Calling Out Billo_Really: AGW is Fake News

Over 509 glaciers have disappeared since 1950.
So what? The planet is in an interglacial period. That happens every interglacial period. And our present interglacial period is still 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods.

What else do you have?
This is just fossil fuel crap!
First I shot down your argument that Greenland itself is evidence for catastrophic AGW because ice cores from Greenland prove that 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades.

Then I shot down your argument that 509 glaciers disappearing since 1950 is evidence for catastrophic AGW because the planet is in an interglacial period and it's normal that that happens in interglacial periods and our present interglacial period is quite normal because it is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods.

And now your argument for catastrophic AGW is ice core data and glacial cycles are fossil fuel crap?

How can empirical evidence from ice core data be fossil fuel crap?
How can empirical evidence from oxygen isotopes be fossil fuel crap?
How can geologic reconstructions of paleo-climates using empirical evidence from the geologic record be fossil fuel crap?
First I shot down your argument that Greenland itself is evidence for catastrophic AGW because ice cores from Greenland prove that 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades.

Then I shot down your argument that 509 glaciers disappearing since 1950 is evidence for catastrophic AGW because the planet is in an interglacial period and it's normal that that happens in interglacial periods and our present interglacial period is quite normal because it is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods.

And now your argument for catastrophic AGW is ice core data and glacial cycles are fossil fuel crap?

How can empirical evidence from ice core data be fossil fuel crap?
How can empirical evidence from oxygen isotopes be fossil fuel crap?
How can geologic reconstructions of paleo-climates using empirical evidence from the geologic record be fossil fuel crap?
You have your little routine down pat, don't you? You are all set to spew your skewed numbers at a moments notice. Problem is, less than 5% of the scientists on the planet agree with you.
You are all set to spew your skewed numbers at a moments notice.
I haven't skewed anything. Everything I am sharing is in the public record. Nothing I have stated is controversial. You can't dispute that our present interglacial period is quite normal and is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods because it's true that our present interglacial period is quite normal and is 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods. You can't dispute that it's normal for glaciers to disappear during an interglacial period because it's true that it's normal for glaciers to disappear during an interglacial period. And you can't dispute that empirical evidence from ice cores in Greenland show that 8,500 years of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades because it's true that empirical evidence from ice cores in Greenland show that 8,500 years of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades.
So your evidence for catastrophic AGW is you were told it was true? Is that correct?
No. The evidence is all over the place! Everywhere you look. From NOAA data, to satellite data, to disappearing glaciers, to the Greenland ice sheet, etc. But you already know this and are ready to spew these garbage numbers you've rehearsed ad nausium.
You have your little routine down pat, don't you?
Yes, I've been studying paleo-climates and the reason they changed for over 20 years.

So am I to assume that the only evidence you have for believing that catastrophic AGW isn't fake news is that someone told you to believe that catastrophic AGW isn't fake news?
No. The evidence is all over the place! Everywhere you look. From NOAA data, to satellite data, to disappearing glaciers, to the Greenland ice sheet, etc. But you already know this and are ready to spew these garbage numbers you've rehearsed ad nausium.
Walk me through it. That's what this debate is for. Because I see it differently. I see the empirical evidence telling me that AGW is fake news. And I've been demonstrating that to you since this discussion began using non-controversial facts.
No. The evidence is all over the place! Everywhere you look. From NOAA data, to satellite data, to disappearing glaciers, to the Greenland ice sheet, etc. But you already know this and are ready to spew these garbage numbers you've rehearsed ad nausium.
So what's the next piece of evidence you would like to discuss? Because Greenland and disappearing glaciers didn't cut it.
The evidence is all over the place!
Then it shouldn't be too hard to present some of it, right?

So far all you have argued is Greenland, disappearing glaciers and you were told to believe it. If the evidence is all over the place then present some of it for scrutiny. I'm not just going to accept your word on it.
Yes, I've been studying paleo-climates and the reason they changed for over 20 years.

So am I to assume that the only evidence you have for believing that catastrophic AGW isn't fake news is that someone told you to believe that catastrophic AGW isn't fake news?
That's the 2nd time you've asked that question and for the second time I've said, "No". Are you going to ask it a 3rd?
That's the 2nd time you've asked that question and for the second time I've said, "No". Are you going to ask it a 3rd?
That was the argument you implied when you said, "less than 5% of the scientists disagree with [me]," right?

But to that point, that's incorrect, because ALL scientists agree with me that ice cores from Greenland show that 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades and that our present interglacial period is quite normal and 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods. Do you know why? Because ice cores from Greenland DO show that 8,500 of the past 10,000 years were warmer than recent decades and our present interglacial period IS quite normal and 2C cooler than previous interglacial periods.

So where's your evidence for catastrophic AGW?

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