California mocked over $11 billion high-speed rail bridge to nowhere that took 9 years to build

California is a failed state. I also don't understand how construction of this stuff possibly cost that much. 150 years ago they were laying railroad tracks across the entire country. Adjusted for currency value in those days, is that what we were paying?
Do you have any idea how absurd the costs would be to build a high speed rail line coast to coast?

More than the country is worth.

Well, other countries have high speed rail…are you saying the US is not up to the challenge??
Well, that’s because all of that was a fleece. I think pelosis relatives were involved in that project and all those billions just magically disappeared..hmm. 🤔
Paul Pelosi had a contract with California High-Speed Rail that was nearly a billion dollars in value. I heard the project was canceled, but I'm not sure.
I have no idea…I don’t design rail systems for a living.

Why would it be bad to have high speed rail as an option?
Because it isn't fast, costs an absurd amount, and won't be used based on where they are placing it.
Well, other countries have high speed rail…are you saying the US is not up to the challenge??
Other countries are SMALL, compared to the US, and even with that, only TWO of those lines are solvent.

The rest only keep operating by fleecing the taxpayers to keep them going.
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Paul Pelosi had a contract with California High-Speed Rail that was nearly a billion dollars in value. I heard the project was canceled, but I'm not sure.
Yeah, it was cancelled, but after the state was awarded over 3 billion in funding for that rail, and now the money is gone…

The fact that Paul pelosi had a contract with a high speed rail company, and then the state gets awarded a government grant for high speed rail…I mean..that’s kinda suspicious.
And no proper accounting to where that money actually went.

This is Democrat policies on steroids. Pushing trains that will, if built at all, will need yearly subsidies for lack of ridership, just for a few jobs and massive kickbacks to Dems and their pals.

California is taking of heat for celebrating the completion of an high-speed rail bridge that has cost taxpayers $11 billion and took nine years to build — and clearly goes nowhere.
Critics — including Tesla founder Elon Musk and Dogecoin creator Billy Markus — are ripping the California High Speed Rail Authority after it boasted about last year’s completion of a “Fresno River Viaduct,” a mere sliver of the state’s long-delayed, bullet-train project attempting to link San Francisco to Los Angeles
“This is the most remarkable human achievement ever,” joked Markus, the creator of the jokey cryptocurrency, on X Friday.
“1600 feet of high speed rail after 9 years and 11 billion dollars it takes about 5 minutes to walk 1600 feet so a high speed rail for that is a really big deal,” added Markus, who also goes by “Shibetoshi Nakamoto.”
“California is so competent.”
Musk also chimed in, posting a sad, crying emoji to express his sentiments about the boondoggle of a project that is reportedly in danger of being scrapped.
That’s despite $11 billion in taxpayer dollars that have already being sunk into the Los Angeles-to-San Francisco high speed rail project.
That figure includes both the bridge and other work on the first phase of the high-speed route — which runs from Bakersfield north of Los Angeles to Merced, which is about 80 miles from the Bay Area.
Critics were responding to an earlier post by the rail authority, touting that the Fresno River Viaduct in Madera County is one of the “first completed high-speed rail structures.”

Well done, California. Your tax dollars at work.
The bridge only goes to nowhere now because they always build them first, before the tracks are in the way.
Having to drive to Merced, then from Bakersfield in a rental, takes away some of the time saved, but you'd still save about 5 hours.
The bridge only goes to nowhere now because they always build them first, before the tracks are in the way.
Having to drive to Merced, then from Bakersfield in a rental, takes away some of the time saved, but you'd still save about 5 hours.
You save no time at all. In fact with all of the waiting around you spend MORE time than if you had just driven it.

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