Zone1 Black culture holds back black people.

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No. He was narked up on Fentenyl. And VIOLENTLY resisting arrest. Bernie Goetz had the right idea.
Wrong again. The nation saw the video. I guess John Malveaux had the right idea too.
Wrong again. The nation saw the video. I guess John Malveaux had the right idea too.
When people tell you who they are, believe them. Here IM2 is countering the idea of vigilantism with a serial killer and rapist who murdered for his own pleasure.
IM2 It was a close call between this and the criminality thread but ultimately this is black culture.

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These are the people black people are
so dedicated to voting for. They pass over black people every chance they get. No need to buy that cow when they get it’s milk for free.

Well that’s women’s liberation for you. I think it’s kind of racist for both of them to expect a black person to pay their share……

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