Calling Out-White 6 About Children and The LGBT Community

I think everyone, including White 6, should be able to answer very simple black and white question about womens dressing rooms and pornagraphic dances by men pretending to be women in front of children

I know it can be unpleasant to be called out by an antagonist, but sometimes refusing to answer just makes it worse
State your two questions or have you never read a post from me. What post if any on these two things do you take object with? Please quote a post.
State your two questions or have you never read a post from me. What post if any on these two things do you take object with? Please quote a post.
They are not questions that I asked

But they are:

“ (1) Do you or do you not think that it's okay for biological men to enter the ladies' restroom and (2) for children to be allowed to attend drag shows or perform in them themselves? “

Those seem like no brainers to me
I hope the moms are not arrested by the Biden Deep State
The trend is clear. The Marxist cultural left is losing worldwide, and most people are watching the other shiny objects.

There is no weed pulling here and there. It must be done in one fell swoop.
The trend is clear. The Marxist cultural left is losing worldwide, and most people are watching the other shiny objects.

There is no weed pulling here and there. It must be done in one fell swoop.
The moms pulled that weed out by the roots
They are not questions that I asked

But they are:

“ (1) Do you or do you not think that it's okay for biological men to enter the ladies' restroom and (2) for children to be allowed to attend drag shows or perform in them themselves? “

Those seem like no brainers to me
You should have read my posts. You would know. You should have read my posts on the drag show here in Jackson, then you would know. It appears there are only questions for the sake of asking. You will probably have to come out of the basement. Go research my posts, find the one that offends on the subject (which there isn't any) quote it, and I will be glad to defend my posts. Other than that Mac-7 try not to burn your lips on another poster's soup.
You should have read my posts. You would know. You should have read my posts on the drag show here in Jackson, then you would know. It appears there are only questions for the sake of asking. You will probably have to come out of the basement. Go research my posts, find the one that offends on the subject (which there isn't any) quote it, and I will be glad to defend my posts. Other than that Mac-7 try not to burn your lips on another poster's soup.
Thats a lot of words that do not answer the question
Thats a lot of words that do not answer the question
Find a post of mine on the subject you don't like and I will discuss it. Otherwise, it is pointless. You have no complaint. You have been sucked into something here.
Thats a lot of words that do not answer the question

I think this is the thread that he is referring to and it sort of sounds like he's against taking kids to drag shows, but do you think that you can translate anyways? Then again he also says that he doesn't believe that they're all sexual in the same paragraph after I looked again. Post #50. (I couldn't quote it directly because it's locked.)

I think this is the thread that he is referring to and it sort of sounds like he's against taking kids to drag shows, but do you think that you can translate anyways? Then again he also says that he doesn't believe that they're all sexual in the same paragraph after I looked again. Post #50. (I couldn't quote it directly because it's locked.)

That response by White 6 satisfies me on the question of drag shows

As a lib I suppose he is quietly not pleased with men in the woman's dressing room either

But who knows?
Can you imagine the extreme uproar if this "man" walked into a Ladies Room? (BTW, he is a biological woman)

Actually, no. I did some reading up on him and he is a man, but with a slight accident of nature birthing him with lady parts down bellow. But as you can see (and I'm sure his chromosomes would corroborate), he is all man. For instance, I guarantee you he cannot conceive a child.

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