Can Voters Take Democracy Away Through A Democratic Vote?

That was a personal choice.
People had the freedom to choose either to get vaccinated for the good of society in order to keep participating in society or they could choose not to vaccinate and lose that option.
Nobody "made" anybody do anything.
Quit your whining snowflake.

That was private businesses that set their own policies for that.
Are you opposed to private business owners being allowed to set their own policies on not allowing a bunch of ignorant, infected, superspreaders into their businesses during the peak of one of the deadliest pandemics in history?

Republicans hate the fillibuster as well when Dems control the Senate.

Fake news.
There is no "political persecution" going on with Trump.
He is simply suffering the consequences of his own criminal behavior.
It is the American way.
It's called justice.

Only the treasonous ones.
You guys fired them from their jobs if they did not comply or were not allowed to even buy groceries without having their vaccine papers to get in the door.
You guys fired them from their jobs if they did not comply or were not allowed to even buy groceries without having their vaccine papers to get in the door.
You guys?
Not me.
What happened was they got fired from their jobs for refusing to comply with company policy.
So basically they made stupid and selfish personal choices that cost them their jobs.
We were in the midst of a deadly pandemic.
If grocery store managers kept you from entering their businesses because you were not socially responsible enough to get a vaccine then that was YOUR choice.
The details in your post do not matter

The short answer is yes. The problem with any democracy is that it is self defeating and nothing more than tyranny of the majority.

This is why democracy is not and has never been an accurate description of the US or it's government. The US is a republic. There was a few democratic elements in the structure of government but that does not make a democracy.
We’re a Representative Democracy

Deal with it.

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