Biden’s plan to admit Gazans to US could backfire: 'Brainwashed by Hamas,' expert warns


Diamond Member
Jun 20, 2012
Biden’s latest disaster is the notion that importing a demographic where 70% of the violent, backward population are Islamic terrorist groupies is along the lines of importing MS-13 and the worst of the worst from the third world.

This is by design and intended to foment division.

Biden will take in ANYBODY who wants to come here, and then add them to his VOTE COUNT.




Predictably, nobody seems to be interested in the fact that the Tater maladministration is effectively just going along with what was clearly the Israeli plan to move them here to begin with.

That Wall Street Journal op-ed, by the way, was written one month after the event on Oct. 7 of last year by former Mossad deputy director Ram Ben-Barak and Israel’s former UN representative, Danny Danon.

Here's what is going to happen...

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I swear, this has to be the most gullible, most propagandized, most uninformed, most inattentive demograph on the www.

People would do well to wake up and pay atention to what is actually going on right under their noses.

But I'm not holding my breath...
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I am more worried about desperate Americans trying to flee here .
We have enough difficulties without having to cope with huge numbers of cissies and hopelessly uneducated youngsters .
Far better the blacks and browns where there is a blank slate to work on .
I'm hoping this was just a campaign ploy by Biden's handlers, in an effort to appease his base.
Make them think he is going to save the Palestinians by bringing them here, when he has no intention to whatsoever.

If it truly is under serious consideration, it would be insane to bring people here who clearly are on the side of terrorists.
The US is getting what it deserves for meddling in foreign affairs. We are complicit in creating Gazan refugees, and we now bear the responsibility of what to do with them. Welcome to America!

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