost of living and inflation is out of control, and our foreign enemies, especially China, smell weakness in the air.

The bottom line is, let us all remember, during the coming election, that most Republicans, both voters and candidates, agree with Hillary Clinton, and not with extremists, on the abortion issue. “Abortion should be safe, legal, and rare.”


Today's Democrat Party Leadership is infested with Authoritarian Revolutionaries, the same kind that took over Cuba, stole people’s property, and now rule over the people with an iron fist!

its says a lot about a party when they believe their biggest hope in wining the election will be supporting abortion on demand .. cant run on the border , crime , food , fuel, mortgage, rent costs ect .. nope they gonna run on killing babies in the womb ..
its says a lot about a party when they believe their biggest hope in wining the election will be supporting abortion on demand .. cant run on the border , crime , food , fuel, mortgage, rent costs ect .. nope they gonna run on killing babies in the womb ..

It seems that the America people are sick and tired of listening to extremists, whether Republican or Democrat and their never-ending screeching from cost to cost about their pro-life or pro-abortions views, when abortion is no longer a federal concern.

The majority of the American people are very comfortable with ending the noise on a federal level - and welcome the overturning of Roe v. Wade - and each state, and the people therein now being in charge of regulating abortion locally, so it is safe, and within acceptable boundaries.

Seems to me the vast majority of the American people, with respect to federal elections, are far more concerned with Biden’s orchestrated invasion of our southern border by millions upon millions of poverty-stricken, poorly educated, low-skilled, diseased, disabled, criminal, and unvetted terrorist foreign nationals who are taking over their inner city schools, emergency care rooms and public housing, all of which are meant to help American citizens and not illegal entrant foreign nationals.

And let us not forget Biden’s manufactured inflation has caused the cost of a dozen eggs in NYC to skyrocket to $5.50 a dozen.

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