Bill Maher Show- it used to be that 60% of men aged 30 to 34 Had at least one child. Nowadays only 27% of men age 30 to 34 have one or children.

What more needs to be said? . I suppose that it is misguided to suggest to young people to not have kids. If somebody as an individual decides it it’s one thing… but it’s not appropriate to influence youngsters that it’s OK to not have kids.

These are well-known life lessons throughout history. These are what our grandparents told us. Whether it is a substance, something we drink something we eat something we do people often ask themselves well what if everyone did this and how would the world be. For example, if everyone in the world smoked weed it would clearly be a net negative. If everyone in the world exercised and had a healthy diet, imagine the benefits imagine how glorious society would be.

OK, so simply put it is a fact if everyone decided that it’s OK to not have kids and choose not to have kids , we would cease to exist. That is the point. That would be what would happen. That would not be a good thing.

Do me a favor don’t laugh at my post that’s uncalled for. I’ve never done it to you. polite discourse is great for everyone 🙂
It's not a duty to have kids. It's a desire. As a nation we should not expect full time working women to raise kids if they don't have the will for both work and a family.
I never said anything about being a slave owner. I would never choose to own another human being.

Your romanticizing of slavery is just sickening to me. Oh....they were treated so well....fucking bullshit....they were fucking slaves.

You are one fucked up person.
You the fucked up one. Asking a question simply to come back without a discussion. How fucking boring can you get

How simple minded, not to consider that time in history and all the tragedy, white black or indian

You are a prick, putting words in my mouth and describing what i stated as it is not

Or, you grew up ignorant

Dont know how to think

Or simply stupid

Or here to be an asshole to anyone dont walk lock step with you
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God sows the fastest growing seedlings not in our strengths, but in the soft soil of our weaknesses. Humility in facing failures grows in an aching conscience that inspires sincere amends for misdeeds. That process is essential to mental health. Without the effort of rectification, relationships remain imprisoned in their worst moments; painful memories slip the bonds of the past into a raw and debilitating present. The chance to understand mistakes and make amends is a great gift of being human.
At the least life is about life, i wont give people shit if they dont have kids, but my greatest times in life are my kids
Of course. But you wanted them. Many don't. My granddaughter and her husband have enough money and space for 5 kids.....they're not having them. They're sinking all their money into retirement and travelling. Focusing on careers and dollars. That's capitalism.
What more needs to be said? . I suppose that it is misguided to suggest to young people to not have kids. If somebody as an individual decides it it’s one thing… but it’s not appropriate to influence youngsters that it’s OK to not have kids.

These are well-known life lessons throughout history. These are what our grandparents told us. Whether it is a substance, something we drink something we eat something we do people often ask themselves well what if everyone did this and how would the world be. For example, if everyone in the world smoked weed it would clearly be a net negative. If everyone in the world exercised and had a healthy diet, imagine the benefits imagine how glorious society would be.

OK, so simply put it is a fact if everyone decided that it’s OK to not have kids and choose not to have kids , we would cease to exist. That is the point. That would be what would happen. That would not be a good thing.

Do me a favor don’t laugh at my post that’s uncalled for. I’ve never done it to you. polite discourse is great for everyone 🙂

Young people should make up their own minds on when if they want kids. They should not be pressured one way or the other.

oh, and I only laugh at your post when you say something funny! That is the polite thing to do!
It's not a duty to have kids. It's a desire. As a nation we should not expect full time working women to raise kids if they don't have the will for both work and a family.
I understand completely. I was making the simple and honest point that if every adult in the world decided they don’t have any kids humanity with cease to exist.

And that’s the truth. I often look at things from the perspective of if I’m going to do something what would it be like if everybody did it whether it’s drinking something, eating something taking a drug doing something really anything.

What you’re talking about is a different subject. That is with regards to if people are financially stable enough to have children. There’s tons of people in the USA who want to have kids but who are poor. They have every right to enjoy the happiness of having children and they can be urged and influenced on by positive adults to live a drug-free life, to live a healthy lifestyle and work hard in life so they can afford the children. It would be a net negative to tell anybody in the world don’t have kids.
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At the least life is about life, i wont give people shit if they dont have kids, but my greatest times in life are my kids
Neither would I. But I would not tell anybody to not have children. If somebody’s poor and they do want to have kids I would say “hey try to be healthy work hard so you could afford children and give them a good lifestyle.”

That said if we look at the poorest communities in the world it is family and traditional values that keep people together. Even in Cambodia where I was for nearly 3 months there’s tons of impoverished people, but it is their families that keep them together and keep them from committing crimes or attacking people. They have a better culture than we do in the USA. we have left-wing fanaticism ie radical feminist and blm attitudes which are bad for our society. For whatever reason, Hollywood and the media are giving a showcase to extremist minorities in the USA like radical transgender people or people who support BLM ….and it is in a sense minorities ruling over the majority. It is insane and it is not good for western culture. We are witnessing attacks on western Christian culture in the modern day west. It has to stop or things will continue to get worse.
Neither would I. But I would not tell anybody to not have children. If somebody’s poor and they do want to have kids I would say “hey try to be healthy work hard so you could afford children and give them a good lifestyle.”

That said if we look at the poorest communities in the world it is family and traditional values that keep people together. Even in Cambodia where I was for nearly 3 months there’s tons of impoverished people, but it is their families that keep them together and keep them from committing crimes or attacking people. They have a better culture than we do in the USA. we have left-wing fanaticism ie radical feminist and blm attitudes which are bad for our society. For whatever reason, Hollywood and the media are giving a showcase to extremist minorities in the USA like radical transgender people or people who support BLM ….and it is in a sense minorities ruling over the majority. It is insane and it is not good for western culture. We are witnessing attacks on western Christian culture in the modern day west. It has to stop or things will continue to get worse.
my kids were born in Brazil. Here the cost was 25k, there it cost me $1500

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?
Interesting my wife's side of the family is mainly democrat, and they tend to have a lot of kids. Big family gatherings, lots of kids, lots of siblings. My wife came from a family of 9 kids, parents were democrats and the kids grew up democrats. Our democrat family tends to love to have a lot of sex and have a lot of kids. I think I had the opposite problem in college, way too much sex. Actually whole life, you could call it a very bad sex addiction with way too many sex partners in my lifetime.
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It isn't so much that men aren't having children. The women are killing the children in the womb so fewer children are being born.
It isn't so much that men aren't having children. The women are killing the children in the womb so fewer children are being born.
And less young women are chasing to have kids. Dual income no kids will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. It's not in any way a bad thing just a societal shift.
And less young women are chasing to have kids. Dual income no kids will continue to grow by leaps and bounds. It's not in any way a bad thing just a societal shift.
That's why the invasion of the third world is having such success.

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