Chiefs' Kicker Butker Slams Abortion, LBGT, and Biden's fake Catholicism in Commencement Address

I see, so anyone not spouting the woke culture's doctrine needs to be fired from their job, because the angry woke mob tyrants are running a terrorist campaign, purging anyone with wrong-think.

Butker was staying in his own lane. He was a Catholic, at a Catholic event, speaking to Catholics, about the views and ideology of the Catholic religion. It used to be that even the tyrannical, busybody woke were okay with Christians talking about Christianity among themselves. Not anymore.

The social agreement used to be "you, do you, and just let me, do me," but not any more. Now the woke can't even allow that.

The woke are narcissistic busybodies who want to be able to control the thoughts and opinions of everyone on the planet. They aren't satisfied with you having your own personal opinions. If they get wind that someone, somewhere, in some tiny town that they never heard of, might hold a different opinion than they do, they will try to destroy you. They want to fire you from your job, destroy your professional career and your private life. If you have a family, they want to ruin your marriage, make life hell for your siblings and your children.

The words "I respectfully disagree, but you are welcome to your own opinion," will never pass the lips of these vile woke'tards. They want to destroy anyone who disagrees with them. And yet they claim "we are the good people."
Didn't say that. However, as I've stated on this board many times, in this country, you have the freedom to say whatever is on your mind. By all means, practice your right to free speech. However, you do NOT have the right to be free from any consequences (direct or indirect) that come from opening your mouth to practice your free speech. If you open your mouth and make your employer, your organization, or anything or anyone else of consequence look bad because of your "free speech" and they are going to suffer public wrath, those organizations have the right to sanction you. Whatever that means.

BTW, well done. You used the word "woke" in every sentence. :)
Kaepernick was acting out on his own personal views and opinions while suited up for the game, on the football field. He used the team and his position as a member of the team as an opportunity to publicly start his own protest movement. In no way does that align with Butker.

Butker was out of uniform, speaking to a Catholic institution, before an audience of Catholics, about Catholic doctrine and ideology.
So was Butker. Doesn't matter whether he was suited up or not. Whether you like it or not, he is still employed by the KC Chiefs speaking at a commencement ceremony...a public place.
So was Butker. Doesn't matter whether he was suited up or not. Whether you like it or not, he is still employed by the KC Chiefs speaking at a commencement ceremony...a public place.
Good grief, you seriously do not see a difference? . Kapernick was in uniform, using his team, the game, and the captive audience of paying fans to engage in an ideological protest. Trying to compare these two events is a false equiveillance.
Didn't say that. However, as I've stated on this board many times, in this country, you have the freedom to say whatever is on your mind. By all means, practice your right to free speech. However, you do NOT have the right to be free from any consequences (direct or indirect) that come from opening your mouth to practice your free speech. If you open your mouth and make your employer, your organization, or anything or anyone else of consequence look bad because of your "free speech" and they are going to suffer public wrath, those organizations have the right to sanction you. Whatever that means.

BTW, well done. You used the word "woke" in every sentence. :)
In the NFL there are men who have committed crimes. Consequences are judged in different ways. There are women who would be homemakers, however they are shamed from the extreme feminism. Yo ladies. You are on the planet for 80 years or so. You already have a reputation from the rest of the world as lazy and spoiled whether it is justified or not. Handled well, it could be a good life as a homemaker. An important job. There is a percentage who want this. Let them make their choice.
In the NFL there are men who have committed crimes. Consequences are judged in different ways. There are women who would be homemakers, however they are shamed from the extreme feminism. Yo ladies. You are on the planet for 80 years or so. You already have a reputation from the rest of the world as lazy and spoiled whether it is justified or not. Handled well, it could be a good life as a homemaker. An important job. There is a percentage who want this. Let them make their choice.
Nobody gives a shit. Keep your personal opinions to yourself. You're a speaker at a fucking commencement. Try to be inspirational and give encouragement.
Not use it as a fucking platform for your bullshit political ideology.
Nobody gives a shit. Keep your personal opinions to yourself. You're a speaker at a fucking commencement. Try to be inspirational and give encouragement.
Not use it as a fucking platform for your bullshit political ideology.
A conservative catholic school is where he spoke at. I propose we stop paying a dollar for anything sexual in this nation from the taxpayer. That is financial fascism on the taxpayer. A Muslim at a Muslim school would be showered with love and his speech would be considered liberal from their standards. When that Muslim killed 50at the gay club and put another 50 in the hospitals the crossdressers celebrated their Islamic friends. You guys are crazy.
A conservative catholic school is where he spoke at. I propose we stop paying a dollar for anything sexual in this nation from the taxpayer. That is financial fascism on the taxpayer. A Muslim at a Muslim school would be showered with love and his speech would be considered liberal from their standards. When that Muslim killed 50at the gay club and put another 50 in the hospitals the crossdressers celebrated their Islamic friends. You guys are crazy.
I don't care. Keep it to yourself. And your Islamophobia/LGBTQ hate has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
I graduated from UNH in 1987. The featured commencement speaker? Then presidential candidate George H.W. Bush, who used the platform to stump for President and talk about "a protective shield of peace" around the globe (referring to Reagan's Star War's initiative). He was roundly booed and people walked 1987.

A commencement speech isn't a political platform. It's not about you. It's about the students graduating.
Hell, you have the Sisters of the Benedictine Order (who help run and fund the school) coming out and having to make a statement saying that the speech doesn't reflect their values. :auiqs.jpg:

Being a product of Catholic education, you never, ever, ever, mess with nuns! :)
Harrison Butker is a devout Catholic who practices his faith, unlike fake Catholic Joe Biden who claims to be devout, but actively wages war against the Church's most central teaching about the value of human life. Butker is 28, married, and has two kids. He's the antithesis of immature teammate and party boy Travis Kelce who showed up falling-down drunk at the team's Super Bowl parade.

Leftwingers are slamming Butker, calling for him to be cut from the Chiefs for his comments. He's being called bigoted and uneducated (which falls flat given his Engineering degree from Georgia Tech). His stay-at-home wife is called a weak stepford-wife victim, which also fails, as she has degrees in Computer Science and Spanish.

It remains to be seen if the ultra-PC NFL will sanction Butker. Recall Jack Del Rio, defensive coordinator of the Redskins was fined $100,000 and forced to apologize for calling January 6 and dust-up and asking why nothing was done about the violent Antifa riots that killed 25 people in 2020. I have a feeling Butker would forfeit his $4 million annual salary to stand up for his principles.

As a Raiders fan, I have always hated the Chiefs and wanted Butker to miss every kick. But the fact is he is one of the very best kickers, and is a truly great human being and role model. The good he is doing is enormous.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker delivered a controversial commencement speech during Benedictine College's graduation ceremony that has sparked backlash on social media.

The 28-year-old's address at the May 11 ceremony decried various "diabolical lies told to women" about topics including abortion, in vitro fertilization (IVF) and surrogacy, as well as President Joe Biden.
So what....
Good grief, you seriously do not see a difference? . Kapernick was in uniform, using his team, the game, and the captive audience of paying fans to engage in an ideological protest. Trying to compare these two events is a false equiveillance.
No difference. They were both employed by NFL teams. An ideological protest. An ideological speech. No matter how hard you try to justify it.
Nothing that Butker said was contrary to contemporary Catholic teachings regarding marriage, abortion, homosexuality, or gender. Not controversial in any way.

And if you actually listened to what he said about women and careers, it was merely that he suspects most women - even college grads - would be more stoked about their "careers" as mothers and wives than their secular careers. This is true for all women who have their priorities properly aligned.

As for his own career, pro football placekicker careers usually have a very short duration, so he is certainly not secure in his financial future, at least as a professional FB player.
I don't care. Keep it to yourself. And your Islamophobia/LGBTQ hate has nothing to do with the subject at hand.
I graduated from UNH in 1987. The featured commencement speaker? Then presidential candidate George H.W. Bush, who used the platform to stump for President and talk about "a protective shield of peace" around the globe (referring to Reagan's Star War's initiative). He was roundly booed and people walked 1987.

A commencement speech isn't a political platform. It's not about you. It's about the students graduating.
Hell, you have the Sisters of the Benedictine Order (who help run and fund the school) coming out and having to make a statement saying that the speech doesn't reflect their values. :auiqs.jpg:

Being a product of Catholic education, you never, ever, ever, mess with nuns! :)
They ain't nuns then. They sold out. The changeover occurred in the early 1970's. The elites killed God. And those who have faith are now in decline and have been since then.
Nobody gives a shit. Keep your personal opinions to yourself. You're a speaker at a fucking commencement. Try to be inspirational and give encouragement.
Not use it as a fucking platform for your bullshit political ideology.
Do you expect a commencement speaker to just stand up there and hum a few tunes? Maybe read the newspaper?
Do you expect a commencement speaker to just stand up there and hum a few tunes? Maybe read the newspaper?
Encouragement and inspiration. That's what you should be offering at a commencement speech.

You're an educator. You were OK with Butker spouting his personal political beliefs at a commencement speech? Yes, it's a religious school.
But how would you feel as a parent if your daughter was sitting there graduating and this privileged lunk stood up and just about invalidated all of her hard work to tell her about a future that HE thinks she should be looking forward to?
And we're not even talking about the money you may have spent to send her there. :)

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