Call out on C_Clayton_Jones

I'm calling you out for a debate on the Constitutionality of elective abortion.

This thread is open to all to discuss the challenge, specifics, formats, the poll, etc.

Bull Ring - Abortion Debate; Chuz Life vs. C_Clayton_Jones #post-21638740

You have an unrealistically high opinion of Saul Goodman (C Clayton)

He'll never agree to or survive an honest debate - that takes FAR more intellect than he has.

I would say that he gives lawyers a bad name by not accepting the chance to defend his views. . . But as lawyers go. . . Ummmm.

I would say that he gives lawyers a bad name by not accepting the chance to defend his views. . . But as lawyers go. . . Ummmm.


Why should he? Frankly, he's done a pretty good job defending a woman's right to choose on other threads.

Here's the thing. Constitutionality is besides the point. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

Roe v. Wade just recognized reality.
Science continues to recognize that life starts far earlier than thought in the era of Wade v. Roe. Certainly you are not suggesting murder is acceptable.

One more time... because you are dense.

If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

She'll take a pill, she'll find a guy on Craig's List that will "handle that for her", she'll drive to a state that will keep it legal.
Abortion is already a Constitutional right. What is the debate about?
I would say that he gives lawyers a bad name by not accepting the chance to defend his views. . . But as lawyers go. . . Ummmm.


Why should he? Frankly, he's done a pretty good job defending a woman's right to choose on other threads.

Here's the thing. Constitutionality is besides the point. If a woman doesn't want to be pregnant, she will find a way to not be pregnant.

Roe v. Wade just recognized reality.

Abortion is already a Constitutional right. What is the debate about?
Neither of you are the ones being challenged to the debate, so stow it.

And the odds that the individual challenged will accept are so negligible as to be non-existent.

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