Biden's chief economic advisor says the government can't go bankrupt bc they can always just print more money

Ah, White? You do realize that it's the RATE of inflation that's gone down...not inflation itself...right? That means that it was increasing at over 7% and now it's only increasing at over 3%! That's not something to "check"! You obviously didn't take Economics either!
Ever heard of "The Rachet Effect"? It never goes back down, but equilibrium is attained, to an extent. I picked up on this in Econ I, and verified by living through the 70s and 80s. It does not excite me much, as have seen it before, when inflation much worse for far longer periods of time, and without the employment and production numbers we are seeing now.
Actually, you all of this you are whining about is happening because of the people you vote for.
You globalists changed the people…you replaced core American voters with people who don’t know or care about fiscal responsibility.
Do not blame me for what the people you voted for did, I did not vote for them.
Again, your new people who rely on Father Government voted for it. The GOP has to spend to stay in the game now.
You really fucked us hard.
You globalists changed the people…you replaced core American voters with people who don’t know or care about fiscal responsibility.

So the globalists changed you into someone that does not care about fiscal responsibility. What kind of a weak minded fool are you that they were able to do that?

Again, your new people who rely on Father Government voted for it. The GOP has to spend to stay in the game now.
You really fucked us hard.

So, this is your excuse to be a blindly loyal partisan hack?

How fucking weak.
So the globalists changed you into someone that does not care about fiscal responsibility. What kind of a weak minded fool are you that they were able to do that?

So, this is your excuse to be a blindly loyal partisan hack?

How fucking weak.
Your sorry ass deflection won’t work…Here, Tucker lays it all out for you. Don’t be scared…dig down on your fuck-up.
Liberals were proud of their enactment of Replacement Theory ( Now they flip the script and use it against Conservatives and anti Open Borders Types
Harpy Eagle can’t understand that when you replace people with principles that align with our founding values with people with principles that align with Mexico’s culture you end up with Mexico‘s functionality.
The self proclaimed fiscal hawks can’t and or refuse to connect the dots.

Do you think the Democrat base is?
This interview is embarrassing. This is the man President Biden nominated to be the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors and he clearly has no understanding of monetary policy.

that is not what he said, but it seems you are trying to wrap your head around modern monetary theory. there are several excellent primers on the internet, i suggest something by bill black or u of kansas city.

the guy trump had in that position, by the way, is kudlow, a cnbc stock pumper who believes in the god standard.
This interview is embarrassing. This is the man President Biden nominated to be the Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors and he clearly has no understanding of monetary policy.

So par for the course then.

I mean, have you seen his judicial nominees?

His Dept. of Health nominees?

His Dept. of Education nominees?

You get the point.
It's like he doesn't understand what causes inflation.


Oh, that.

Don't worry about that.

The vastly credentialed experts in the Biden administration already informed us that's "transitory".

And, as you can see from this thread you've started, they have ample knowledge.

Yes sirreee bob, we are in good hands.

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