Bill Maher Show- it used to be that 60% of men aged 30 to 34 Had at least one child. Nowadays only 27% of men age 30 to 34 have one or children.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.
The cost of living, the cost of divorce in particular.

If I had kids with my wife I would basically be working for her until those children graduated school. I've seen rulings in which the man took home for himself 15% of so of his earnings. I mean, what in the...

You throw in the anti-social nature of todays society, the risk of false accusations etc and kids aren't even going to be born by accident during a one night stand as men don't want the hassle.

I envy gay men. They have it made.

Men should be responsible for their kids, but it should be within reason. It is creating barriers for the nuclear family. Over and over these problems persist as women are convinced "you can have it all, if your husband isn't perfect, move on"! Men are driven by the allured of the younger beautiful woman when their wife has lost her youthful appearance.
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The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.
The entire nation has abandoned God, embraced the DNC and their culture of abortion and death and insanity, and then they wonder why the country is in decline.

If I were God, I probably would not have been as merciful as he has to this point.

Here comes the judge!!

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Many signs show the attack on family is an attack by people with marxist beliefs or openly display their marxism. At least until they get too much attention then they quietly and quickly disappear.

BLM leaders, at least two claimed they were marxists.
The country has chiseled away at the average worker since the early 80s. A nibble here a nibble there to ensure the big employer got more. Women were forced to work. As a nation we should not expect them to work endless hours and come come to work more. It's nobody's duty to have kids. Have them if you want them. If one would rather focus on careers and attaining wealth then they are doing what the system requires to get ahead.
Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people.

Indeed, the Locust Generation isn't leaving much for those following behind.

"This entitlement regime only bears a loose relationship to need: over 90 percent of social insurance assistance goes to a single demographic group that is defined by age rather than need—people aged sixty‑five and over. The government distributes about fifty thousand dollars a year in Social Security and Medicare benefits to the typical married couple who retired at age sixty‑six in 2016, just six thousand dollars less than the median income of U.S. households in general. Yet these retirees have lived through some of the most prosperous years in American history. They can also expect to live longer than any previous retirees. The burden of supporting this gilded generation will fall on current workers who have had far fewer opportunities than their seniors and have to simultaneously provide for their own children."

Greenspan and Wooldridge, Capitalism in America: A History

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.
Or...they sound like you and couldn’t get laid if their lived depended on it.

Listen dumbass, women are no longer wanting to have kids right out of middle school like you wish they would.
Popping out a kid isn’t the end-all, be-all point of life

Have kids if you want, don’t if you don’t

It’s just that simple
Popping out a kid isn’t the end-all, be-all point of life

Have kids if you want, don’t if you don’t

It’s just that simple
Quote of the year. For some reason there's people thinking it's a young married couples duty to have kids.

The more one thinks about it the more we can realize that Republicans who talk about things like “Marxism taking over” ….well maybe they are on to something. W/e labels we want to apply there are a portion of Democrats including those who have a family and children of their own who are out there saying “people don’t need to have kids, people don’t need to have sex”. What kind of person talks like that… how is that type of attitude appropriate or healthy?

This was on the most recent airing of Bill Maher. Where Don Lemon and Scott Galloway were on the panel. It’s very interesting to now see left wingers admitting that this is a serious problem in the country and it is not sustainable.

Yet we continue to hear from a segment of Democrats, that “what does it matter if young men choose to not have sex, or choose not to have families”

Well Galloway point out this disturbing trend is in line with a tremendous wealth transfer from young people to older people. It is in line with the fact that more young men than ever are not economically viable. There has been a rise of women working and getting promotions. Obviously we have a screwed up system where we don’t have a meritocracy, but where a lot of companies Give women and minorities preference not because of their skills, but because of how they look or their sex. It’s resulted in a sort of feminization of society, and increasing weakness in young men across the USA.

Just as Galloway points out it’s a great thing when a woman gets a job. But bottom line let’s just have a meritocracy. Lefties will continue to be fanatical and lie about people and tell them how they think ie “you’re racist, you’re misogynistic” when it comes to this very important topic.

Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house. But those Americans who are fortunate enough to be able to own a house and perhaps already have a family concerned about much lighter things like how busy the traffic is. Whereas a gigantic portion of young men, and now a growing portion of young women in the USA, who are single and depressed, many of them are obese, and using too many drugs are at risk of harming themselves or even the community…. They’re stressed out all the time about the cost of living in the USA… wondering if they will ever be able to afford a house and a family in other words for the American dream.
This is happening in most if not all advanced countries not just the US

But not in africa or the muslim countries
Popping out a kid isn’t the end-all, be-all point of life

Have kids if you want, don’t if you don’t

It’s just that simple
If everyone decided not to have kids, we would cease to exist.

The other point is about sexless young men. That’s very dangerous. They’re more prone to committing violence or getting depressed. It’s also a growing trend for young women. It’s a negative effect of technology , video games, porn and social media consuming people.
Quote of the year. For some reason there's people thinking it's a young married couples duty to have kids.
I’m not saying that I don’t think many people are. Anybody with honesty will look at the numbers and realize that’s a worrying trend. It’s very alarming that one and three men under the age of 30 have not had sex within a year. It’s not good for their mental or physical health. And for men between the age of 30 and 34 to go from 60% to 27% of them having a kid by this age is incredibly alarming. It doesn’t matter if somebody is left or right leaning those numbers are not sustainable.

Plus the high levels of depression and drug use among youth. The Wall Street Journal, pointing out that a large portion of youth care about individualism as opposed to going to church or helping out the community.

The problem is societal leaders who tell youth that porn, using dope all the time and playing video games is OK. The Instagram generation are having their brains turned into mush. You turn on Instagram or TikTok it’s a bunch of women shaking their ass for likes and a whole bunch of complete nonsense videos. That is specifically what Professor Galloway spoke about. … too many young people are staring at their phones all day.

This is happening in most if not all advanced countries not just the US

But not in africa or the muslim countries
I also don’t see it in Cambodia. I walk through a mall in Cambodia I see tons of young people together as couples, a wonderful beautiful, family spirit. And most of these folks are Buddhist…

I don’t understand how the left wing reacts to this with callousness and at times nastiness. Not all of them get nasty, but that’s certainly an issue among a portion of them …Aren’t they supposed to like diversity and respecting other cultures when they’re doing the right thing?
Galloway talks about how a lot of young Americans are getting crushed by our economy. They don’t have the ability to buy a house.
I make great money but paying for everything I need to is a heavy burden, I am afraid. A little. I will be fine. But I want to be able to do so much more for my children and I cannot.

The ability to buy a house should be almost as easy as graduating high school, a simple studio apartment one can buy in the biggest of cities. Home ownership instills a sense of responsibility that our founders spoke of when they debated who should have the right to vote.

I can paraphrase poorly, only those with an education and home are vested in society to make a rational choice as to what politicians are best for himself and the country.

Something like that?
I make great money but paying for everything I need to is a heavy burden, I am afraid. A little. I will be fine. But I want to be able to do so much more for my children and I cannot.

The ability to buy a house should be almost as easy as graduating high school, a simple studio apartment one can buy in the biggest of cities. Home ownership instills a sense of responsibility that our founders spoke of when they debated who should have the right to vote.

I can paraphrase poorly, only those with an education and home are vested in society to make a rational choice as to what politicians are best for himself and the country.

Something like that?
That’s what Galloway was saying. And I’m pretty sure he’s a left-winger. And congratulations to you for having kids that’s a wonderful thing. I don’t have any kids, a part of me would love to have a son to toss the baseball around with. I’ve been doing a lot of dating though in Thailand and Cambodia. There are such friendly wonderful people in these countries.

what Galloway was saying made sense. People who own a home are more invested into our society just as you’re saying. There’s more single people than ever before in our country. A portion of them are lonely and depressed. That’s the problem. Obviously when there is a couple married couple, it’s easier for them to purchase a home because you often have dual incomes there.

There’s also the issue of there being not many young economically viable men as professor Galloway points out. And it’s refreshing to see a leftist talk like that.

The printing of trillions of dollars during the coronavirus, the inflation has made things even more difficult for young men, and a growing number of young women. I believe it was business insider that had pointed out that within a few years a large portion of women in there 40s will be single and without children.

Historically speaking certainly in the 19th and 20th century often the men did all the work, and was viewed as the head of the household. Now there’s this different situation today where women are making a lot of money and this is a new thing for American Society…I respect an intelligent woman. But it’s just an interesting changing dynamic in this country. I don’t know if we’re going to have many female headed households. I don’t know if a lot if women in large numbers want to marry a man who never works and watches kids and is a stay at home dad or something like that.

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