calling out

You seem a bit effeminate Erinwltr. Does your mommy let you talk that way at dinner?

I'll play....
Here's a guy who actually just posted "here's a tunnel, which proves the wall works".
Just gonna let that sit there and marinate in its own juices.
All I wanna know is ---- who's paying for the power to run those lights?

Just once Pogo, why don't you be forthright and post the ENTIRE statement I said. The wall did its job. Only a tiny fraction of illegals would be able yet willing to go through the work, trouble, time and expense of digging such a tunnel. Just ask Israel if their wall doesn't work. Tunnels are discovered and only serve to point out locations of weakness, what better to watch out for and how to better detect them in the future so that over time, it just gets harder and harder to get by them. Walls work. Just ask any prisoner. It isn't about the 1% that get by them, it's about the 99% they contain.
Topic: How is a border made secure?

How secure? Clearly not a wall.



Actually, your photo proves the point about the wall. It took weeks or months of very hard work and expense to dig that tunnel that without the wall would have only taken them seconds or a minute to walk. And while they eventually did dig the tunnel, the photo proves it was eventually discovered and stopped, otherwise, no one could have been there to photograph it! The wall worked and did its job.

Interesting spin, however I didn't suggest no wall, I questioned how secure a wall is in stopping the true threats to our country.

If Trump were smart, he would have adjusted his talking point to a metaphor. That is, walls placed where they are effective and economically practical, & funding other means including technology and diplomacy.
Least i tried.
I will give him the benefit of the doubt and assume he has the awareness to know he doesnt have a chance.
Can be we be friends, BWK ?
You always talk of debate and condescend every person that disagrees with you.
Put up or shut up.
Structured debate. Any topic.
Accept or admit to being a keyboard warrior that only talks shit.
You always talk of debate and condescend every person that disagrees with you.
Put up or shut up.
Structured debate. Any topic.
Accept or admit to being a keyboard warrior that only talks shit.
Take off hot shot; Rudy Giuliani: I never said there was no collusion by Trump campaign
You always talk of debate and condescend every person that disagrees with you.
Put up or shut up.
Structured debate. Any topic.
Accept or admit to being a keyboard warrior that only talks shit.
You always talk of debate and condescend every person that disagrees with you.
Put up or shut up.
Structured debate. Any topic.
Accept or admit to being a keyboard warrior that only talks shit.
Take off hot shot; Rudy Giuliani: I never said there was no collusion by Trump campaign
Take off what? My clothes?
I didnt mean that kind of friend...
Lets pick a subject and debate it.
There is no structured debate in discussing what that senile old man said.
Last edited:

Making it easy by not understanding the difference between the president and administration officials. :auiqs.jpg:

You want to make this 2 out of 3?

Take off? You a Canook ?

I've never taken part in this forum but I thought the idea was one-on-one. We had a caller outer and a callee. Now you wanna jump in? You don't think Harley can handle it huh?
This is just the call out. Not the actual debate forum.

Making it easy by not understanding the difference between the president and administration officials. :auiqs.jpg:

You want to make this 2 out of 3?

Take off? You a Canook ?

I've never taken part in this forum but I thought the idea was one-on-one. We had a caller outer and a callee. Now you wanna jump in? You don't think Harley can handle it huh?
This is just the call out. Not the actual debate forum.

What happens next? Looks like kitty thinks it's already started.

Don't we play the Natural Anthem first?
Seems BWK got punked out like a little girl.
Now he is upstairs arguing with himself :rofl:
LOl! Take your losing metal and get back into your hole. You have nothing to debate after running your mouth about having one. Take a hike. You're a waste of time.

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