Bill Maher Seems To Be The Left's Official Apologist...Admits On His Show That All Of The COVID Scare Tactics Were All Bogus


When all of your staff tells you something are you going to completely ignore them?

Trump took the first vaccine but wanted to explore other options.

Of course that prick Biden was sitting back and being critical no matter what he did.
Yes. He was consistently lied to his entire time, but he failed to learn. He’s dumb.
4 years too late, the left is finally willing to admit that they were wrong about COVID.

What's ironic is this is exactly what I was saying back in 2020.

Why can't anyone on the left admit to the truth unless it first comes from an officially approved media source?

So what Bill's admitting is that all of the COVID advice that came from the WHO was BS and helped get Biden into the White House.

Bill still lies at the end of his monologue claiming Trump did nothing.

Even during Bill's coming to Jesus moment he still has to give in to his inner liberal and talk smack about a Republican.

So, which one was the lie? Trump getting Covid or the one where he took credit for rolling out the vaccine?
4 years too late, the left is finally willing to admit that they were wrong about COVID.

What's ironic is this is exactly what I was saying back in 2020.

Why can't anyone on the left admit to the truth unless it first comes from an officially approved media source?

So what Bill's admitting is that all of the COVID advice that came from the WHO was BS and helped get Biden into the White House.

Bill still lies at the end of his monologue claiming Trump did nothing.

Even during Bill's coming to Jesus moment he still has to give in to his inner liberal and talk smack about a Republican.

The response to COVID (by both Republican and Democrat leaders) was a direct result of having someone in the Oval Office who was not fit to sit in the chair. Remember, it was just one person coming from China. They had it under control....until they didn't. Until the bodies started piling up and there was still no coherent direction coming from the WH to coordinate federal and state agencies for a cogent response. See South Korea as an example of what should have happened late January, 2020. Testing, quarantining, isolation. But none of those procedures were put in place. It was more important to campaign and tweet than it was to do his job. Had there been a coherent and cohesive response, the shutdowns and damage to the economy may not nearly have needed to be as bad as they were.

Sorry, Trump owns ALL of it.

I understand where Maher is coming from. He's exhausted. He's been broken (like Jon Stewart) by the era of You-Know-Who. He wants it all to go away and just go back to being able to smoke his pot whenever he wants. :)
But Bill is correct. Trump did nothing for a solid two months. And that allowed the virus to gain a foothold and spread. So other leaders had to step in and make the difficult choices.

I'm not sure why you refuse to give your savior any blame for what went on but it did indeed cost him his re-election.
IF he had just offered a modicom of a response and looked like he gave a shit about hundreds of people dying each week, he would have walked to re-election.
The response to COVID (by both Republican and Democrat leaders) was a direct result of having someone in the Oval Office who was not fit to sit in the chair. Remember, it was just one person coming from China. They had it under control....until they didn't. Until the bodies started piling up and there was still no coherent direction coming from the WH to coordinate federal and state agencies for a cogent response. See South Korea as an example of what should have happened late January, 2020. Testing, quarantining, isolation. But none of those procedures were put in place. It was more important to campaign and tweet than it was to do his job. Had there been a coherent and cohesive response, the shutdowns and damage to the economy may not nearly have needed to be as bad as they were.

Sorry, Trump owns ALL of it.

I understand where Maher is coming from. He's exhausted. He's been broken (like Jon Stewart) by the era of You-Know-Who. He wants it all to go away and just go back to being able to smoke his pot whenever he wants. :)
But Bill is correct. Trump did nothing for a solid two months. And that allowed the virus to gain a foothold and spread. So other leaders had to step in and make the difficult choices.

I'm not sure why you refuse to give your savior any blame for what went on but it did indeed cost him his re-election.
IF he had just offered a modicom of a response and looked like he gave a shit about hundreds of people dying each week, he would have walked to re-election.
I cut you off as soon as you said you assumed Trump wasn't fit for office,

I see no complaints from you about Biden, who is obviously unfit for office.

Tell it to someone willing to read your bullshit posts.
The lie was that the vaccines worked.
They don't work.
Also the shutdowns didn't work.
States that stayed open had fewer COVID related deaths than the ones that shut down,
Since all of it was done when Trump was president, you are saying that your orange fuhrer lied? Good for you. Finally, seeing the light, eh? Thoughts & prayers.
I cut you off as soon as you said you assumed Trump wasn't fit for office,

I see no complaints from you about Biden, who is obviously unfit for office.

Tell it to someone willing to read your bullshit posts.
He wasn't. Still isn't.
You are absolving your savior of his culpability when it came to the damage that COVID wrought.

Just another full of shit, alt-right apologist.
4 years too late, the left is finally willing to admit that they were wrong about COVID.

What's ironic is this is exactly what I was saying back in 2020.

Why can't anyone on the left admit to the truth unless it first comes from an officially approved media source?

So what Bill's admitting is that all of the COVID advice that came from the WHO was BS and helped get Biden into the White House.

Bill still lies at the end of his monologue claiming Trump did nothing.

Even during Bill's coming to Jesus moment he still has to give in to his inner liberal and talk smack about a Republican.

When was this show from?

It wasn't last night's.

For the record: Maher has been anti-mandate and anti-lockdown pretty much from the beginning.

But you are correct that much of the Left is finally admitting they were wrong - even if they leave out the part where they transformed America into an aspiring-fascistic state.
When was this show from?

It wasn't last night's.

For the record: Maher has been anti-mandate and anti-lockdown pretty much from the beginning.

But you are correct that much of the Left is finally admitting they were wrong - even if they leave out the part where they transformed America into an aspiring-fascistic state.
It usually takes awhile for the most recent shows to show up on YouTube.
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