Calling out Rdean

rdean said he would debate if TNH answered his question about the definition of liberal. when TNH did....

rdean ran...and ran....and then ran some more, because rdean can't debate

I gave him a very controversial definition of that LOL
He must have thought it to be true, and he cant argue his ideology
Or he just doesn't have the capacity
What say you, rdean?

This is exactly why you can't "debate" Republicans. He gave a definition straight from Rush. There is no controversy. It was merely a memorized talking point. Like Kenya. Or "pals around with terrorists". Or "he didn't build that".

It's like the election. Republicans hate Obama so much, they were willing to put Mr. 47% into the White House. A "pioneer in outsourcing" who was moving one of his companies to China the very month of the election. Their hate is so great, they just "assumed" the rest of the country must feel the same way.

And worse, it contaminates every part of their lives. The majority of Republicans believe science is a "faith", evolution a "lie" and climate change a "conspiracy" and yet, they just assume that more than six percent of scientists MUST be Republican. At 90% white, they just assume they must be the "master race" and that means they are actually the "tops" in research and science. And they trust neither. How funny is that?

How many threads here start off with "should we allow....."? Or something very similar? Because they believe they can and should be the 'deciders' of what should and shouldn't be "allowed".

And the ignorance is appalling. Saying that Democrats want to give away free stuff like food and health care. They are talking about welfare. When I asked about the "work requirement" that Romney said Obama wanted to end, most didn't even know there was a "work requirement". How can that be? Especially when they were debating it. That's funny, Romney and Obama were debating something Republicans didn't even believe existed.

And look at them on this site. No links. No studies. Just this delusional "but everyone already knows......." and then they spout some memorized GOP talking point. In their tiny and insulated minds, Democrats always lose the debate because Republicans are supported by "everyone knows" and the Democratic side is only supported by stupid statistics, dumb research and science, which everyone knows is a "faith". At that comes from those "lying scientists" which Republicans insist they are the majority of. They can't even make sense much less "debate".
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Sorry guise. He showed up, but he didn't debate. He just spewed his memorized talking points.
Describe debate.

And please explain how polls and research from both Gallup and PEW are "memorized talking points".

Seems I'm the one who is waiting now.

it only took you 4 days to reply......and so your bitching about TN for not being here right now?.....

Unlike you, I have a job and a life. I know you don't get that, I never expected you to. I only write here as a public service to try to educate Republicans who have become brain damaged from swallowing too much propaganda spew. I'm telling you, you would be wise to spit it out.

Seems I'm the one who is waiting now.

it only took you 4 days to reply......and so your bitching about TN for not being here right now?.....

Unlike you, I have a job and a life. I know you don't get that, I never expected you to. I only write here as a public service to try to educate Republicans who have become brain damaged from swallowing too much propaganda spew. I'm telling you, you would be wise to spit it out.


yea you got a life have been here less time than me and have 7,000 more maybe you should say that to someone else....just sayin....
it only took you 4 days to reply......and so your bitching about TN for not being here right now?.....

Unlike you, I have a job and a life. I know you don't get that, I never expected you to. I only write here as a public service to try to educate Republicans who have become brain damaged from swallowing too much propaganda spew. I'm telling you, you would be wise to spit it out.


yea you got a life have been here less time than me and have 7,000 more maybe you should say that to someone else....just sayin....

I type fast. Very, very fast. Besides, I have something to say. You lie. Telling the truth isn't boring.
Unlike you, I have a job and a life. I know you don't get that, I never expected you to. I only write here as a public service to try to educate Republicans who have become brain damaged from swallowing too much propaganda spew. I'm telling you, you would be wise to spit it out.


yea you got a life have been here less time than me and have 7,000 more maybe you should say that to someone else....just sayin....

I type fast. Very, very fast. Besides, I have something to say. You lie. Telling the truth isn't boring.

yea you have a lot to say Dean......and you see that with the replies you rep......and i notice you don't thank very many.....your "truth" gets goofed on......your threads always end up in the flame zone.....yea you are a lot of fun Dean....keep up those truthful meaningful threads......
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yea you got a life have been here less time than me and have 7,000 more maybe you should say that to someone else....just sayin....

I type fast. Very, very fast. Besides, I have something to say. You lie. Telling the truth isn't boring.

yea you have a lot to say Dean......and you see that with the replies you rep......and i notice you don't thank very many.....your "truth" gets goofed on......your threads always end up in the flame zone.....yea you are a lot of fun Dean....keep up those truthful meaningful threads......

They don't always end up in the flame zone. The proves you are a liar.

And you imagine way too much and none of it good.

And clearly, this is a very right leaning board and that doesn't bother me in the least. Some things are just the way they are.
You really are something else, rdean...
Pick a damn subject already
In fact here are a couple suggestions
Who caused the economic mess we are in
Why socialism is wrong for our country
In fact, you ase so easy, I will mention abortion , even though I am pro-choice.(You wouldn't give me a problem in arguing for something I do not even believe in LOL)
Was GWB better than Obama is
Social welfare
Global warming
minimum wage
I type fast. Very, very fast. Besides, I have something to say. You lie. Telling the truth isn't boring.

yea you have a lot to say Dean......and you see that with the replies you rep......and i notice you don't thank very many.....your "truth" gets goofed on......your threads always end up in the flame zone.....yea you are a lot of fun Dean....keep up those truthful meaningful threads......

They don't always end up in the flame zone. The proves you are a liar.

And you imagine way too much and none of it good.

And clearly, this is a very right leaning board and that doesn't bother me in the least. Some things are just the way they are.

They don't always end up in the flame zone

just 90% of them.....

And clearly, this is a very right leaning board

are you saying that's why you don't get any rep?.....if so explain the lefties here who have a lot of rep.....maybe if you were better liked and were not considered such an ass.....0 friends?.....that's pretty telling right there.....just sayin.....
He does not have any rep because he never has anything of substance to say
Just BS propaganda and hate

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