Calling out Rdean

i still cant believe the fucker has no friends on his list.....even Poet,as big of an asshole as he is has some friends.....

I just like to drop in every now an then to correct right wingnut and Teanut bagger lies. Someone has to do it. Every so often, they must get slapped with reality or they become totally lobotomized with right wingnut propaganda.

Some of the most famous examples are believing Obama took a trip costing 200 million a day. That one really stands out.

Or blacks are being led around by the Democratic Party because they still have a "plantation mentality" and Republicans swearing WE are NOT racist just because we think blacks need to be led around and obviously can't take care of themselves.

Or Romney saying we need fewer police, firemen and teachers and Santorum saying Obama is a snob for wanting Americans to have a chance at education.

These Republicans are so fucking indoctrinated, they won't even believe the most obvious statistics, like 90% of the Republican Party being white. They make so little sense, they want blacks to join their party when they feel blacks are too stupid to take care of themselves? That doesn't even make sense. Why would you want people who you feel are stupid and looking for a handout to become part of your party?

And when you point out that "hard work isn't enough" in this day and age of science and technology. Minimum wage jobs are hard. Republicans refusing to pick fruit tells us that. But they insist all you need to do is work hard. No, you need an education. You know, that thing "snobs" do?

And that's why I like to come here. To drop some truth.

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