Bragg’s Pursuit of Trump Violates the Sixth Amendment

I think we need to refer to the Biden Administration and all those part of it as MOTRR = Members of the Ruling Regime.

In the upcoming election, we must defeat MOTRR and begin to restore the values that, during my lifetime at least, made America the greatest nation on Earth.

You want to restore the values of a man that boinked a porn star while his current wife as at home having just given birth to his son. His third wife who he had an affair with while still married to his second wife. The second wife being a woman he was having an affair with while still married to his first wife.

Since when did cheating on your wife been a foundation for American being the greatest nation on Earth?

You want to restore the values of a man that boinked a porn star while his current wife as at home having just given birth to his son. His third wife who he had an affair with while still married to his second wife. The second wife being a woman he was having an affair with while still married to his first wife.

Since when did cheating on your wife been a foundation for American being the greatest nation on Earth?

No, I want to restore the values where MOTRR did not Trump up fake felonies against the primary political opponent.

And JFC….you are more appalled by a man (R) who cheated on his wife than a man (D) who sexually assaulted his employee. And THAT is another example of the values the Left has destroyed: the equal application of justice.
No, I want to restore the values where MOTRR did not Trump up fake felonies against the primary political opponent.

And JFC….you are more appalled by a man who cheated on his wife than a man who sexually assaulted his employee. And THAT is another example of the values the Left has destroyed: the equal application of justice.

I'm not a member of the left. You will have to ask them.

I'm a right of center individual that voted GOP from 1980 through 2016 (voting for a GOP candidate twice in 2016 - primary and general). But my party left me when the Trump cultists took over.

I'm not a member of the left. You will have to ask them.

I'm a right of center individual that voted GOP from 1980 through 2016 (voting for a GOP candidate twice in 2016 - primary and general). But my party left me when the Trump cultists took over.

You didn’t answer my question, though. Why are you more appalled by a man who cheated on his wife than a man who sexually assaulted his unwilling employee?
I think we need to refer to the Biden Administration and all those part of it as MOTRR = Members of the Ruling Regime.

In the upcoming election, we must defeat MOTRR and begin to restore the values that, during my lifetime at least, made America the greatest nation on Earth.
Biden had no part what so ever in this N.Y. State prosecution...the DOJ is NOT involved, nor is the DNC.

DEMOCRATS wanted the Georgia case, and the Jack Smith cases to go to indictments and trial first, before this N.Y. prosecutor's case, because they involve potential harm to all of the American people, or harm to our Nation...and our democratic republic.
I can think both are wrong.

I'm not the one trumpeting (pun intended) Trumps virtues.

But there are degrees of “wrongness.” Sexual assault is worse than adultery, and the left is more outraged by the lesser of the two.

And I am not trumpeting Trump’s virtues, although of course I admire him for his pro-American positions. (You say you’re not a leftist, but you sure use their tactics of putting words in your opponent’s mouth.) I am objecting to the use of the law to politically assassinate one’s political rival by charging him with felonies that don’t exist - and of course to the leftist hypocrisy.
Biden had no part what so ever in this N.Y. State prosecution...the DOJ is NOT involved, nor is the DNC.

DEMOCRATS wanted the Georgia case, and the Jack Smith cases to go to indictments and trial first, before this N.Y. prosecutor's case, because they involve potential harm to all of the American people, or harm to our Nation...and our democratic republic.
Oh yeah? Did you see his evil smirk when asked about it?
Even the shitlibs are cringing at this nothing burger. But that won't discourage them from circling the wagons around their stuttering fucktard.

Yeah, he showered with his daughter and turned her into a pill-popping zombie who requires rehab every 6 months... yeah, he spawned a crackhead that's known for raping 9-year olds, fucking his sister-in-law before his brother's body is cold and molesting his 14-year old niece....

But it's just joe!

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Even the shitlibs are cringing at this nothing burger. But that won't discourage them from circling the wagons around their stuttering fucktard.

Yeah, he showered with his daughter and turned her into a pill-popping zombie who requires rehab every 6 months... yeah, he spawned a crackhead that's known for raping 9-year olds, fucking his sister-in-law before his brother's body is cold and molesting his 14-year old niece....

But it's just joe!

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Yup….the hypocrisy is surreal.

And animal rescue should take that poor dog.
um this allegedly happened in 2017 the dembot da didn’t even announce a jump start to the probe until after trump announced he’d run again in Nov of 2022

it seems the delay delay tactic is the dembot da
The investigations did not go through with the previous DA recommendations when Bragg became DA, because Bragg said he wanted to go through them and decide on this did not begin after Trump announced running, which we all KNEW HE WOULD try again to be president. It has always been an investigation, before and after trump announcement..yall really go head first in to fake news... 😁
The investigations did not go through with the previous DA recommendations when Bragg became DA, because Bragg said he wanted to go through them and decide on this did not begin after Trump announced running, which we all KNEW HE WOULD try again to be president. It has always been an investigation, before and after trump announcement..yall really go head first in to fake news... 😁
nah he didn't go through with them then because Trump wasn't running for office...he publicly doubted there was a case...

"balked at pursuing an indictment against Mr. Trump" and lacked confidence proving in court that Trump "knowingly falsified the value of his assets on annual financial statements.

Because I do not know if that is true or not, I'm not a lawyer...
.... waiting for the proceedings to determine such, which the rule of law, will prevail.
Violating the 6th Amendment says so.

It’s treatment like Guantánamo on a former president. Ain’t you proud?
You want to restore the values of a man that boinked a porn star while his current wife as at home having just given birth to his son. His third wife who he had an affair with while still married to his second wife. The second wife being a woman he was having an affair with while still married to his first wife.

What have those salacious details to do with running a country?

Jfk had loads of dalliances sneaked into the WH. Yet he was a good President

Also a good President, Bill Clinton committed the unpardonable sin of fornicating with an intern in the Holy of Holies, The Oval Office.
What have those salacious details to do with running a country?

Jfk had loads of dalliances sneaked into the WH. Yet he was a good President

Also a good President, Bill Clinton committed the unpardonable sin of fornicating with an intern in the Holy of Holies, The Oval Office.
Actually, Bill did worse. He sexually assaulted one of his unwilling employees, whom he paid off with $850,000. Yet here we have the leftists in feigned outrage over a man cheating on his wife In a consensual affair. Half the men in America have done it, but I bet fewer than 1% have sexually assaulted a woman.
I should have thought a crime would be defined by some form of treason. Similar to Nixon and Watergate.
Or something like stealing classified documents out of the SCIF when you’re a senator at the same time your worthless druggie son is collecting millions from America’s #1 foreign foe - and funneling it back to you at the rate of $50,000 a month for renting a house.

The idea that the leftists are willing to overlook something like that while trying to prosecute their #1 political opponent via made-up felony charges for having an affair is unreal. Just how much more hypocritical can the Left be?

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