Calls grow for Columbia University president to step down as protests spread nationwide

Is this your litmus test? I do not support what the war in Ukraine has done to us. I do not not support paying government salaries and pensions. As long as we are paying Ukraine NOT to negotiate an end to the war the fighting will continue. No, I don't support that at all.

President Trump will fix it.
But do you support the USG providing billions in military aid to Ukraine to kill Russians? Was the war provoked or unprovoked?

PS. Dumb Don won’t fix fix shit. He’s no different than Genocide Joe.
Jesus! One would think it’s right after 9/11.
It's been going on long before 911. It's been going on in Europe so long Europe is beginning to collapse.

Muslims March in Germany demanding a caliphate.
But do you support the USG providing billions in military aid to Ukraine to kill Russians? Was the war provoked or unprovoked?

PS. Dumb Don won’t fix fix shit. He’s no different than Genocide Joe.
Ukraine provoked Russia into war by the bid to join the EU. It was no different than Russia putting missiles in Cuba. We didn't stand for that either.
This is your Charlottesville, anti-Semite.
Actually, what the Muslim and leftist antisemites are doing at universities across the nation, with tens of thousands of bigots threatening Jews, is in no way comparable to Charlottesville.

Charkottesville was a small group of Jew-haters, ina singular event that lasted a few hours. The antisemitic pograms now happening, and growing by the day, are being funded and organized America- and Jew-haters and is designed to destroy the country.
Now watch, my thread will be moved and buried on the 'Education' board.

Anyway, this woman, who by the way is a Muslim, has been very reluctant to denounce the students and faculty who have protested using very provocative language aimed much of the time at Jewish classmates and faculty.

In reality, I doubt it will do any good to force her out, since she would just be replaced by another leftist robot, who will spew the same leftist drivel that we constantly hear throughout academia and their partners in the MSM.

She really CAIRs what is going on on her campus.
Now watch, my thread will be moved and buried on the 'Education' board.

Anyway, this woman, who by the way is a Muslim, has been very reluctant to denounce the students and faculty who have protested using very provocative language aimed much of the time at Jewish classmates and faculty.

In reality, I doubt it will do any good to force her out, since she would just be replaced by another leftist robot, who will spew the same leftist drivel that we constantly hear throughout academia and their partners in the MSM.

Just the beginning. (You know all this but.....)
Millions of American citizens (if not half or more of them now), have been convinced to turn on their homeland.
Millions more are here illegally joining the "Death To America" fray, which by the way, means death to white people specifically.
(At least until our system has been fully converted and they have complete control)

Once Trump is in office you would expect that to change, but it probably won't and here's why....
Those really in command and control have an anti-America agenda. If Trump were really to go against it he'd be eliminated.
So as always, Congress and the SCOTUS will be conveniently reconfigured no matter what so that if Trump IS President again it will appear to you that he is trying to "right the ship" but that dog gone Congress and Scotus thwarts him every step of the way.
Been that way for more than a generation now. They just don't feel the need to work so hard to hide it anymore.

The end game is absolute power in the hands of a few and the elimination of a significant number of unneeded peasants.

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Now watch, my thread will be moved and buried on the 'Education' board.

Anyway, this woman, who by the way is a Muslim, has been very reluctant to denounce the students and faculty who have protested using very provocative language aimed much of the time at Jewish classmates and faculty.

In reality, I doubt it will do any good to force her out, since she would just be replaced by another leftist robot, who will spew the same leftist drivel that we constantly hear throughout academia and their partners in the MSM.

Well the school promised nothing will happen to the students who acted like uncivilized animals at the school and messed up everything in the name of some other country.

So the lesson taught to the kids of this school is, you can act like a fool and no one will hold you responsible.
Well the school promised nothing will happen to the students who acted like uncivilized animals at the school and messed up everything in the name of some other country.

So the lesson taught to the kids of this school is, you can act like a fool and no one will hold you responsible.

Typical, that's the way it works for the left. And the right lets them get away with it. :dunno:
Please answer the question.

Like you answer the ones asked of you?

Are you muslim?
Do you support hamas?

Why no concern for the 'palis' whenever hamas is killing and subjugating them and forcing them to live in oppression and using them as human shields, putting their ammo and other supplies in hospitals and schools? Never a bad word or a peep out of you concerning those. Where was your criticism for the hamas leaders sitting in Qatar in a cushy highrise, praying to allah right before they authorized the attack on Israel, where was their concern for the pali citizenship, knowing there was going to be retribution? Never any word against that side at all, only against the jews. Very telling to what position you actually hold, and why your false concerns fall on deaf ears. Here's a hint, when you claim to care about killing on 'both sides', then you voice concern and care for both sides, not just one.
Like you answer the ones asked of you?

Are you muslim?
Do you support hamas?

Why no concern for the 'palis' whenever hamas is killing and subjugating them and forcing them to live in oppression and using them as human shields, putting their ammo and other supplies in hospitals and schools? Never a bad word or a peep out of you concerning those. Where was your criticism for the hamas leaders sitting in Qatar in a cushy highrise, praying to allah right before they authorized the attack on Israel, where was their concern for the pali citizenship, knowing there was going to be retribution? Never any word against that side at all, only against the jews. Very telling to what position you actually hold, and why your false concerns fall on deaf ears. Here's a hint, when you claim to care about killing on 'both sides', then you voice concern and care for both sides, not just one.
The article states that "national political leaders" are the ones calling for this.

That should tell you all you need to know about the verity of this.

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