Can we heal the divide?

capitalism works just fine without government money or influence. Those things destroy capitalism and create socialism, while eliminating individual freedom. and why? because the losers always resent the winners and capitalism has winners and losers, under socialism everyone is a loser except the very few who rule everyone else.

There isn't one example of capitalism functioning at a national scale without government infrastructure, services and plenty of money. One bailout after another, due to capitalist greed. Capitalism without government assistance, guided by an "invisible hand" is a unicorn that only exists in the minds of brainwashed libertarians.

The lazy-leech, self-entitled losers are the capitalists who are now begging the government to give everyone a UBI - Universal Basic Income, to protect and preserve their customer base, due to advanced automation and artificial intelligence eliminating wage labor. Capitalism relies on wage labor, socialism doesn't, hence socialists love advanced automation and AI, whereas big-money capitalists (The billionaires) are shitting in their fruit of the looms:

Socialists love this:

This is 100% compatible with socialism/communism, not capitalism. We're the future, you're the past.
I dont agree that giving tax incentives to private companies to locate their factory in a particular state is socialism

karl Marx never advocated such a thing

And communist china is our enemy

Or at least it’s my enemy since I dont want America to become a communist country under the thumb of Biijing
Marx was a trust-fund parasite who never worked a day in his life.
Obviously, it's not just "tax incentives", it's all types of subsidies, grants, and bailout money from the government.

Marx was clear that markets and capitalists could exist under socialism in the beginning stages of its development into communism. There can be a transition period, from a well-regulated market economy to a non-profit, marketless economy. When the government does anything, to serve the working class, Republican conservatives start shouting "socialism!", "commie!", but when that same government gives billions to wealthy capitalists, that's not socialism or communism, it's just the government helping capitalists capitalize (make money). There's nothing wrong with that, right? Only when the government provides services to the public is it "socialism!", not when it deposits billions in subsidies in the checking accounts of the wealthy.

There's no reason to believe that America would ever be under the thumb of China or any other country, even if it adopts a marketless, socialist economy.
It's not capitalism. It's CRONY capitalism.
Probably not, since he's on welfare.

I will vote for Trump since I much prefer his policies to Biden's.

Pissing people off is a side benefit.

No, he doesn't-he's a nasty, spiteful little turd.

Have you ever worked a day in your life?
I've worked each and every day for the last 55 years.
But of course you've been stupid each and every day for at least 55 years.
Doesn't matter. Many on the right wanted her to be; hence, the chanting.
it does matter commie ! the tyrannical left accuses Trump of doing what they actually are doing ! could you imagine if Obama was being indicated ?? there would be leftists in the streets in full riot mode ... but the so called violent cult you commies label Trump supporters have had no mass riots or even demonstrations even though your party is trying to put him in prison ! there is only one cult ... a violent cult in America ! and that's the leftwing cult you are a member of !
it does matter commie ! the tyrannical left accuses Trump of doing what they actually are doing ! could you imagine if Obama was being indicated ?? there would be leftists in the streets in full riot mode ... but the so called violent cult you commies label Trump supporters have had no mass riots or even demonstrations even though your party is trying to put him in prison ! there is only one cult ... a violent cult in America ! and that's the leftwing cult you are a member of !

Nope. Trump opened that can of worms in the debates. His base cheered him afterwards. Now they because the tables have turned.

You’re suffering? Really? Explain.

As soon as MAGA can return to living in reality and not one of they are substituting....the nation can return to the comparatively civil days of the early 2000’s. Until then...keep suffering.

Too funny, you do realize that you just proved his point, right? You people don't want "unity" unless it means all righties conform to your ideals. Piss off Lib.
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Serious question: our nation is so divided right now that nothing positive is getting done. We, the citizens, are suffering like never before and our media has become the propaganda arm or one side or the other.

Can our nation survive this or is the only solution some sort of revolution or secession making us into two distinct countries?

comments welcome.
No, not by peaceful measures. Been saying it for a while. Now, because of OUR PASSIVITY( ME INCLUDED) we will pay the price and that price is misery beyond anything we can comprehend.

The only hope now and has always been is CHRIST. Embrace the suffering. I have to and everyone does need to pray for mercy and the capacity to forgive.

Eternal torment isn't worth a bag of free money. It isn't. That is what at is at stake.

Nothing short of a war and that won't happen cause too many of us are cowardly. Me too.
Paid shilling here doesn't count.
That would be you and your fellow assKKKlowns.
Oh, here's your daily due...

Don't forget to pay your taxes.
No, not by peaceful measures. Been saying it for a while. Now, because of OUR PASSIVITY( ME INCLUDED) we will pay the price and that price is misery beyond anything we can comprehend.

The only hope now and has always been is CHRIST. Embrace the suffering. I have to and everyone does need to pray for mercy and the capacity to forgive.

Eternal torment isn't worth a bag of free money. It isn't. That is what at is at stake.

Nothing short of a war and that won't happen cause too many of us are cowardly. Me too.

Human beings forgive much more readily than your Christian god does. Your god is so full of wrath and hate that he can't forgive unless his own innocent son kills himself before him. What type of "forgiveness" and "mercy" is that? My God YHWH, the Holy One of Israel, forgives whenever he feels like it:

"For YHWH will pardon whom He chooses to pardon, and will show mercy to whom He chooses to show mercy." (Exodus 33:19)

He doesn't need to kill an innocent person or kill Himself to forgive people of their sins. He just forgives, that simple.
Capitalism's finest:
The trend reflects a coordinated multi-industry push to expand employer access to low-wage labor and weaken state child labor laws in ways that contradict federal protections, in pursuit of longer-term industry-backed goals to rewrite federal child labor laws and other worker protections for the whole country. Children of families in poverty, and especially Black, brown, and immigrant youth, stand to suffer the most harm from such changes.
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