Debunking Liberal Myths About the Rich and the Capital Gains Tax

If a working man makes $50,000 off of his sweat labor and you make $50,000 off of an investment……you should not pay less in taxes.
there is no acceptable reason in the world where they should be allowed to pay less. It was written by them for them. against the best interest of this country.
The right is so blatenty stupid when it comes to the free ride the wealty get in this country ,usually against their best interest and always against the best interest of this country, stupidity will get you to think that way.
The reason the capital gains tax is necessary is that many corporations use stock as a non taxable way to pay their executives. The capital games tax ensures that they at least pay something on it when they try to sell it later.
The reason the capital gains tax is necessary is that many corporations use stock as a non taxable way to pay their executives. The capital games tax ensures that they at least pay something on it when they try to sell it later.
Not even close , so with this tax they can pay 15% instead of their income tax rate of 2 or 3 times that rate. . Screw them.
85% of the stock market is owned by the top 10% wealthiest.... I read yesterday.... The other 15% owned by the rest of us....
How else could or would they come up with a tax that they only have to pay 15%. They are pigs feeding off the rest of us.
Let me see who do you think creates the laws that allows the wealthy to pay less taxes then the rest of us. They have the idiots out their believing that cap gains is special something other then just income. there are dozens of free ride tax laws and deduction that are so against the best interest of this country.
What will they invest their money in, if not the stock market? Building new businesses of their own? That wouldn't be so bad..... 🤔
These idiots have nothing,just stupid argument supporting these free ride tax rates and laws. You write law not to make the rich richer you write law to force them into investing in whats good for this country. These goofballs idea that the existing laws are the way to go is ridiculous. Cap gains and pass-though profit makes up almost 75% of all of the top 1% income. cap gains should be taxed as income with the same rates and there should be no pass-through profit at all.
How else could or would they come up with a tax that they only have to pay 15%. They are pigs feeding off the rest of us.


Shhh,,,,,don't tell this stupid twat about this loophole.
Let me see who do you think creates the laws that allows the wealthy to pay less taxes then the rest of us. They have the idiots out their believing that cap gains is special something other then just income. there are dozens of free ride tax laws and deduction that are so against the best interest of this country.
The Golden Rule
He who has the Gold makes the rules
All the money this country needs to pay our annual debt is in the tax law written for the transfer of all the wealth in this country to the golden few at the top./ every single dime.

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