Biden's chief economic advisor says the government can't go bankrupt bc they can always just print more money

So basically you want me to vote for the guy who just ratcheted up inflation with his us prices that are through the roof and won't go down? Why would I do that? Why would any RATIONAL person do that?
I have looked and do not see it as his policies, anywhere near the effects of the covid policies and covid money dump (mostly passed and signed under the trump administration).

I actually do not care who you vote for. Vote as you like for whatever reason you see fit, hopefully based on your evaluation of enlightened self-interest, not party, and certainly not based on what good old White 6's opinion or personal situation is. I have it pretty good, but, I planned it that way, and started working toward it, a long time ago.
Thank you for your honest input. You are definitely in the minority though.
Could be. I am not sure. I admit, most of my friends are retired military, most with additional corporate pensions and civilian 401k and Roths.
I have looked and do not see it as his policies, anywhere near the effects of the covid policies and covid money dump (mostly passed and signed under the trump administration).

I actually do not care who you vote for. Vote as you like for whatever reason you see fit, hopefully based on your evaluation of enlightened self-interest, not party, and certainly not based on what good old White 6's opinion or personal situation is. I have it pretty good, but, I planned it that way, and started working toward it, a long time ago.
Come on White...did you REALLY look? Larry Summers...the Chief Economist for the Obama Administration warned Joe Biden that his "Build Back Better" spending was inflationary. Summers was dead on with that prediction.
I have looked and do not see it as his policies, anywhere near the effects of the covid policies and covid money dump (mostly passed and signed under the trump administration).

I actually do not care who you vote for. Vote as you like for whatever reason you see fit, hopefully based on your evaluation of enlightened self-interest, not party, and certainly not based on what good old White 6's opinion or personal situation is. I have it pretty good, but, I planned it that way, and started working toward it, a long time ago.
Do you think the average working man has it "pretty good" right now, White? The average american family is spending more than $1,400 a month more under Biden for the same things they were buying under Trump. That's the "cost" of Joe Biden's agenda!
Come on White...did you REALLY look? Larry Summers...the Chief Economist for the Obama Administration warned Joe Biden that his "Build Back Better" spending was inflationary. Summers was dead on with that prediction.
Infrastructure spend is not inflationary as it enhances efficiency, while stimulating economy and you get something for the dollars spent. It is not like the free covid relief money, that nothing is produced from and of course, the Cares Act was $1 Trillion Dollars larger.
Infrastructure spend is not inflationary as it enhances efficiency, while stimulating economy and you get something for the dollars spent. It is not like the free covid relief money, that nothing is produced from and of course, the Cares Act was $1 Trillion Dollars larger.
the debt it creates does cause inflation,,
Infrastructure spend is not inflationary as it enhances efficiency, while stimulating economy and you get something for the dollars spent. It is not like the free covid relief money, that nothing is produced from and of course, the Cares Act was $1 Trillion Dollars larger.
Why do you think infrastructure spending can't be inflationary? You're increasing the amount of money chasing a finite amount of goods. Spending a Trillion dollars on "infrastructure" means you're pumping another Trillion dollars into the economy. That's inflationary. Simple Macro Economics, my friend!
Do you think the average working man has it "pretty good" right now, White? The average american family is spending more than $1,400 a month more under Biden for the same things they were buying under Trump. That's the "cost" of Joe Biden's agenda!
They are not spending $1,400 more in Tennessee. I cannot speak to the states traditionally known for their high cost of living, with higher taxes on everything from income to gasoline. If it sucks where you are, you should have moved, a long time ago.
Infrastructure spend is not inflationary as it enhances efficiency, while stimulating economy and you get something for the dollars spent. It is not like the free covid relief money, that nothing is produced from and of course, the Cares Act was $1 Trillion Dollars larger.

Is the $11 billion high-speed rail bridge in California going to enhance efficiency?

The Biden-lovers would never admit they're worse off now. That would require a modicum of honesty, humility, self-evaluation, and introspective, a few qualities most Democrats are bereft of.

Most of them really don't know.
They are not spending $1,400 more in Tennessee. I cannot speak to the states traditionally known for their high cost of living, with higher taxes on everything from income to gasoline. If it sucks where you are, you should have moved, a long time ago.
That's a nationwide average, White. If they're spending a little less in Tennessee I would assume that's a reflection of the cost of living in Tennessee. Nationwide the cost of food, utilities, gas and housing has exploded. I'm seeing that additional cost here in Florida. For working people...most of whom live paycheck to paycheck? They're putting record amounts of debt on their credit cards. We're seeing record low savings. That's happening all over the country not just in States with high costs of living!
That's a nationwide average, White. If they're spending a little less in Tennessee I would assume that's a reflection of the cost of living in Tennessee. Nationwide the cost of food, utilities, gas and housing has exploded. I'm seeing that additional cost here in Florida. For working people...most of whom live paycheck to paycheck? They're putting record amounts of debt on their credit cards. We're seeing record low savings. That's happening all over the country not just in States with high costs of living!
I am still not buying it. Your flat statement says nothing about average income, disposable income. Are you saying Floridian live on their credit cards. That is just plain stupid if true, and hard to blame anybody but themselves for being so stupid. Nobody's parent raised kids, telling them that was the way to do it. Your average (if anywhere near close takes in high cost of living states with huge populations, such as California and New York, and much higher disposable income, and the high income states are usually high tax/fee states. I don't buy the impact you are speaking to, except on people too stupid to handle their money.
I am still not buying it. Your flat statement says nothing about average income, disposable income. Are you saying Floridian live on their credit cards. That is just plain stupid if true, and hard to blame anybody but themselves for being so stupid. Nobody's parent raised kids, telling them that was the way to do it. Your average (if anywhere near close takes in high cost of living states with huge populations, such as California and New York, and much higher disposable income, and the high income states are usually high tax/fee states. I don't buy the impact you are speaking to, except on people too stupid to handle their money.
It's "stupid" when inflation has made working people's monthly bills add up to more than their monthly pay? With all due respect, White? Your attitude sucks! Those costs were NOT caused by those working people...they were caused by Joe Biden's fiscal policies!
When I say that Democrats don't care about the working man any more? Your posts prove my point!

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