Zone1 Deeper, hidden, meanings of the Bible - Physical, Spiritual and Philosophical - Secret Revelations Shared for the 1st Time.

So would you dare to damn a Catholic in hell if all that person has done in his/her entire life is given reverence, respect, and glory to God. (Not only spiritually but by actions and deeds) (Although it may not be in accordance with your interpretation?)
I do not and will not damn anyone to hell. The most I can hope for is to awaken some so that they can live up to their professed dedication and escape the condemnation of the hell they are already in. And its not about my interpretation. If scripture is true then anyone who sets aside the first commandment and turns to a lifeless matzo made by human hands for spiritual life dies and descends into the realm of the dead, hell, in the very day that they do it, whatever they profess to believe about giving reverence, respect, and glory to God. No one can partake in mass without first being taught about the commandments and the consequences for defiance. true? Death, hell, and ultimately destruction. in that order.

Its an informed consent thing. Thats why they wait until "the age of reason" to beguile children.

That vile and degrading practice is brazen lawlessness, a deliberate desecration of the words of Jesus and open demonstration of pure hatred for God. Now you know. What matters is what you do with that information from this point , not when or how you died or what anyone does in hell.

The truth remains; whether a person has made great errors in their own speculations, or whether they had been mislead themselves, to mislead others amounts to intentional sin.
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There is always the gift and possibility of redemption with God - Old and New Testament. For God is God - do you agree?
Yes, of course. In fact scripture teaches that at the resurrection "the dead in Christ" will be the first to rise, be redeemed. If there is hesitation, lack of faith, the flaw is not in God. Its all on you.

Do you believe that? If so, what are you waiting for?
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The Catholic Church is far from perfect - it is a reflection of the evolution of mankind when abiding by (or attempting to) live life with the Laws of God and the teachings of his son, Jesus Christ.
I hate to break the news to you, my friend, but the Catholic Church from its inception in 325 CE when Rome conjured and unleashed on the world the antichrist, a three in one edible mangod with all the miracles of the lie that scripture is to be taken literally, specifically the miracles of Jesus, uses the power of death consequent to defying the divine Law to deceive and subjugate the nations, and promotes austere beliefs and practices that are based on Mithraism, the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military that was originally from Babylon. An anti female religion with seven sacraments, including baptism, partaking in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking blood, and an all male celibate priesthood. Coincidence?

I don't think so.
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If there was a gross misinterpretation of God's Commands and folks truly believe, with all their minds, bodies and souls that they are truly receiving the Body of Christ when they received communion, how much of a "sin" is it?
"Like Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken to you you would not be guilty of sin, but now..."
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I will give you hidden treasures,
riches stored in secret places,
so that you may know that I am the Lord,
the God of Israel, who summons you by name.

"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, (Jesus H. Christ!) BURIED IT AGAIN"...."If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it"

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, and so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."
lol. Why ask him? I heard enough about your experience. What you describe "The soul bursting at the seams" is the experience of dying, the result of defying the Law of God, the disintegration of your mind, which is certainly a deeply profound religious experience. Just not a very good one.

Always dying every time you defy the law of God at mass, never finding peace in death. Whee!

I prefer to keep my soul intact, kosher. It is a command of God. Granted its not as exhilarating as descending into hell and becoming a perversion of an intelligent human being, but I'm satisfied.

Are you Jehovah's Witness?
I hate to break the news to you, my friend, but the Catholic Church from its inception in 325 CE when Rome conjured and unleashed on the world the antichrist, a three in one edible mangod with all the miracles of the lie that scripture is to be taken literally, specifically the miracles of Jesus, uses the power of death consequent to defying the divine Law to deceive and subjugate the nations, and promotes austere beliefs and practices that are based on Mithraism, the secret "MYSTERY RELIGION" of the Roman government and military that was originally from Babylon. An anti female religion with seven sacraments, including baptism, partaking in the divine nature of Mithras by eating bread and drinking blood, and an all male celibate priesthood. Coincidence?

I don't think so.

The Roman Catholic Church has done more for the advancement of women than any other establishment on Earth, bar non. Catholics adorn Mary - who was a woman ostracized by society because she became pregnant out of wedlock. In those days, she could have been stoned to death.

And yet, Catholics are accused of "worshipping Mary" by naysayers.

So no, you are (without question) incorrect when you conflate Roman Catholicism with Mithras and his "anti-female" religion. (You are an incredibly gifted and smart individual - don't let nonsensical conspiracy theories cloud your brilliant mind)

Many of the sacraments and rituals that Catholics practice are derived from Judaism. (You know this).

Is the Catholic Church perfect? Of course not!

It's easy to look back on history and point fingers, accuse and condemn, isn't it? Some naysayers will take one verse from the Old Testament and condemn it because they judge it out of context and ignore the hundreds of verses that bring light into the world.

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"The kingdom of Heaven is like hidden treasure lying buried in a field. The man who found it, (Jesus H. Christ!) BURIED IT AGAIN"...."If you look and look and keep on looking you will find it"

"Time was when many were aghast at you, my people, and so now many nations recoil at sight of him, and kings curl their lips in disgust; for they see what they had never been told and things unheard before fill their thoughts."

If you believe it was "buried again" then you already know why.

Your own quote:

"Like Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken to you you would not be guilty of sin, but now..."

The cross that Jesus carried is no different than the fruit eaten by Adam and Eve. You know this. "Do not eat from this tree or you surely will die"

So yes, mankind was given the gift of circumcision so that they can live lives with the opportunity of not falling into eternal sin. If one is not aware of their sin, it isn't much of a sin, is it?

The true teachings of Jesus Christ will immediately force anyone to realize they are naked and to adorn fig leaves to cover their shame.

So why do you persecute children who have no need for fig leaves?
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If you believe it was "buried again" then you already know why.

Your own quote:

"Like Jesus said, "If I had not come and spoken to you you would not be guilty of sin, but now..."

The cross that Jesus carried is no different than the fruit eaten by Adam and Eve. You know this. "Do not eat from this tree or you surely will die"

So yes, mankind was given the gift of circumcision so that they can live lives with the opportunity of not falling into eternal sin. If one is not aware of their sin, it isn't much of a sin, is it?

The true teachings of Jesus Christ will immediately force anyone to realize they are naked and to adorn fig leaves to cover their shame.

So why do you persecute the children that have no need for fig leaves?

Circumcision was borrowed from the Egyptians when they ruled Canaan for 400 years.
The true teachings of Jesus Christ will immediately force anyone to realize they are naked and to adorn fig leaves to cover their shame.
God killed an animal, likely two lambs without blemish, and used the skins to replace the fig leaves. So, the sacrificial death of Christ covers the shame of sin when accepted as such. We can't hide our shame but God through Christ can.
When you think about the Catholic church you don't think about the worship of God and Christ, but of the adoration of Mary. Without Mary the Catholic church falls apart.
Universes happen over and over again forever. You are here for a short time, irrelevant as it may be or seam.
One day, whenever, another soul such as you will be born and exist for a short time, he also will be irrelevant.
Arrogant Egos seem to think they are important. Sort timers, also irrelevant. The Milkey way is heading for Chaos.
With Andromeda & they are heading for a Calamity Billions of years away, all of it is irrelevant.
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It wouldn't let me edit the original post but there were a few things I wanted to add. Most of the theories are just based on me reading the Bible and seeing other potential meanings. The Bible is full of them, many philosophical, physical and spiritual. So obviously, they are intended to provoke thought, nothing more, nothing less. That's the way I view something I admire and respect. T

It took me close to 40+ years to discover them (if they are correct) so it's not something I haven't spent some time on. I never thought I had the "authority" to state some of them since they directly reference religious texts - and I would never want to offend anyone. But I find it thrilling that an ancient text could be written 4000+ years ago and contain more substance, wisdom and understandning of human nature, laws, etc than any other series of books I've ever read.

The irony is that whenever someone asks me how may books I've read or have read recently, my usual response is, "Well, I've read the Bible dozens of times" So I'm not a book worm (wish I was sometimes) just someone who has been drawn to the Bible throughout my life.

Then you know the first Abomination of Desolation was in 167 BC. Daniel was writing about Antiochus IV Epiphanies who defiled the temple and tried to Hellenize the Jews.
Universes happen over and over again forever. You are here for a short time, irrelevant as it may be or seam.
One day, whenever, another soul such as you will be born and exist for a short time, he also will be irrelevant.
Arrogant Egos seem to think they are important. Sort timers, also irrelevant. The Milkey way is heading for Chaos.
With Andromeda & they are heading for a Calamity Billions of years away, all of it is irrelevant.
There are not infinite universes. There is one. And each individual in more valuable then you can imagine to the God who gave you life

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