Childhood cancer survivor wonders why trump wants to her and those like her


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
You are responsible for your own healthcare jimboliar, not me. If a child has cancer take them to St. Jude for free treatment. In the meantime get a job and stop whining.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
The plan is, get a job, self responsibility, stop sucking the government teat.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
TRUMP WANTS TO KILL CHILDREN WITH CANCER!!!!! :boo_hoo14: FFS take this crap to the Rubber Room.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
Can you fix the thread title?
jbrownson0831 lives in MAGA Fantasy world. If he or his family contracts cancer, he will be the first to cry for help.
Actually, I will utiliize the policy I have purchased to take care of myself and my family with.
You, on the other hand, would be dead of whining first.
Poor idiot jimboliar. At lest you can never get brain cancer....
Actually, I will utiliize the policy I have purchased to take care of myself and my family with.
You, on the other hand, would be dead of whining first.
Poor idiot jimboliar. At lest you can never get brain cancer....

As will I BUT I understand everything isn't about me. Sadly many can not grasp that idea.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
Conservatives live to inflict misery on others. That has become their core principle over the last 20 years.
The vast majority of people with a job can not afford cancer treatment.
That's why there are places like St. Judes for children...but having a plan is much better than not and early detection tests, which are paid for by plans, help extremely well.
That's why there are places like St. Judes for children...but having a plan is much better than not and early detection tests, which are paid for by plans, help extremely well.

Not everyone that gets cancer is a kid and it's great in your world that parents can just quit their jobs and take their kids to St Judes. For many that will never work.
Actually, I will utiliize the policy I have purchased to take care of myself and my family with.
Thank you for admitting that you are a shameless hypocrite. If you use that policy and incur expenses beyond your premium,. it means that others will be paying for your care. How is that “being responsible for “ your own care? If you were true to your word, you would be willing to forgo insurance and deplete your life savings and/or go bankrup .
You are responsible for your own healthcare jimboliar, not me. If a child has cancer take them to St. Jude for free treatment. In the meantime get a job and stop whining.
So you do not believe in health care insurance? Do you understand how insurance works? It is not about you taking care of others, or them careing for you. It is about all of us taking care of each other as members of a civilized society, It is about sharing responsibility and acknowledging our interdependence. We do so in numerous ways without even thinking much about it because it is hard wired into us.

We trade goods in the market place. We hire workers and provide labor for each others. We share common space .

We hire public servants to provide services and to protect us as a community . You pay taxes for those services which you may or may not use, but take comforting in knowing that they are there . Same with health care. So what the fuck is it about health insurance that you have a bug up your ass about?
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So you do not believe in health care insurance? Do you understand how insurance works? It is not about you taking care of others, or them careing for you. It is about all of us taking care of each other as members of a civilized society, It is about sharing responsibility and acknowledging our interdependence. We do so in numerous ways without even thinking much about it because it is hard wired into us. We trade goods in the market place. We hire andprovide labor for eachothers. We share common space . So what the fuck is it about health insurance that you have a bug up your ass about?
The repub mantra:

The plan is, get a job, self responsibility, stop sucking the government teat.
A lot of people who have jobs cannot afford health insurance and damned sure can’t afford to pay for care themselves.

Actually government subsidies for Obamacare are just one small part of the system and the only part that actually costs tax payers anyting. Most of it consistis of regulations that have limited the ability of the insurers and health care providers from ripping us off. As a result of the ACA, not only are more people able to afford health insurance, and can not be denied coverage because of pre existing conditions, but are also assured of having quality coverage that they can’t be kicked off because they are sick or have maxed out benefits.

You bitch about the government paying which I assume means that you as a tax payer do not want to pay. Well who do you think pays when you have large numbers of peoplewho do not have coverage?

YOU and I do!

They show up in ERs when sick because they have no primary care doctor

They are often much sicker than they would be if they had preventive and ongoing care

Many have limited income and defendant on “charity care “ which really means that the government pays WITH OUR TAX MONEY

People who do not have ongoing and preventive care often become unproductive and dependent on social safety net programs rather than paying taxes

A society of sick people is a weak society. You need to stop being so fucking stupid about this
That's why there are places like St. Judes for children...but having a plan is much better than not and early detection tests, which are paid for by plans, help extremely well.
Damn! You are a sorry mess.! Previously you said that everyone should be responsible for their on care. Now it seems that you are not actually opposed to helth insurance. Have you given much thought to what iyt is that you actualy do believe.?

My guess is tyat you just had some mindless, knee jerk reaction to the ACA because it's a liberal Obama era innitiative, that Trump is out to kill
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The vast majority of people with a job can not afford cancer treatment.

In the mean time, JimH52 is on the side that supports the cold-blooded murder of thousands of children every day, over a million a year, via abortion. And unlike his complaint, this is not a matter of dispute over which political ideology is better at seeking treatment for children with life-threatening illnesses; it is a matter of deliberately choosing to kill innocent children.

JimH52 has no credibility whatsoever in claiming any concern for the lives or well-being of children.

trump just cannot let it go. He is determined to place as much pain as possible on those that do not deserve to be punished. He is once again screaming "repeal and replace" when we all know that he has no plan to do anything. trump is not only hurting himself, he is hurting the entire repub party in his quest to kill a successful health insurance program which now enrolls over 40 million people.
“Wonders why Trump wants to her ….”

Jimboi has a flair for gibberish.

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