Death Spiral: 1,332 Counties Will Only Have One Obamacare Exchange Insurer in 2018


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"It has been reported that 1,332 counties in America will only have one health insurer on the Obamacare exchanges, according to a new study from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS).

The CMS also reported that
40 counties do not have any health insurers on the Obamacare exchanges.

reported, “The map currently shows that nationwide 40 counties are projected to have no issurers, meaning that Americans in these counties could be without coverage on the Exchanges in 2018. It’s also projected that 1,332 counties—over 40 percent of counties nationwide—could only have one issuer in 2018.”

“This could represent more than 2.3 million Exchange participants that will only have one choice and may not be able to receive the coverage they need,” the agency added."

1 company also means zero competition which means HIGH costs.

"At least 27,660 Americans live in counties that the CMS projected will not have any health coverage on the Obamacare marketplaces next year.

estimated that average Obamacare marketplace insurance premiums increased by 21.6 percent between 2016 and 2017. The agency also suggested that the health insurer participation dropped by more than a third since its peak in 2015, two years after the Obamacare exchanges opened."


Nice job, Democrats.
One is better than none!

they seriously need to address this issue, under REGULAR ORDER in the Senate...
One is better than none!
they seriously need to address this issue, under REGULAR ORDER in the Senate...
The destruction of the previous health care system in favor of ramming this socialist agenda POS law down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it should never have been done in the 1st place.

The Democratic party acted to ensure 'I'm from the govt, and I am here to help' remains one of the scariest things an American citizen can hear in their lifetime.
One is better than none!
they seriously need to address this issue, under REGULAR ORDER in the Senate...
The destruction of the previous health care system in favor of ramming this socialist agenda POS law down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it should never have been done in the 1st place.

The Democratic party acted to ensure 'I'm from the govt, and I am here to help' remains one of the scariest things an American citizen can hear in their lifetime.
What previous health care system? these people that have the choice of only one provider now, had ZERO choices before OCare....

Obamacare has some good measures in it that the majority of Americans want....many of the rules were there to protect the patient....

no yearly or lifetime caps, (less bankruptcies due to some family member getting sick)

those with pre-existing conditions getting coverage at a price that can be afforded.

Insurance for their kids living at home until they reach 25.

Penalties for hospitals that release you early and have to readmit you for the same condition due to not helping you in the right way the first time around.

No fly by night junky insurance plans that consumers were duped in to buying, and they pay to cover basically NOTHING....

All of those things are favored by the majority of Americans....but....they have a cost to them....
The counties with the losses are all in conservative states which did not set up insurance exchanges. So the conservatives got what they wanted, people dying for no reason other than to save money!
The counties with the losses are all in conservative states which did not set up insurance exchanges. So the conservatives got what they wanted, people dying for no reason other than to save money!
The conservative states which did not set up insurance exchanges.aren't saving money or lives. Those are the ones with soaring insurance premiums & people losing coverage & lives because they can't or wont pay those high prices.

The counties with one or none can still buy non-Obamacare insurance policies that are full of holes like before the ACA.
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One is better than none!
they seriously need to address this issue, under REGULAR ORDER in the Senate...
The destruction of the previous health care system in favor of ramming this socialist agenda POS law down the throats of a majority of Americans who opposed it should never have been done in the 1st place.

The Democratic party acted to ensure 'I'm from the govt, and I am here to help' remains one of the scariest things an American citizen can hear in their lifetime.
What previous health care system? these people that have the choice of only one provider now, had ZERO choices before OCare....

Obamacare has some good measures in it that the majority of Americans want....many of the rules were there to protect the patient....

no yearly or lifetime caps, (less bankruptcies due to some family member getting sick)

those with pre-existing conditions getting coverage at a price that can be afforded.

Insurance for their kids living at home until they reach 25.

Penalties for hospitals that release you early and have to readmit you for the same condition due to not helping you in the right way the first time around.

No fly by night junky insurance plans that consumers were duped in to buying, and they pay to cover basically NOTHING....

All of those things are favored by the majority of Americans....but....they have a cost to them....

If they weren't willing to provide it for themselves, they deserved to have zero choices. Why should the taxpayers he the ones forced to subsidize something so they can have choice?

Coverage at a price that can be afforded? The only way many of those freeloaders afford it is because honorable people are forced to fund subsidies for them.

It's 26 and the child can be married living away from home yet still be covered. Guess they're out producing kids yet can't provide healthcare for themselves.

Why are you surprised that freeloaders getting a subsidy support a system that provides them someone else's money?
Before Obamacare, they had nothing.
This is part of the smoke and mirrors game the Democrats play with Obamacare. Yes you have coverage technically, but how are you liking that 200 dollar co-pay and that 5 thousand dollar deductible and skyrocketing premiums? Is that REALLY health care coverage?
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.
Before Obamacare, they had nothing.
This is part of the smoke and mirrors game the Democrats play with Obamacare. Yes you have coverage technically, but how are you liking that 200 dollar co-pay and that 5 thousand dollar deductible and skyrocketing premiums? Is that REALLY health care coverage?

I don't want "coverage". I want government to get out of the way and let people decide for themselves how much health care is worth.
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Dear Left-Tard...

Yes they do.. They get all of those entitlements because they cannot ask for proof of citizenship in most states.. But continue to show your ignorance.. Its amusing..
The average increase this year alone is 48% in all states.. Over 1270 counties (the OP shows 1332) have one or no insurance providers.. In January, 2018 it is estimated that 6 million Americans will lose their Obamacare insurance because they can not afford your Affordable Care Act crap...

Congratulations Democrats... Its collapsing and nothing you do now can save it.
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There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Dear Left-Tard...

Yes they do.. They get all of those entitlements because they cannot ask for proof of citizenship in most states.. But continue to show your ignorance.. Its amusing..

You Lie! Proof of citizenship is required to qualify for Medicaid!
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Illegals qualify even for free education. Also, your response doesn't negate the corporate rights that I mentioned.
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Dear Left-Tard...

Yes they do.. They get all of those entitlements because they cannot ask for proof of citizenship in most states.. But continue to show your ignorance.. Its amusing..

What states don't require they are here legally? I don't know of a one and I don't know any that qualify for Medicaid, welfare or food stamps.
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Illegals qualify even for free education. Also, your response doesn't negate the corporate rights that I mentioned.

Prove it. Again what states.
There will be no death spiral. The insurance cartels will continue to assert their right to tax you for insurance, and the ocean of unemployed dependants and illegals will continue to demand their free health care.

Dear Repubtard, Undocumented or illegal immigrants do not qualify for welfare, food stamps, Medicaid, and most other public benefits. Reagan gave illegal immigrants free healthcare with EMTALA & Obamacare took it away. Reagan also gave criminal illegal immigrants amnesty!!!
Dear Left-Tard...

Yes they do.. They get all of those entitlements because they cannot ask for proof of citizenship in most states.. But continue to show your ignorance.. Its amusing..

What states don't require they are here legally? I don't know of a one and I don't know any that qualify for Medicaid, welfare or food stamps.
I guess you haven't been to California and that liberal cesspool cluster fuck. Or Colorado, or Arizona, or New Mexico, or........

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