Biden's chief economic advisor says the government can't go bankrupt bc they can always just print more money

You’re trying hard but this has nothing to do with how I vote. It has everything to do with how your new Americans vote.

It has everything to do with how you vote.

You vote for the very things you claim to be against, and then blame your own votes on other people.

If that is actually the case, then they won because you have already surrendered.
It has everything to do with how you vote.

You vote for the very things you claim to be against, and then blame your own votes on other people.

If that is actually the case, then they won because you have already surrendered.
I vote like all good real Americans have always voted….for the party that will do the best job protecting the interests of Americans, for the party that puts America first, for the party that will cut taxes for our best citizens, for the party that will support law and order in our dangerous shitholes, for the party that won’t weaponize our institutions.
I vote like all good real Americans have always voted….for the party that will do the best job protecting the interests of Americans, for the party that puts America first, for the party that will cut taxes for our best citizens, for the party that will support law and order in our dangerous shitholes, for the party that won’t weaponize our institutions.

Damn, I did not know you voted for the Libertarian party.

Because what you just described sure as fuck is not the GOP or the DNC
I just got back on here explicitly to share something with you all.

And that would be this bozo's background.

Turns out?

He majored in "Fine Arts" at the Manhattan School of Music, followed by a PHD in "Social Welfare" from Columbia University.

Minute 4:25:

Vote Democrat, or big bad Orange Man will send a mean tweet about some asshole politician/celebrity while his totally qualified underlings competently run a low inflation economy.

Oh, the horror.
Damn, I did not know you voted for the Libertarian party.

Because what you just described sure as fuck is not the GOP or the DNC
hahaha…you know me better than that.
You globalist LibLites believe all drugs should be legal in a society where good productive citizens are forced to fund degenerate pieces of filthy dogshit human beings….you think all of Mexico‘s people should be permitted to come here and fuck over our best citizens. Fuck the LibLite Party
Ever heard of "The Rachet Effect"? It never goes back down, but equilibrium is attained, to an extent. I picked up on this in Econ I, and verified by living through the 70s and 80s. It does not excite me much, as have seen it before, when inflation much worse for far longer periods of time, and without the employment and production numbers we are seeing now.
So basically you want me to vote for the guy who just ratcheted up inflation with his us prices that are through the roof and won't go down? Why would I do that? Why would any RATIONAL person do that?
hahaha…you know me better than that.
You globalist LibLites believe all drugs should be legal in a society where good productive citizens are forced to fund degenerate pieces of filthy dogshit human beings….you think all of Mexico‘s people should be permitted to come here and fuck over our best citizens. Fuck the LibLite Party
View attachment 942089

So, then you lied about who you vote for.


It has been fun
So do Trump supporters, Trump is like a 9 time loser.

If your idea of a "loser" being someone having a net worth of $4 billion, a beautiful wife and kids, having served as President and being the front-runner for being President again, I can't even imagine how you'd define being a "winner."

Real losers vote for people who would never ever win an election, continually bitch about both sides, live in states where you have to have a special card to purchase ammunition, then run off to live in some third-world country like Panama.

If your idea of a "loser" being someone having a net worth of $4 billion, a beautiful wife and kids, having served as President and being the front-runner for being President again, I can't even imagine how you'd define being a "winner."

Real losers vote for people who would never ever win an election, continually bitch about both sides, live in states where you have to have a special card to purchase ammunition, then run off to live in some third-world country like Panama.

Or vote for a guy who had to cheat to get through law school...has made up shit about himself his whole life...has always been a closet racist writing the Senate version of the bill that put more black people in Federal prisons than any other legislation ever passed...hasn't been right on a foreign affairs issue in 40 years...has been the main guy in an influence peddling scheme that enriched his whole family while telling YOU that you're not paying your fair share...and to top it all off? He's senile as hell! Real losers vote for THAT guy!
You tolerant, inclusive, melting-pot globalists are getting exactly what you asked for all along. America was great because of it’s people, not it’s governmental workings….you supported the change of the people.

More dark people / foreigners = Louder cries for government intervention and socialism​

Liberals still don't understand why Brexit passed.
Actually, you all of this you are whining about is happening because of the people you vote for.

All the spending, all the Govt control came from both parties, and every time you voted for your beloved GOP, you were saying to them "yep, keep on doing what you are doing".

Do not blame me for what the people you voted for did, I did not vote for them.
How many Republicans voted for Build Back Better or the Inflation Reduction Act? You don't know, do you? You prefer spouting shit to see who is stupid enough to listen to you!

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